BEHOLD RED PILL ULTRA ! . these two "holocaust" survivors are the ultimate proof that the holocaust was a bolshevik lie . i have managed to red pill my russian friend about the holocaust whith this in just a few minutes

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Other urls found in this thread:

you can add this too
It was part of the Earnst Zundel trial that ended up creating the Human Rights Tribunal in order to handle the butthurt because of the result

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best ally

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I love these threads, sometimes the red pill is a suppository.

only Americans can make good things sound gay


read the last two paragraphs

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I can bearly read a thing . Why is it so pixleted

Looks fine here. Your monitor is probably shit.

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>using mobile

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I a jew and even i dont belive in this nonsanse . they were burning the body's in order to protect people from diseases. also they didn't burn dead bodys in ovens . that is a cumminst lie .

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I love that pichure . I am planing on translating it to hebrew .

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wow a letter to a local newspaper caliming that a person knows someone who was ina camp but saw no gas chamber (because of course everyone in the camps was givena guided tour of the gas chambers on arrival - they weren't perhaps not in all camps, or not on public display)

shit tier material

Attached: icrc statement.png (650x902, 129K)

You have no authority over a court case or what was said by the people involved.
Take your shit elsewhere

hilberg was an historian who studied german documents - he was not an expert in the areas that this report shows he was being asked about.

there was a scientific report in 1946 - they took samples that showed high cyanide residue at the Auschwitz gas chamber sites.

there was another after the Zundel trial - you can read it here

i am sorry for what the khazar did to you france. my grandmother was a moroccan napoleon fan girl.

>also they didn't burn dead bodys in ovens .
then what were the cremation ovens for?

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I believe in the gas chambers and the mass murders and i think Hitler and his henchmen were insane.

To be honest i think your Russian friend red-shilled you. You are stoopid, a stoopid useful idiot [*].

[*] Useful idiot coined by Stalin as someone who does another ones errands not knowing it.

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the oven was made for making the bread that was used to feed the inmates. when the russia invaded germany they made the ovens look bigger and put the dead bones and skulls of german soldiers in them to push their agenda. i even meet a "holoceast survier that told me that the russian faked the ovens

metal gas chamber doors:

also you can make a wooden door gas tight.

the one in the bottom right of this picture is of course not the original door, not even in the original doorway (as a five second search of the internet will tell you - why do deniers post such obviously shit lies) but the two beside it , thick heavy wooden doors with large metal bolts to secure them - would do very adequately.

all you need are strips of felt around the doorframe to seal the air and you can trow he gas pellets in through a window or the roof lights.

you should read the manufacturers instructions - they say strips of wet newspaper applied around the doorframe will make it gas tight and safe. the main issue is keeping the human beings from breaking it down. the metal cage on the inspection port would stop them breaking the glass, the thick wood ans metal bars would hold them in for the few minutes necessary once they panic...

fuck off jew

I am not claiming authority over a court case. Just pointing out that the reporter is talking shit and not reporting very well. also, If I am right, Zundel lost the case?

his ideas were shown to be false

some survivors report a pit was used to burn the bodies

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Stop bumping this thread. Op is a proxy faggot.

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Go away commie


have you read those stories?

in Sept 16th 1903 – says
"I am a jew, and I think that I speak on behalf of all those of the same faith when I say I shudder at the atrocities being perpetrated in Macedonia. What a picture that will be for posterity to look upon, to behold the carnage that is today being enacted by the ferocious brutal pitiless Turk! The miseries of those thousands of Christians daily slaughtered! What a scene of pillage, what a holocaust, and we standing here idle!!

This is an article about a jew calling on jews to help Christians who are being slaughtered.
The holocaust is a holocaust of Christians, not jews. They are not being burned, they are not being made as an offering - it is clearly a use meaning "mass murder" and "destruction."

so what? there were six million jews in russia at risk of pogroms - that is what almost all those stories are about. What did you want them to say? six million was the number that were in russia... at risk of pogroms...

what other numer would they use?

oh of course they would talk about lots of other numbers as well if you didn't cherry pick your headlines...

Attached: 4 5 7 million.jpg (1498x2734, 1.71M)

from the top left

Yes mass graves were impossible - so they built crematoria that could burn 4756 bodies a day (enough to burn over a million a year) but they also burned bodies on pyres, which only needed shallow pits with the material dug out around them piled up around them See the Sonderkommando photos.

