Post your most rare soys ITT
Rare Soys
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Least he has a son. Most Jow Forumstards don't
haha soy
Has a mutt***
That's his wife's son.
>white family
>white son
>has procreated
the sheer amount of projection from trumpcuck pantywaists with the "soyboy" meme is some next level shit
Is it just me or does she look 20 years older than him?
>Wow look at all these SOYBOYS with gfs and kids lmao they're such losers right based trad Jow Forumstards?
He does. It's just a damn shame that he will be sent to public indoctrination and will be encouraged further by his shitty parents.
Is that a (wo)man?
assuming you even have kids (you need to be able to get it up for a woman to do that, faggot), i can guarantee your effeminate son will end up working for his. go on, keep peddling the "muh indoctrination" meme--the world will always need janitors and landscapers. i just feel bad that your kid wouldnt have the opportunity to be anything else
why you people obsess so much over this vague meme is beyond me
The eyes. Always look at the eyes. They never lie.
That is just the soy's wife's boyfriend's son m8. 79% of Soys have erectile dysfunction due to low T.
I bet he's rich, though.
It’s always that stupid face with these soy goys
I prefer mutt threads to be honest, soy threads aren't nearly as funny.
I wouldn't mind a wife's son if he was white
I'd agree if this were your regular soy thread, but I can appreciate rare gets.
He's just being good with children!
You see, some people make children, and other people take care of them and pay for them.
the woman is ugly
What is the reason for this expression? What are they trying to convey with it? It makes no sense.
It’s an animal thing, you are showing you’re not a threat by your grin and bearing your neck
Seriously what's the deal with soyface?
Jesus Christ, how much soy and Reddit is this family consuming?
Feminism is like smoking; it causes rapid aging
Based kot
most soy boys come from wealthier families
These degenerates are identifiable by their education, like you. Exactly the same scum. No individuality, no soul. Their entire existance is about taking what they can get.
Someone shoop a menora on this faggot
soy cubed
I am spic so it is for the good
Das rite lil brown boi
dat ending tho
Fortunately I was born with a genetically tiny mouth so I've never even been tempted to try this stupid soygoy pose
>even though
manlets.. when will they learn?
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
tfw from Birmingham
based cat
my sides are hurting
How do you work under an unemployed art major?
kot feels the demons inside him and wanted to help
Soy boys make more money in 2 years sitting on their ass all day playing video video games on twitch than you ever will in your entire life
Cats are for soyboys
I tried making this face once and I felt stupid
Im so jealous
>the trailer park soys
ps check his feet
>don't I look like I'm having fun?
>look how exciting I am
i sometimes feel pity for effeminate kids like you whose worldview has been completely warped on shit you've read on here
Thats part of the meme lol. Despite the pose, the beard, open mouth, nintendo and soy, they do have sex and many have wives and decent lives. Hence Jow Forums's hate.
You know this the moment the meme appeared lol and thats what led the creators to do it.
and then there's this faggot
With sound
Dogs are strong, cats are weak
5'7" here
high speed low drag, y'all are just jelly of our low wind resistance
hey u leave adam out of this
fucking cat knows what's up
>not loving both types of animals
plebs detected
Also watch this.
whats the original about?
His son will probably start transitioning next year and start hormone therapy in another.
I'm not gay but my eMule Incoming folder is full of kiddy pussy thumbnails. I shouldn't have kids.
But you have to babysit dogs like retards.
They fuck up youre whole house if you leave them alone for too long.
Cats are pretty independend and can be left unobserved.
I like both.
>wife's being self conscios about being a hambeast because she wont be appealing to travaquesh living one floor below.
>"oh no my miss queendarling! you are what real feemininity looks like!"
>wife's still self conscious
>they get nutri juicer (tm)
>biggest achievement in 2.3 years
>pose with it on social media
this is their life
pretty sure its this, never seen any of it though.
Average German Male, Anno Domini Two Thousand And Eighteen
Here you go
No they'll attack your feet while you're trying to chill or sleep.
Dogs can just lay there and relax, go on runs/hikes with you, pull sleds in races, go hunting, etc.
Cats are for soyboys who lay around the house all day.
i call it the "kill me" face
I guess guys who prefer dogs like to have to take care of an animal and have it be dependent on you. Cats can take care of itself. You have to earn their love. Dogs are whores.
i have seen cats chase away dogs more often than vica versa...where did this idea came from that dogs are strong lol
dont say that someone is gonna post the webm of some dumb cunt who cant keep her two pitbulls from ripping a cat to shreds