Jesus was black

>jesus was black
>we all came/originated from africa
>90% of you have some black running through your viens whether you like it or not
>peanut butter was invented by a black man
How does this make you feel?

Attached: image.gif (512x807, 469K)

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you mean 90% of americans
the rest is straight bs
how does this make you feel?

We evolved from blacks. They are an inferior off shoot of homo sapiens

Attached: Around_blacks,_equality_facts.jpg (427x1920, 368K)

Attached: Blacks-without-whites-vice-versa.jpg (600x246, 35K)

Attached: Specialcomparison.jpg (3000x3000, 1.03M)

peanut butter: invention or recipe?

Fucking hell , better start importing the entirety of Africa to our countries, whiteness is over

>1 post by this ID

saged and reported, faggot

Where did whites and asians originate? Why are niggers so aweful today if they craddled civilization?

>don't care
>still white
>still white
>don't care

Slightly amused.

Why is it appropriation then when a mostly white person with a tinge of black wears dreads or braids?

Slightly peckish.

Jesus was a kike not a nigger. Sorry.

Nice one

>peanut butter
literally never tasted it

>Jesus was black

>Jesus was also a Jew a nigger Jew so thats double the reason not to give a fuck about christianity.
>Everyone came from Africa but some people stayed there in the same state that they were in when everyone else left and evolved to create greater and more advanced societies.
>Maybe you have black in you and maybe you will have some more black in you tonight when your boyfriend comes home however some of us are actually white and not some mongoloid.
>Peanut butter was patented by Marcellus Gilmore Edson a white man in 1884.
How does it feel being a bitch?

If whites evolved from niggers, then why is it that everyone has blue eyes underneath the thin layer of pigment in the iris?

Eye surgery can turn anyone's eyes blue, but not to brown or green. This suggests that blue eyes is the original eye color for humans.

No Brazilians are niggers. Jesus was a kike

>>peanut butter was invented by a black man
Might as well kill myself, right?

>Jesus never existed
>What is Multiregional Theory/Out-of-Europe/Out-of-Asia for 500?
>No we don't this is a modern PC lie
>No it wasn't

peanut butter was a major one.

Americans are hilarious, both blacks an whites LARP that middle eastern historical figures were their race.

original humans where white not black

>we all came from Africa
This has been debunked so many times

Attached: Eternal Life is free.gif (400x300, 3.43M)

Jesus was a jew, therefore he was a fuckin neanderthal poof and not even black

>jesus was an arab/semite thus caucazoid
>we didnt originate from africa,that theory was debunked via older bones found in asia and the balkands
>we share human dna but not sub saharan african dna (except amerimutts) infact some argue are whites technically human as we mixed with neanderthalls and blacks didnt are we a separate race the homo novus?
>peanut butter wasnt invented by a black man,a book showing 500 uses for it was though and people just assumed the guy invented p butter also,he didnt.

I could turn the peanut into a doorstop

All 4 of those statements are false.
Jesus was Arab not black you retard.
Recent anthropological evidence suggests humans may hove originated in central Asia
Unless your family had direct historical contact with Africans the likelihood of being part black is very small.
Benjamin carved developed multiple uses for peanuts but peanut butter was not one of them. Peanut butter was first developed by the Aztecs over 1000 years ago.

Get rekt you brainwashed lefty retard

Jesus wasn't black you're retarded

both the talmud and the quran state he was the son of a roman soilder

Yashu ben Pantera of Ordo Nazirite

to say jesus is black is anti semetic

Arabs are black Europeans you fucking spastic.

>Shills are faggots
>we all know/believe shills are faggots
>90% of you have some black semen running through your veins whether you like it or not
>Shilling was invented by a jewish man
And thats check OP. Oh rather it would be if not for
>1 post by this ID
So thats checkmate then OP
Oh yeah and also