Jow Forums thinks this couple is evil

>Jow Forums thinks this couple is evil
>Jow Forums would use violence to separate this couple

Admit it Jow Forums you are the bad guys

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Racemixing is bad and unhealthy for society.

In a great battle to get a gf, this man has won.
I even got rejected by a chineese flat tire

you two look lovely.

Its not that hard, just stay away from foreigners.

Children of half Asian parentage are statistically the most unhappy and unhinged members of society.

Having a child from two different worlds, expecting it to be happy when it will neither be accepted as Chinese or be happy being Western.

Shameful, really.


>bad guys
no such thing IRL only losers and winners

Though I should say Japanese, based on OP's pic

Not worth it

t. hapa

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If they have kids they've done goofd.

Where are the proofs about the kids being bad?

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lol yeah marry a white woman that ages like cheese and is going to steal all your shit at the divorce courts. that its not bad

thats because father figure is usually a kike, a poor white fattie tricked by a nigger, or some clueless white beta. It has nothing to do with the fact that is interacial

the supreme gentleman sends his regards memeflag

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that's what australia and canada's for dumbfuck

Oh boy a single fucked up guy. That settles it!!!!!

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Yeah, the fathers are usually shit, but so are the mothers. After living in Asia for years, I have concluded that any woman who is so willing to be taken away from er family and community like that generally wants to ignore their rules and fuck around, becoming a rich slut in a more degenerated nation.

>Canadians and Australians


Us Jow Forums "chads" should be lucky any girl will give us the time of day, let alone a cute Asian girl. People on here need to grow up

>posts asian looking fucker

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HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.


no idiot, i meant future hapa masterrace nation

B-but, it's tasty

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>when I asked for proof, I mean at least 100.000 examples

check out r/hapas. Even with the LARPers, a lot of those poor kids are genuine

Jow Forums is a board of peace
Go back NORMIE

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>Jow Forums is one person, thread #35478

>Jow Forums doesn't think this couple is evil. Jow Forums think declining birth rates are alarming
>Jow Forums would not use violence to separate this couple. Jow Forums is non violent and law abiding

of high IQ beautiful children?

>implying the chinks in Canada breed with the natives

Nigga, please. Soft invasions don't work that way

>very few hapa grils
>most of them fatherless psychos
>not white, not asian

Stop believing in jewish pornography memes.
>white grils into exotic ethnicities are leftist sluts

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Because society don't give a fuck about mixed race people. If you can't pass as one race you're on your own.

People are tribalistic in nature and look after their own.

Asians are honorary whites you literal Untermensch.

people who racemix are selfish

t. literal untermensch

/pol i have an Asian long distance gf that im unironically in love with but we aren't going to meet any time soon and i really miss having sex. What do

in before: cheat.

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Check out the whining whites on Jow Forums. If you're a loser you will always find some way to not blame it on your own self

>Soft invasions don't work that way
they do when the invader looks like this you stupid fuck

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Nice larp pretending to be more hardcore than even Nazi Germany

>The Japanese Ambassador held an interview with German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, once again asking if the term "colored" applied to the Japanese too and if it prohibited Japanese-German marriages. According to foreign sources, von Neurath answered that the term "colored" did not apply to the Japanese.
>Johann von Leers, who was an active Nazi propagandist and would later become a university professor, stressed that Hungarians, Turks, Estonians and Finns were treated as Aryans despite their foreign origins. He thus recommended the application of the same policy towards the Japanese, who belonged to the same ethnic group of Asians as the abovementioned group, and suggested that the intermarriage ban, which only affected very few people to start with, should be lifted.
>He further stressed that many Japanese had a lighter skin color than many of the Mediterranean peoples which were counted among the Aryans. He was convinced that the Japanese race showed some Nordic characteristics--traces of blond hair, for instance--and had other striking similarities with the Aryans.
>The memorandum thus called for clear definitions in German race laws lest they insult the Japanese. According to the author, the laws should apply exclusively to "Jews and primitive races."
>Unlike other non-Whites like the Chinese, the Japanese received preferential treatment. The intermarriage with Germans was not legally prohibited.

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jerk off

>mfw hungry af
fuck, that looks delicious. what is it? do you have a recipe for it, romanian user?

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oh it's gonna be cheating alright

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True, but there is a damn good reason for a hapa to hate themselves. 50% of their family at LEAST is disappointed in them from the very start.

By god, you're dense.



















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Isn't it just marble cake?

Same issue could apply to everyone who slightly deviates from the majority. Not an issue if kids are raised with keeping identity issues in mind.

Don't care so long as they live with her people.

no i dont,i dont care about asians and whites mixing desu,its mostly men fucking their women and the kids will wind up smarter and better raised than some native roastie

Mixed people are anathema, literal abominations.

That won't happen. He'd bring shame on their family, and they'd kick them out.

Asians don't want anyone knowing their family has been invaded by white piggus

and? who cares what some nazi thought, research has evolved and shows a different picture, race mixing is an abomination, that WILL destroy your children mentally the most, if you are ok with inflicting such damage to your own children, u should be shot

kinda looks like it, but the white part looks sorta more yellow than usual. so hungry right now and this looks delicious.

