Why do women think they can demand man to be wealthy, smart, good listener, handsome, successful, kind but dominant in the bed, have a big dick, tall etc. but men aren't allowed to have almost any standards and we have to deal with their bitching, nagging, saggy tits and other shit?
Why do women think they can demand man to be wealthy, smart, good listener, handsome, successful...
Because that would require for them to do something that isnt about themselves which is incomprehensible for them
they get what they deserve. If they end up with someone that has no standards, they will resent him for his weakness. At least you're aware this is an issue. Just don't fall for it.
If they're bitchy with sagging tits leave their fat asses. It's the kardashian fb culture that fucks them over
They never mentally mature into an adult like men do. Plus they know their reproductive capabilities give them power to leverage with; it's about women maximizing their sexual strategy over men's
Unicorn men do have standards and get their pick out of the multiple unicorn women you desire. Uglies just have to settle with each other.
Because you and other men enable them to do so. If every man dated respectable, decent women, this would disappear in a generation.
Stop being a degenerate fuck and fucking anything that moves. Have standards.
This. Here in Albuquerque NM the filthiest ugliest whores have to beat the men off them with a stick cuz these stupid niggers out here have zero pride.
If there were enough "decent women" men would marry them. You're yet another idiot trying to lump all blame onto men who didn't ask for this sick social climate
>Why did Grandpa keep Grandma in her place?
Cuz we're stupid.
Married a 8/10, right wing trad who now makes $90k a year and is an awesome mom for our 2 kids. I am a 6/10 at best. We have been together 15 years. Her advice, just be yourself and don't try to be anything else, be honest always, make a connection.
because you should be happy that you have any woman at all
also it's all bullshit or you see wrong kind of women (or none and imagine all that based on what you read and watch in movies)
What would you say if I told you that women had been conditioned to see men as sub-humans whose opinions, feelings, perspectives, beliefs, etc... don't matter at all?
>just bee yourself
i don't disagree but kek
>just be yourself XDD
Normalfags need to leave
>bitching, nagging, saggy tits and other shit?
even if they don't have those problems it is still not an equal match
And this attitude only works when they are owned and controlled by men. When left to their own devices, women are destructive to themselves and society.
A lot of men already do that, and then the internet spirals into an autistic frenzy about how "men these days" opt out of society.
MGTOW isn't about marrying quality women it's about marrying no women
Because women are entitled narcissistic whores that need a good beating every once in a while, but of course if you even look at a bitch wrong nowadays it's considered rape which is why they've grown so out of control.
If you interact with actual women in public without being a fucking creep you'll find most of them are not actually the strawmen that Jow Forums and mgtow make them out to be, but that would require you to leave your mom's spare room.
true keep your dignity, her puss is never more important than your self worth. thatt's my moto.
hah hello roastie.
Sick larping desu
tits or gtfo...
>giving a fuck
The biggest movement toward rejecting shit women is the begone thot meme. One step at a time
Who says men aren't allowed to have standards, you faggot?
Seriously, but not in the normal sense. I am pretty fucking autistic and a programmer doing back end shit. I am very antisocial and don't do small talk, when I do talk it is about politics, religion, classical music, books ect. I tried for the longest time to be more social and talk about things that I thought mattered to the people around me. She told me to knock that shit off. It wasn't me so to speak. So just bee yourself is corney but true.
1. Women are naturally hypergamus, get over it
2. Only betas actually listen to women babble about nothing like children
All the stuff you whine about is just a filter for faggots who will take anything they say or do seriously. You may as well ask why it’s fair for children to demand chocolate cake for dinner and a bedtime of 3AM. As a grown man you shouldn’t even consider the statement beyond the inane background noise it makes.
MGTOW is just one part of it. I meant "men opting out of society" completely. Men are accused of this and belittled when they reject shit women which happens constantly, albeit not enough.
Women are delicate flowers.
Holy Jesus. I deal women everyday of all ages and races and professions, and I grow to dislike them more and more each day. Almost all of them fall into the stereotypes that pol talks about. Even the smart ones.
But you’re a woman so I wouldn’t figure you to understand.
That's only if they like you, or you are in some way desirable/useful. You're already judged before you even approach and are 'creepy' until proven otherwise.
you sound like an insecure teenager.
Work on your mindset or you will remain alone playing farcry in your 60s
Maybe you just gave up, maybe you are spending too much time on /pol--
Wanna bet today there is a guy somewhere marrying a gorgeous decent girl ? And tomorrow 10 more, and tomorrow 10 more...
Just keep telling yourself that.
LOL, lift weights and dress like a Man.. if you seem creepy at first glance its only your fault.
Begone thot
Go bleed out and die
How predictable.
>lift weights and dress like a Man
>he thinks this helps
It's wahman, because they go 'wah wah wah'.
If you quit requesting approval from others you can have whatever you want, user.
This. Holy Shit
>just beeeeee yourself
Hi my names user and I like anime tiddies, am a national socialist, have more guns than friends, have no sense of modern media nor culture since I have abandoned it, and will go off on rants about the Jews when drunk.
Like that?
...she gassed the dogo guys...
