remind me again, whats wrong with multicultural society?
Remind me again, whats wrong with multicultural society?
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People prefer being around others similar to them. Similar language, similar physical features, similar culture, similar culture.
What's good with it exactly? Ethnic food? Can't think of anything else
Multicultural societies inevitably gravitate towards their own destruction. That, or tyranny.
Read up on history and you will find this is true,
This is what happens to Poles when "multiculturalism" comes to town
It's unfair because it's only white countries that are multicultural.
Yeah, Niggers. Definitely Niggers. Not sure why you'd need reminding though if there are niggers near you.
What it's being called "multiculturalism" it's actually ethnic replacement, and it's always painful.
If your ethnic was deemed to be replaceble, I'm sorry.
some pathetic white boys just think they should be the top dogs simply because they're white, even though they're just pathetic sacks of lard
the idea of a brown man being able to outdo them through merit is just too much for their fragile egos
Whites are already high multicultural. The left's idea of multiculturalism is to only allow failed cultures to succeed.
Don't assume people are from Niger.
and this
No, that's not it. It's white people not wanting to live with other cultures that, to us are dirty, smelly, backward and violent.
Africa is a huge continent, stay there and we can stay in our lands. Stop following us around.
thats the part of globalization and uniting humanity in the future
No jew
you already live in extremely racially mixed world
Multicultural doesn't mean multiracial.
Multiracial society could be okay. Multicultural is just a recipe for disaster.
It triggers white snowflakes and drives them into an alternate reality of conspiracy theories and paranoid fantasy.
You live in a white af country. It's impossible for you to understand what diversity actually does to a society.
multicultiural society=failed society
the white boys came to africa uninvited and tried to act like they owned the place
now the brothers will come to you and actually own you
you could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*tes
a nice town, an all round good community
however because of the weakness of the whitoids all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull
just imagine, it's a nice sunny sunday afternoon
imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up
women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic whitey husbands
every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence
and these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the white women's original children would probably be neglected
who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children?
they are only going to turn out like their fathers.
the men? the men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be
they would flee to japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them
many would probably be rejected after the japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame
back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy
they wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns
this is REAL colonization
you can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse
then why changing it?
isn't it already mixed enough?
if handled properly it can be an incredible economic advantage
it means that race doesnt matter after all
> handling it properly
that's no answer, and doesn't make any fucking sense
are you a bot?
taking care of integration and not bringing in irresponsible numers of immigrants
theres zero academic proof of iq being significantly genetic, so what are you talking about?
Society goes to shit when its not homogeneous. Also out culture is the best why would we want it mixed with other cultures. Hell we need to build a wall to keep people out of our culture.
A country with one culture is one country.
A country with two cultures is two countries.
So on, so forth.
If it's not natives who segregate, it's the foreigners who do.
They like being among their own people as much as we do, and they dislike being around others to the same degree.
>ethnic food
Pizza is Italian, but you don't need an Italian to make a good pizza.
Especially now with online recipes and those relentless American cooking shows, diverse food has become the worst excuse for migration.
Fuck off shill.
> taking care of integration
what does that comprise?
who pays for it?
what happens if integration fails?
> irresponsible numbers
who decides what that number is?
based on what criteria?
you know the classic (((scheme))) of
> don't worry, goy, it's a responsible migration pattern
glows in the dark, don't you?
The problem is because you niggers don't know where multicultural ends and multiracial begins
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.
Can we meme that white countries are stealing all the strength of diversity?
The other countries should be multicultural but Israel should be homogenous
the same reason as to why mixing every colour on a paint palette leads to one, shitty colour
It might be a tad off topic, but just a reminder to Frenchies that this is a chocolatine.
> you live in a mixed world already
> why changing it then
> iq not genetic
brutal non sequitur
pointless to continue with someone or something like this
You know, the 30 years of bickering that we've had here in America and our upcoming civil war
They aren't that stupid. They learn tricks, you know? They claim multiculturalism is to our benefit while knowingly abusing white hosts. Memes won't work because they KNOW the truth. Now, I forget, how do we deal with someone when they do the wrong thing, even when they KNOW it's the wrong thing?
incompatible with civil liberties.
with multiculturalism you need a police state to stop infighting between all the different tribes
>posts pic of pure med
>asks about race mixed societies
pick one
Low trust and cohesion
Just look at South America high corruption due all people trying to one up the other for their own gain without carrying about society
walk your black ass on the moon then we'll talk, mookie.
So this... Is the power... Of black fragility...
Shut dumb negro, you are lucky the bristish didn't exploit the mines in the USA so you keep your animalistic instintics
med societies are already a mix of europeans and africans, their societies work just fine tho.
it not the multicultural society established thats bad.
but the transition into one that is bad.
Basically its an open power grab and "racial representatives" of all cultures know this.
This is why you get a shit ton of "other races are better than whitey" shit.
one the power is consolidated. and the status quo has found a "new center". Thats when its will be all good.
