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Made with assistance from Pence

Thays the rebar that goes inside the wall you can see the cement base pillars poured at the base

That doesn't look like any of the prototypes, in fact.

Think you meant to say, a 'tall' fence.

So which of the prototypes is being used, lad?

u mad

What else do you expect, Trump has been doing shit like this for years with his real estate development projects

The wall will literally never be built.

Pool fence

But doesn't he usually overdeliver? Or else why would he keep getting contracts? I think you're against the wall, the wall which isn't yet (or perhaps ever) being built.

I've heard rumors it will be an electric fence, one of those 100000v ones that basically light you up when you touch them. Any confirmation?

>wants to build wall in 10 years
>finishes a fence in 5 years
Some may call it overdelivery, yes.

>doesn't he usually overdeliver?

In the free market yeah but I imagine for something like this the swamp is doing to undermine all work on it.

Wrong. That's not rebar and those aren't "cement base pillars"

They're deadman anchors designed to hold the fencing in place during construction. You have no idea what you're talking about.

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shouldn't you be russian?

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but Mexico will not pay recompense

I propose that he doesn't get elected again.

My comment was in reference to the other user. suggesting that he hadn't been delivering in the free market, as you put it, lad.

Like always, that's highly dependent on the alternatives.

Shouldn't you be chinese?

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Looks great to me, desu. Any physical barrier is certianly better than nothing and you should not underestimate the ability of a fence like that as a deterrent.

I mean, fuck, look at how tall that fucker is. I'm sure some people will be able to climb it, but that's really going to go a long way to stop most people and it will almost certianly stop people with children and infants in tow.

As great as that would be I would say that's highly unlikely. It's probably just a Pence meme.