This Also
>but men aren't allowed to have almost any standards
Of course a man should have standards, stop acting like a cuck.
>and we have to deal with their bitching, nagging, saggy tits and other shit?
Yes. A good way to deal with all of this shit it's to not give a damn about and put the woman in his place.
He's trying to say that people don't like it when men have standards, and he's right.
But regardless, the great thing about this is all we choose what to do and who to associate with, and the internet can fuck off if it doesn't like that.
>1. Women are naturally hypergamus, get over it
wrong. only r-selective or r-type programming are. k-selective but not k-programming (can but mostly no) can have a larger effect.
Good observation user. I had a normal dating life up until my early 30's and then got sick of having to bring more to the table than the women I dated.
I said fuck that. Call it mgtow, call it whatever you want. I'm done.
Because they are selective in who they breed with and have been since the dawn of time? Jesus man. Women selecting only the best men to reproduce is the reason we keep improving as a species. You can easily be all of these things except maybe tall and big dicked, but if you are successful enough it doesn't matter.
>b..but men are superior! We provide everything for them and are bigger and stronger
Yes, because we have been selectively bred. Women have not evolved at all because their evolutionary strategy is still successful. They are guaranteed to reproduce just by existing. Men have such a strong need for sex that women can allow sex to be a desire and not a necessity. This is why you will never win against them and you will never change them. Accept women as they are, pretty faces that run on emotion. As a logical man you should be able to figure out their patterns pretty easily and use them to your advantage. Mold them into what you want them to be. They are made to be malleable. Lead them. They are made to be led. Stop blaming women for being successful. Blame yourself for being a failure.
You used to be able to mold them until all this #metoo horseshit, social media, etc.
Women belong to society now, not men. Once they get what they need from you you're disposable.
because you're fucking faggots that can't control your women.
>tfw will have 8 children at least with a qt like pic related
Let corporations farm people
women will become employees of said corporations
they will be surrogates and caregivers, teachers and coaches, etc.
Adults will then be free of the responsibility to have a family and raise kids, and can have fun their whole life.
Corporate people farming is more efficient and cost effective than small scale people farming, aka, the traditional family.
I don't have children or females relatives, should I just go up to random white women and mold them? Are you retarded? I am going to mold myself into a man worthy of greatness and attract the high tier females.
>He's trying to say that people don't like it when men have standards
And i'm trying to say that it is irrelevant: you don't explain standards, you enact them!
Also yes, i'm well aware that society is biased in favor of women, that marriage is a trap etc... but that's not an excuse for inaction.
As men we have to figure out something to solve problems not to flee in front of them: marriage as contract is fucked? Study a new form of contractual domestic partnership, marry in a country that isn't cucked, etc...
Wrong. Women want what they are told to want. They listen to the strongest voice. If you are weak and chase after them they will absolutely listen to society over you. They want a man as much as you want a woman. The reason they are reflections of pop culture is because they percieve pop culture to be what the majority of men want. Once they find a strong man they will cling to him. Deep down they still know their clock is ticking and sluts are undesirable. Make them want you more than you want them. It is tough since you are the one who has to initiate, but dealing with adversity is what men do.
White women see their men acting and dressing like this and Jow Forums wonders why white women are going for black men and interracial relationships.
>muh joos
Yea I'm sure it has nothing to do with the thousands and thousands of outspoken white males who are actively destroying any trace of white masculinity or pride.
I'm 40. I've had sex with over 100 women. I don't need a lecture about what women want.
I could write a whole book on possible solutions. Neither I nor OP are advocating inaction.
I also don't think pushing new age ideas are the answers. We simply need to remove everything added on by the jews that corrupted the west to this point.
>Call it mgtow, call it whatever you want. I'm done.
Pretty much all of our male ancestors have been MGTOW. In fact, erryone is.
It is just that most choose the obviously shitty route.
pro tip for whiteys: women only want the white dicklet's money, what they truly want is the big black cock.
>Let corporations farm people
Provided that they do not become like kikes then the idea may be allowed.
I do not like men simply living and paying their dues to be imprisoned because "they are not married 'n' shieet".
Part 2 because I'm still pissed...
Jow Forums will sit around bitch about coal burners and shit like that, then drool and get hard over feminine penis and boi pucci.
Women don't want to fuck closeted fags, at least the niggers have the right idea and don't put that shit out in the open. I've never seen a picture of a niggers dick locked in a chastity cage, but for some reason white faggots everywhere can't stop posting that shit and you faggots on Jow Forums can't stop talking about how cool you are with it.
Its simple they think because they have a vag they make the rules. Society coddles them, their parents make them think they are a princess, and even the state gives them special treatment. Add in a dash of feminism and you get fat lazy cunts with no value demanding everything and giving nothing back.
>Once they get what they need from you you're disposable.
This is so obvious before I even got to college.
Lots of people in this thread being in denial about this fact.
Here you go user just more proof you have no idea what your talking about.
Cool, 1 example. Now get about 38483848383 more and maybe white males will stop looking like cowardly pussified cuckolds all over the internet.