The red cross were not allowed free access to the camps and never visited Auschwitz 2 or 3 (Birkenau) The report with the 271,301 total was the number of German Nationals that the International Tracing Agency was able to trace. It makes no mention of the 3 million Poles, the half million Hungarians and other European countries jews sent to Auschwitz and Treblinka etc - Treblinka is not even mentioned on the list of camps, nor is Sobibor, - nor does it mention the mass murders of over a million jews by gas van and shooting in the East. The Red Cross has issued repeated statements that the use of this report by holocaust deniers is a lie.

The typhus lie is an obvious lie. Nazi records of the labour camp at Auschwitz show only about 10% died from Typhus, most in an outbreak in 42-43. At the same time tens of thousands died from shootings and beatings and gassings, and hundreds of thousands were killed on arrival without records being kept.

The plaque at Auschwitz was Soviet propaganda. The number on it has no historical significance. No historian has ever used this figure. The change was to reflect what historians have been saying since 1946 - the fall in the number on the plaque does not indicate any change or drop in actual numbers killed.

There are only a few photos of Auschwitz, none of Treblinka, none of Sobibor in action. There was no continuous or daily stream of photographs - this is like flying over a major sports stadium five times in five years, each time at dawn on a Sunday and claiming that no football matches ever occurred.

Attached: Auschwitz Crema I chimney.jpg (1537x2127, 889K)

Open the picture in another tab and remove the "m" in the URL before the extension type

from top right down
the chimney was rebuilt after the war on teh foundations of the original. The blueprints in the archives show the flues feed into the chimney underground - as the ovens were underground.
To say it was fabricated to support the story is strange - the ovens there are original - do you think they had no chimney? that they were never used? what about the four large crematoria with multiple ovens built at Aushcwitz 3, birkenau, a mile away? They all had chimneys, we have photos of them.

The Krege report was never published. he never published his data, or any maps. Subsequent surveys by real archaeologists showed his findings were false. the site is greatly disturbed - indeed we have post war photos showing it dug over, which Krege 's report says did not happen - he is clearly either lying or incompetent. Either way, mass graves have been found there, as well as various buildings and lots of human remains. Whatever Krege did it is obviously not trustworthy

Yes Zyklon B is used as a delousing agent. It takes high concentrations of the cyanide gas to delouse clothes, over several hours. ence the stains on teh walls. It takes less than a twentith of that concentration to kill a human being in five minutes - hence the lack of staining, also prevented from forming when the gas chambers were washed down after the bodies were removed to also get rid of the shit and piss. All the gas chambers at Auschwitz have proved positive for cyanide deposits.

The Leuchter report (and indeed Leuchter himself) has been utterly debunked. He lied about his qualifications, did no research into the documented archives of the gas chambers, did not even look a the blueprints, took samples improperly from the wrong places, had them analysed with an improper method (the man who did the analysis was not told what he was analyzing and why so he ground the samples up and diluted the sample) and his conclusions have all been shown to be false.

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There wasn;t even 6 million jews in europe at the time

i bet this France/JIDF fag believes the story in pic related

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the IFR report clearly does show that there is cyanide traces in the walls, so your infographic is just wrong

you can read the report here

Zyklon B is the trade name of a pelletised carrier for Cyanide gas - it is the gas that is released from the peelts that would enter the body, and not the pellets, so your calim about it not being found in any body would be strange in any case. i suspect you mean that no corpse was found with traces of cyanide in it. Given that the gassing victims were usually cremated, this is not really much of a surprise, but you are also wrong. Gassing victims were examined by teh American Army Medical corps at the end of the war - Dr Larson records this.

also specimens from 86 jews selected to be gassed and then their bodies prepared for scientific display in a proposed Museum of Extinct Races were recently discovered in a university depository - they tested positive for cyanide.

the gassings at Auschwitz stopped months before the allies took the camp,an the bodies had been cremated long before any could be examined.

Bergen and Belsen villages were full of fat Germans. Tons of food was in store. You can watch the film of them being taken to visit the camp.