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Nobody takes you seriously when your racial theory is more hardcore than Germany in the 30s

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it's called chec (kek) there are many variations of it here's one :

I would not use violence to separate this couple, but I would ensure they die together. They are of no use to either of their host sub-species as breeding pairs, and so would be shot or lobotomized to serve as slave labor.

>Nazi flag
>who cares what some nazi thought?

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r/hapas is your answer.

Live around hapas long enough and you know that they usually turn out depressed as hell. Especially military brat hapas with a goblin for a mother, and some old fat white retiree for a father

not an argument

then live in a multicultural city, not hard

She's cute, I hope they remain happy and don't go /fullsjw/

Race traitors need to be killed.

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Not seperate for me. Prevent

thanks, really appreciate it. it's a yeast-based cake, interesting. sounds really tasty.

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we are

r/hapas has like 100 active users most of them are not even Eurasians. Not an argument

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>just cut all family ties and live alone in a big city!
>asians don't care about family, user!

kek, no.

no user always happy to spread the word of chec

lol no. They go into the same grave.

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>being the product of a 7th fleet souvenir pairing is not a valid reason on why halfies turn out bad


nice cake

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Burials are for the honoured. They go on the same pile

What you propose would be evil. People are autonomous units.

You can either swallow the redpill or continue living in a utopian fantasy, but if you insist on continuing mixing races and destroying identities for people then be my guest.

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not really, looks sugary and not that interesting to be honest.

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I have posted a picture of my now 4 year old half Flip (mom) and euromutt (me dad) daughter here on Jow Forums and recieved nothing but compliments.

I decided to race mix 15 years ago because 1 I was stationed in Hawaii and was exposed to nothing but Asians and 2, at the time race mixing wasn't really a thing. Only 5% of the population actually did it, and I figured I could add something different to the blood line since no one else in my family did it.

Even today with the kikes advertising it like crazy through hollywood, music, porn and ect along with white hate, it has only risen to 10%.

Jow Forums I have good news for you. Things will soon turn back to the way you want. You know how I know? Because it is like Dan Pena said about his father that if you live long enough, you get to see things start going backwards. So right now being conservative is counter culture and is really edgy. White people are waking up and the more of family members of white cucks are victimized, the more will wake up.
Same thing happened to the Christians, they were hunted down, murdered and all it did was cause more people to join Christianity.

Also, everyone has self interest, to underestimate their conservative views is stupid.

I think they are harming their eventual children for no particularly good reason. But if someone in an ethnonation wants to get a foreign bride, it's really not that big a deal.

It's labour migration and refugees which fuck up society, a few people picking up a foreign bride is nothing.

Not for the inferiors, its all subjective.

>I have posted a picture of my now 4 year old half Flip (mom) and euromutt (me dad) daughter

but does she fuck though?

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100% a beta virgin bitch
You wouldn't stick your dick in a girl if she was plopped right in front of you because she happened to not be white

Cute couple, they look happy together.
I don't think that's true, entirely.

Look at the couples of WMAF
Usually a 40 something loser that settled for a Chinese women because no Western woman would tolerate his disgusting habbits and pathetic desires for a subservient woman.

Then there's the chink wife, a desperate and deprived third-worlder willing to trade one misery for another just to get a visa to a country that isn't totally fucked.

Of course kids born in that environment are going to be fucked up.

Hapa kids born to healthy WMAF relationships will grow up like any other normal person

They just jealous.

b-but it has cherry on top. that's my cryptonite

asians are white

>leafposting this hard

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>hurr durr why arent u a degenerate
and thats a good thing

It is. a half white-asian person is less valuable than a purebred Australian abbo. Miscegenation is death, it's rotten fruit, it's the chief of all sodomy's.

I don't simplify things to good and evil.
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst.
'Bad guys' are the enemy and only because they are the enemy. You can't consider yourself, your motives or your group as bad guys.

I would expect that from a kike or muzzie, not a fucking nip user.

It's usually not that the woman wants to leave the country, but that she sees a soft man as a novelty and an easy target. Which he is. And then she gets bored when the novelty wears off and she realises he's human slurry with no backbone.

And yeah, the men are losers.

So we could argue that it's not the racemixing itself but the situation that these racemixers meet under, but that seems a moot point. Because many of the facts of that situation would never change

>Hapa kids born to healthy WMAF relationships will grow up like any other normal person

Healthy parents don't necessarily have healthy kids, the environment can step in to fuck you up. Was just a bit in the newspaper here about some half indo/dutch kid who was about to die for lack of a bone-marrow transplant match.

Also outbreeding depression.

Why is Jow Forums flooded with miscegenation propaganda? Is it losers trying to rationalize their lust when they know instinctively it is obviously wrong or satanic kikes advocating genocide?



Seriously, only the most pathetic and beta of men go after flips. They are so goofy, annoying, and dumb.

Honestly, if you're going to go asian, go to Japan. That's where you actually have to earn your woman.

>half white-asian person is less valuable than a purebred Australian abbo
Stupidest post award of 18 goes to...

>I don't simplify things to good and evil.
>i'm a retarded reprobate

The future is Hapa (and that's okay)

it's true. Abbos are animals, hapas are monsters.