I'm honestly more pissed that Jow Forums bitches about white genocide all day, but as soon as someone posts a trap every one is "MOAR" posting and can't wait to get their little faggot dicks hard over it. Like, make up your minds faggots. You guys do realize that it's a reflection on white males everywhere and your fetishization of passable traps makes us look weak to white females?
Sounds like a keeper. But yes, like that. Find a girl who is into a guy just like you described.
>Neither I nor OP are advocating inaction
Sure but you're not advocating a course of action either. It's just bitching.
>I could write a whole book on possible solutions.
Care to expose something?
>We simply need to remove everything added on by the jews that corrupted the west to this point
Correct, and MGTOW is clearly NOT the solution. Instead of shitting over the foundation of the western culture (marriage and family) you should find a way to reconquer both women and marriage.
A realistic way of action is A) Acquire contractual power (becoming chad, becoming competent, etc...), B) Actualizing marriage by a different approach (private contract, marriage in another country, etc..).
Because women have a higher market value than men. Simple as that.
Lets see, go to an army base, a marine base, the police academy, and anyplace that real men are. You are only seeing the cuck shit the media shows you that is why you think the way you do. Shit any farm boy is more of a man than your average thug gangster. You just choose not to see it and believe the lies you are fed. All you see are city raised white losers and commiefornia democrats.
I'm posting just like you are, so you're bitching too if you want to go that route, faggot.
You don't need to go all autismo sperg on me about MGTOW just because you have an axe to grind with it. I'm not the enemy you have in your head.
If we fix marriage/divorce laws that alone I'm sure will incentive many to return.
>Because women have a higher market value than men. Simple as that.
It's a very quickly depreciating market value.
And many women don't bother to capitalize on their higher market value when they are younger by pairing off with a decent provider.
Thus, as they grow older, their "Market Value" depreciates, and they begin to panic as fewer and fewer potential suitors pursue them for partnership.
They are just bitter because they know that we only want the vaginas that are attached to them. Society fills their brains with stupidities about love and prince charming. They continuously increase their demands on men to prove that we "love" them when in reality if they ever took sex off the table we wouldn't be interested. And they HATE that
Whatever, half of Jow Forums is farmboys who eat this shit up. You can't care about the white race and fetishize traps at the same time. This place needs to get its shit together if it wants to be a "white board" and realize that praising traps makes the white race look weak as fuck. If my gf saw me jacking off to Bailey Jay, I wouldn't blame her for jumping on a niggers dick.
The media does push this shit, I agree 100% but why is Jow Forums so blind to this one Jewish trick? Traps are Jewish propaganda and everyone here eats it up like chicken tendies.
>so you're bitching too
yep i am well aware to where we are, now you can get down off your high horse.
>You don't need to go all autismo sperg on me about MGTOW.
Ok, i've misread your means, i'll give you that.
>If we fix marriage/divorce laws that alone I'm sure will incentive many to return.
And how would you fix it if ate least half of the voting pool is female? At least i have written something way more concrete.
>I could write a whole book on possible solutions.
Still waiting to see some of this shit
You're right in your criticisms. White men also need to get out shit together, but some advice - you should approach these situations with more caution.
Most people still think that white men are privileged and they think that there is a "stigma" against degenerates, so all that will happen is people will shout you down and claim you're the privileged aggressor and everyone else is the victim if you keep going down the road you are.
But I agree, the habits of white men are in need of serious review.
I was never on a high horse you annoying meme flag faggot. You're poking where there is no poking to be had. Is this how you spend your free time, hiding in the shadows on Jow Forums only to come out when you feel a random stranger can be a proper target for your autismo bitterness against MGTOW? Even if I was MGTOW, I do what I want and you can't change that. Eat shit.
They‘re just faggots in denial. All the trap worshippers belong in the same category as degenerate anti-white SJWs, so they will also get the rope no matter how loudly they scream „1488!“
If you‘re into traps, you qualify for the rope, simple as that.
Because they can
Social media has made them all think they are 10/10s, plus guys were not taught valuable lessons by their fathers. A lot went wrong.
bartender here. they're actually all like that, the blackpill is real. find solace in the struggle itself
Keep your standards, faggot, and punt the bitch when she doesn't do her job
>not allowed to have standards
That's not how it works. Nobody's forcing you to put up with a bitchy or abusive woman. You can have standards either way. So can they. You just decrease your odds of finding a mate if your standards are too unrealistic.
Women who go to bars are usually trashy to begin with.
Because women are emotionally child-like and can’t understand the concept of give and take.
Just typical for modern western women , entitled land whales with some education . Find them harpoon them and forget about them . Even better lead the fucking harlots around treat them like shit take their money , use their cars to fuck other women , use them in general ha ha ha !!
>mfw friend is living with a female roommate with two kids
>he falls in love with her
>I ask why?
>she’s such a good mother
>are the children from the same man
>the two kids are from two different men who have to rotate their kids through her, the men are totally successful and dominate though
I love how degenerate men try to act like a whore is a good mother, they fall in love with them and then wallow in self pity when they get roasted. To many pathetic and weak men out there that these women prey on.
Trips of truthsaying.
yeah, no.
most men would disagree with you. I'm 31 and haven't met a woman to date that isn't exactly like the stereotype. It's sad.