Typhus does not make you emaciated - long term starvation does that.

and in any case, so what? tell us what happened to the 3 million Polish jews, the half million from Hungary, the 70,000 from France that went to the death camps.

tell us what happened to the 79 children on the train with Anne Frank, who went to have a shower, while she was lead off to the slave labour camp.


no one is buying your shit, kike

If jews would come forward and let everyone know that the holocaust (gas chambers/purposeful genocide) is fake then we can convince all people. Once people see that such a big lie was produced other things can come to light. Best case scenario we could overcome the elites families and stop these wars and come together as one.

Sure bubba,get off the VPN.
I don't care if it was 150k or 6 gorillion, locking up children shows what they were up to.
Only inbreds like you who roam the internet with confirmation bias and don't speak a single word german aka not having access to prime sources come up with these retarded conclusions anyway.

America locked up children too, I suppose another holocaust happened here?

JIDF all over this thread

you faggots realize your on Jow Forums, right?

your days are numbered, kike

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T russoasiatic Germ rape baby

the star will gorge itself on clay

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>There wasn;t even 6 million jews in europe at the time

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Notice how they always perform personal attacks on Leuchter and never mention Rudolph? Prime kike tactics.

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I just have one question. If they indeed burned that many bodies then what happened to the ashes?

For melting gold stupid.

>holocaust happened here
that word is reserved for the German camps.
Its the stigma, the pointing finger
do you honestly believe anyone talks about American camps? You were the good guys of the war. The liberators. the re-builders. even build the school buildings we got indoctrinated in.
>Im lucky the Americans fucked us analy, that truly saved us and Europe I cant even think what cruelty the Nazis would had done to me, pure breed german
Is the answer you get from anyone here, talking anything about WW2
Ironically, no one talks about the bongs or the rest of the allies. Fuck, they cant even name 5 members of the allies

if the nazi's wanted to kill the jews than why did they create the Haavara Agreement.
Why would groups like lehi exist

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>Why is it so pixleted
I'm watching our info departments trying to block info to Israel, sorry Israeli bro, all you guys are slated for death better GTFO while you can

whats happening with the birth rates of men in your nation and why are they dropping so fast?

>no argument
>ad hominem

Stormtards, everyone

>inb4 calls me a kike

>If jews would come forward and let everyone know that the holocaust (gas chambers/purposeful genocide) is fake then we can convince all people.
plenty will ask the hascidm


First of I know it's a load of shit & JIDF is shilling this thread, what I really want to know & can't tell is, how can be sure you're a legit Jew & not some fuckin larpers giving false hope that Jews are waking up?

my name is omri baker . i am a moroccan jew .i hate how israel has turned the sephardic jews into mutt's.

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Still can't be entirely sure but always hopeful Jews will wake up.

Reasons why whites hate Jews;
(1) Marxism & it's derivatives.
(2) usury
(3) inventors of FIAT monetary system.
(4) Holohoax

Has nothing to do with your religion, when we bring up killing Jesus we're typically just taking the piss out of you.
He forgave you on the cross & the fundamental tenent of Christianity is forgiveness.

If Jews help is undo all things listed full pardon will be given & day of the rope aborted

i will install the seeds that will destroy zionism . i will make israel a natsoc hebrew country. the twelfth tribe's will return

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>look at all these different numbers instead of the 6 gorillion
>ignore the fact that this proves the pushing of the narrative before the holohoax even happened

good heeb

>the oven was made for making the bread that was used to feed the inmates
Based kike

Attached: IMG_3912.jpg (750x709, 48K)


>using a picture of a zombie
>that will convince them of my lies
Shills these days …

maybe those are the type of door being ordered here then

Attached: order for three gas tight doors crema 3 and 4.png (528x716, 375K)

not an argument

also I have quite a small nose - nordic

>There wasn;t even 6 million jews in europe at the time
>i bet this France/JIDF fag believes the story in pic related

nope. unlike you I fact check (not 6 million in europe, lol, you would beleive anything a denier said no matter how retarded)

Wew, the JIDF is pushing a shitload of crappy memes here.

If they want to believe in this fairytale, I allow it. But at least they could step up their meme game.

