We have a high iq chad leader who is philosophically and politically educated

We have a high iq chad leader who is philosophically and politically educated.

If we all just got behind him even if he is not perfect we could actually have a chance at the ethnostate.

In your heart you know I’m right.
In your heart you know you’re alt-right.

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Does Richard Spencer accept hazel eyed individuals such as Southern Europeans and Anglo Celts?


he's a fed plant

This speech is from 2013
It’s like the man had a crystal ball. He has vision and he is only getting more accurate by the day.



Not with that gyno he has and his beta reactions.

calling it an ethnostate is a surefire way to make sure you never get an ethnostate in America. I would rather focus on realistic shit like stopping immigration and kicking out illegals and then letting nigs starve or kill each other until there's no more left if they can't integrate into society. basically just reform immigration and stop affirmative action/gibs. move to vermont or montana if you want to be around other whites that badly.

Russian Spy assassination was an INSIDE JOB!

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>high iq chad leader who is philosophically and politically educated

I'm proud of him for staying in the game despite the pressure on him. He's still leading the way, with Paul Nehlen in a close second.

Who would suck on prime FSB tiddies?

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>posting this CIA nigger
In my heart I know you're a faggot.

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He's a fucking idiot with no knowledge on philosophy and economics.

Start reading some books

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come here too discuss important discovery
it's now science

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Fucking Jew tits.

leaders aren't appointed and we never chose this faggot. Jow Forums doesn't leaders

No one even knew who Richard Spencer was until right around the time of Trump's inauguration. He's a plant. Here are real right-wing leaders: Trump, Trey Gowdy, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice.... But no, let's all worship the guy who popped out of no where with the MSM covering him constantly

Top jej
Sage spook plant threads. Especially this limp wristed toadie.

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Hello baby boomer.


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Richard was THICC back then

that's a homo user

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Why are you wasting our time with this shit?

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He hosts transient young men at his expensive NOVA penthouse to sleep over.

Bump, it's time to stop punching right. I like Spencer.

>tfw not even Dicky denies the holocaust

Attached: thiccbottle.png (263x167, 78K)

>important topic
>a /x/ tier piece of shit that should be reported


There NEVER will be an ethno-state. Not one single pseudo-leader in the alt-right has even settled upon something as simple as the libertarian "free state project" let alone fathomed it. And on the political level it's practically impossible to even build a border wall. Fuck, California is practically in open rebellion and nobody is doing anything about it. 99% of the 'alt-right' are just anonymous people online. There is literally no movement and the leadership is literally going nowhere. The 'spreading consciousness' phase is never going to end. Literally, it's practically impossible to even espouse these views IRL without losing your job and 90% - 100% of your social life. The leaders of the alt-right literally have no plan other than collecting money and making podcast after podcast and the followers are just silenced shadows lurking online.

I have proposed the idea of making multiple 'free-state'-like projects but instead having them be much smaller and have them be sort of like publicly designated safe-spaces for alt-right people to move to, work at and live in, big enough that not everyone would be labelled 'alt-right' who was there but small enough that a large portion of people with alt-right views would be in the general area, no rallying or big events, this would just be about community seeding, forming communities across the USA should be top priority. Just places that operate as safe-spaces for people with alt-right views so they can finally not be anonymous anymore. Areas of major cities, counties in specific states.

Maybe this plan is idiotic but at least it's something. The alt right, if it's going to be real, needs to become a real thing, not just an anonymous thing online. It can't become real because the environment is toxic. the environment needs to be fucking TERRAFORMED to allow for alt-right communities to be propped up. The leaders of the alt right literally have no plan and I suspect this is going nowhere.