But for the time being. theres a lot of push and pull.
and blood
and sweat
a lot of cum
everyone feels loyalty to the government instead of to the people
The same thing that is wrong with a multicultural meal. You can take a pizza throw some general tso's chicken on it along with curry, gyro meat, hummus, jellied eels, surströmming, and a fistful of jelly beans and it will end up a disgusting mess. All of these things are delicious when eaten separately and a treat when enjoyed ever so often. If you got this as your daily meal every day then you would soon become tired of the constant stomach pain and diarrhea.
Look at that sas. That chick is totally marriable. I'd court that girl, if you know what I'm saying. I'd tap that ring finger. You know what I'm saying, frog?
Because it doesn't.
I live in a country which is 20% Arab and those Arabs are:
>75% of the prison population
>89% of the youth prison population
>Are only 15% of 'people' who drive in the country, yet are 5 times more likely to run someone over
>They are 10 times more likely to kill than a jew
>15 times more likely to rape than a jew
And from Personal experience:
>Are more likely to harass girls (When I was hanging out with female friends Arab guys drove by and sexually harassed them)
Only 20% of the Population, yet Majority of Criminals.
The seventh ultradimensional deamons are not something you should consern yourself with, you ought to focus on the current chakras. First i'd advice you to start shoving cranberries up your ass, then moving onto larger objects
Crime, for starters.
>remind me again, whats wrong with multicultural society?
Technically, when two nations are at war with eachother, at least one of them becomes multicultural.... at least, for a little while.
Oneness destroys diversity.
That's how it is in prison. In the real world that just creates ghettos, like the jewish ones Europe were infamous for.
Health problems.
>The FST between humans and homo erectus is 0.17 which is 3/4 the Black-White distance.
>Blacks are by far the genetically closest group to Chimpanzees. The Nigerian-Chimp genetic distance using Nei's method is 1.334, 72% of the White(German) distance of 1.865; using Cavalli-Sforza's method the Black distance is 0.539, or 79% of the White distance of 0.680.
>Some scientists prior to the domination of leftism and egalitarianism argued that Blacks and Whites should be considered separate species.
>There is a far greater difference between the Negro and the European than between the gorilla and chimpanzee."
>Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”
Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.
The wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), the coyote (Canis latrans), and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species yet can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Two species of orangutan (Pongo abellii from Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo) can interbreed.
>whats wrong with multicultural society?
It lowers the standard of excellence in the most important of careers.
The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and many species of birds, such as the pintail (Anas acuta) and the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), can interbreed as well.
The gibbon and the siamang can also interbreed to produce a hybrid
Some species that aren’t even in the same genus can interbreed.
Why don't you ask the blacks living in their homogenous black countries and Asians living in their homogenous Asian countries? But you learn English, the language of white people and only try to ask that of whites living in white countries. You're silly.
There would be nothing wrong with it if non-whites did not have such animosity towards whites.
Appealing to the lowest "common" denominator.
Out breeding depression.
Why did you post a tanned white girl?
The fact that it doesn't work, because different cultures hold different values, and can't coexist peacefully with eachother. Prime example: Literally the entire history of what the territory now called Israel.
Overall, a loss of quality of life.
I won't dispute that blacks are predisposed to chimp out, but all races have tendencies to chimp out as well. The cause is a human one, money. How is it that there are people with soo much money but aren't happy when there are soo many more with so little money that can't be happy because the expectations from society were impossible for then to live up to? We're basically giving free rides to the wealthy while those who actually put in any effort are relegated to the gutter.
Kuwabara, JoJo, and David Bowie? I see nothing wrong here.
>That, or tyranny
What's the difference?
You look at Tyrone and his role model is some guy on the television that raps about banging whores and selling drugs, then wonders why he's not famous for doing the same.
Literally nothing. Thing is Homo Sapiens is 200.000 years old and up to like 100 ago you were never in contact with diversity unless extreme circunstances. Now is in our faces all the time and our brain is still uncapable of grasping how many of us are there. So we reject the idea of being so many and so different, it's not out fault. But there is literally nothing wrong with diversity itself. Just have to learn to cohabitate
Then you have some rich kid who's role model is the same as Tyrone's who's banging whires smand selling drugs, gets in trouble and doesn't end up in prison like Tyrone and still gets a good job.
please don't call niggers human
just look at what happened in Europe with Catholics and Protestants and all the wars they had just over two different sects of Christianity. Same thing in the middle east Sunni and Shia. Now they think mixing all that shit together is going to work
Ha, you're funny.
Yet rich kid isn't happy with his boring job because he thinks banging whores selling and doing drugs is more fun. So society is basically a bunch of spoiled ungrateful shits running things and people wonder why everything is so shit.
> Brasil
Nigs are borderline
Half-nig kids are still dumb.
No one wants to live in a 75% retarded community. Not even blacks and jews want to live in a black neighborhood. There are reasons for this.
bot confirmed
tell me about the IQ statistics, where were they established and why. I want dates, addresses, names.GIVE THEM TO ME AND STOP SCREWING AROUND!!
posting the edited version. tsk tsk.
Money created the need for them. Well greed really.
All vacuous, vulgar things you can say because you're living off of the produce of civilized people - leeching from their society your ability to undermine them. We don't despise you because you do it intentionally, though - the Jews do that, but we're all aware that the group coherence and intelligence necessary to do something is not present among blacks. You're more like stray animals that we have deigned, vainly, to domesticate.