>Haavara Agreement.
to extort money

Buchenwald wasn't on the Russian side

the holocaust myth was spread by gypts and communists. the crooked young impratinal kid who would belive they stories they made about auschwitz in order to start a rebellion . mordern "holocoest surviers are the brainwashed kids

>ignore the fact that this

not a fact.

merely an opinion, and one that is post hoc.

there is no reason to think that any of these stories are not genuinely about the six million russian jews.

the idea that this is a mystic number or a conspiracy is just nonsense.

also, the true jewish death toll in the camps ans the shootings, etc is probably about 5.5 million or less - Hilberg says 5.1 million

the six million holocaust is a rounding up, based on an early estimate.

this is the manufacturer's report saying how many they could cremate a day at Auschwitz

Attached: original 4756 a day.jpg (450x615, 145K)

more from the oven makers

Attached: the makers say it could be done.jpg (1234x463, 218K)

the planned, but no tbuilt because the war turned on them even bigger crematiorium with continuous feed for mass body disposal at Auschwitz

your ideas about the ovens are non historical and sadly misguided

Attached: enough ovens.jpg (748x314, 42K)

it looks like something from a ps1 game menu

The Germans kept incredibly detailed records of everything they did in that period. Is there no record whatsoever of them implementing and engaging in these acts from an internal perspective? Sincere question. Are all of the accusations posed by later revisionists and opposition only?

massive graves at Treblinka and Sobibor
At Auschwitz they used some on the fileds (fertiliser) adn dumped some in the river.

the average body makes a cubic inch of ash per pound weight - a million people would make a pile ten feet deep covering five tennis courts - it isn't a mountain of ash, it isn't even a hill.

possibly the most retarded post in this thread

you really should read some history.

Open image in its own window, and remove the "m" at the very end of the URL, just before .jpg

retyped version

Attached: 4756 people a day auschwitz ovens.jpg (508x736, 96K)

bumping cuz relevant and also to see if i've been blocked from posting for some reason ( I'm getting error messages, lugenpresse incoming )

the SS did not deal in written orders. All of the SS men testified they were given orders by Himmler, or Heydrich coming from Himmler, or Eichmann coming from Himmler, and all said that their authority came from the Fuhrer.

in the SS personal responsibility and the ability to give and receive verbal orders was part of the training - it was a gang, not an army unit

also, they did their best to destroy the evidence including most of the camp files and I would think that such orders would be top priority to destroy.

ah, so you have no arguments just snide remarks. and no document to support your idiot ideas


personally I prefer "you make loving fun" and I want to learn the guitar part for "Never Going back again"

Very interesting. Cheers

You do know that Zyklon B was also found at camps that weren't claimed to be concentration camps right?

Also, just to give you a heads up, based kike, these Holocucks are from /his/ and are trying to subvert Jow Forums. They think that they are actually influencing people here. You should visit /his/ sometimes because they get rekt on a daily basis and their chimp-outs are fucking hilarious.

yes it was also used for delousing - infact that is why they had stocks at Auschwitz when they first tried it out .

but it kills human beings at twenty times less gas, in a few minutes (it takes more and many hours to kill lice)

so what is your point? that it was used for one purpose initially but that it could not have been used for the other purpose?

Hoss the camp commandant says
In the fall of 1941 a special secret order was issued to the POW camps by which the Russian politruks, commissars, and other political functionaries were selected by the Gestapo and moved to the nearest concentration camp to be killed. Small transports of this kind were continuously arriving at Auschwitz. They were shot in the gravel pits at the Monopol Factory or in the courtyard of Block II. While I was away on camp-related business, Captain Fritzsch, on his own initiative, employed a gas for the killing of {p. 30} these Russian POWs. He crammed the Russians Into the individual cells in the basement [of Block II] and while using gasmasks he threw the Cyclon B gas into the cells, thereby causing their immediate death8. The gas called Cyclon B was supplied by the firm of Tesch and Stabenow and was used constantly for insect and rodent control. We always had a large supply of gas canisters available. At first only the employees of the firm of Tesch and Stabenow handled this poison gas, a prussic acid preparation, under the strictest safety measures. Later on some members of the Medical Corps9 were trained at the firm to carry out disinfection procedures, and it was these medics who then carried out disinfection and pest control. During Eichmann's next visit I reported all this to him, about how the Cyclon B was used, and we decided that for the future mass annihilations we would use this gas.