She went there.
Oh shit yo
>trumpfags think a fence is a wall
Rural retards
Daily reminder she is a kike
Wouldn't mind raping her at this point
Will the left have any white supporters before they realize that whites aren't a minority of voters for a couple of decades? They're acting like brown power is in control already.
The white cucks and stupid white bitch allies will have to come around to reality before they rethink their current path I'm afraid. Not sure how to get through to the useful idiot traitors.
this picture really shows off her inner goblina
Why couldn't she or Hogg have died instead of that based ROTC student?
Life is truly unfair.
Yeah I can hear the goblina teeth sucking rat noises
Aaand all the sympathy she could garner has now gone through the drain.
la creatura...
We don't. We just blackpill them so hard that they don't vote
She's a fucking airhead, that's for sure.
La goblina
>bully a classmate
>become a "celebrity superstar"
Jesus what the fuck
South Africa is an eye-opener. A glimpse of a future USA.
Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the shooting was the best thing to ever happen to Hogg (and maybe González, though she seems a lot more authentic next to Hogg.)
is that fucking acting coach always watching them run their lines like that?
You tell them gurl that Hogg being a basic low IQ white boi feeling entitled to go to the university of his choice because he is white.
Why didn't he kill them.
This is fucking true.
Yet for now sjw's are calling it racist to help the farmers ffs while opposing brown refugees. *Thats* fucking blackpilling. Makes me think Soros or some demon is paying the blacks to do this to teach Europe and NA a lesson and get leverage to make them accept more savages in exchange for helping Whites.
Cause the shooting wasn't real retard
Don’t forget about me guys
take a hint and leave then fucking beaner trash
i hope this goblin starts the race war in america.
Jow Forums has no real "ammunition" to fight this for the sole reason that they are obviously a non caucasian version of the usual "far-right". That fucker has a jammer!
I assure you that if they expel all whites from there they will be tyrannized by their leaders and their lives will still be shit.
exactly. the majority of them don't vote anyway. let them stay in their bubble thinking they have everything in the bag and they'll stay home watching Netflix instead of going out to vote.
>Bully and ostracize the weird white kids in school
>After years of abuse and neglect they snap
>"Omg stop the genocide of roastie mutts ban guns!!!"
Jow Forums should start a charity group that goes around raising money and physically investigating, I mean visiting mass shooting victims. Bring them chicken soup, compassion and funds for medical bills or other needs (for real) and get the real story.
Something tells me its going to be hard to find real victims. Or the ones we do find will have different stories than the msm.
Or some idea like that.
Might get real victims and witnesses killed though...
>liberal admits link between race and violence
>it's white and mass shootings
>it's not niggers doing nigger things
of fucking course
So it wasn't guns then? Inderdesting.
Its called giving someone enough rope to hang themselves. Let them fully buy into that narrative, and then once they're completely invested bring up black crime statistics. It will break them.
Thats actually a brilliant point for debate.
"So you ADMIT a link between race and violence?"
"Well I just happen to have some crime statistics..."
Reply with the actual racial statistics (the races are fairly evenly represented), and show the statistics about school shooters and single mothers.
What's with all these namefags all of a sudden?
>What's with all these namefags all of a sudden?
It is how shareblue faggots identify each other
memeflags and tripfags are all shillblue
White people so entitled they think they own other people’s lives still. I’m like bitch this ain’t 1823!
I can't wait for these kids to start giving opinions on dental health and animal husbandry. Everybody knows that if you are in a building where a gun goes off, you are automatically qualified to speak about any and all topics on earth. Im interested to hear her take on how to raise children and cure cancer.
They don't own other people lives and don't owe them anything either.
I'd say California and its State Assembly are a probable glimpse of America's future, and it's fucking terrifying.
Rhodesia wasn't. Fools don't learn from their own mistakes, let alone from the mistakes of others. A white cuck's final thought when Jamal is slitting his throat will be "At least I wasn't a racist".
White people so entitled, they’ll shoot a black man just for standing in they way. I’m like yo whitey, just walk around!
I knew it would be a matter of time until we saw her real agenda. She only jumped on the gun thing because it was her chance to get in the limelight. She wanted to lambast white men the whole time when this has absolutely nothing to do with race.
Niggers are so entitled they think every white person in the world owes them something. You are so fucked if ypipo disappear. They are the only ones with compassion for a nigger. We'll exterminate you pieces of shit in a hearbeat.
Won’t work unfortunately. They’ll just revert to the “oppression makes them violent “ argument.
White people so entitled they try to top each other’s kill count with every mass shooting. I’m just over here like yo bro, real life ain’t got no respawns! Play Call of Duty instead.
wait... that's a she?
oh tranny I get it, explains a lot
fucking white boys. Let's attack them more and make them feel even more alienated so they never shoot up schools again!
> haha that physical barrier being constructed on the US-Mexico border isn't actually a wall guys, it's a fence! A fence!
> how do you ever expect to stop the Mexicans from coming over with a 30 ft fence?
> it's over drumpfkins
I want to put this goblin in the hospital
>alienates and bullies white boy at school
>causes him to show up and kill 17 students
>it's "white boy's entitlement" that caused it
>now this time, trying to press the lot of them to shoot up the place
But what about the crime rate in Detroit
She is such an insufferable little cunt, projecting HER sense of entitlement unto "muh white males." Liberal mainstream media couldn't have picked a more punchable face.
nobody is going to know who she is in a few months
imagine trying to exploit a situation like this for fame.... how sick are you to do that? nobody likes people like that
>"most entitled demographic so far"
Who's feeding her (it) the texts to recite on tv?
We need find the head of the serpent here, not its mouth.
Just let California secede and let it burn.
She's a shit skin dyke Communist. Of course she went there.
who gives a fucking what an underage dystopia looking dyke mongrel retweets
I is confus
White people so entitled they think they can make laws to keep the black man unarmed. I’m like bitch, I’ll just buy my 9 from Mookie on the corner.
I hope it fucking dies slow. Kike nosed leukemia headed smug disgusting hermaphrodite.
Based white cuban.
la cretura...
Not a link between race and violence. A link between racists and violence. "White people" is a social construct made by racists who feel entitled just because they're "white."
She can blame white boys all she wants I'm still sure she enjoys getting railed by them, because deep down she likes to know that she's nothing with out a man other then a useless rag.
But the shooter she bullied was a kike raised by Cubans. He was species..
Maybe she should reflect on her own entitlement after ostracizing and bullying a white boy.
White people so entitled they believe they can use the incorrect “then” or “than” in a sentence and no one will notice. I’m over here like you need to educate yourself! It’s time to pick up a grammar book haha.
I would LOVE to find this out. It is obvious from listening to any of these little shits speak that they are being carefully coached, and there is no fucking way they are writing their speeches. David Hogg went from bumbling brat who couldn't keep his lines straight in an interview to super-status Hitler-Youth public orator. These kids are being used.
I just want to know what pieces of shit can bully a kid with no parents or family members of any kind and no friends and lives in a foster home. Like how many times over the course of years do you do this, getting a little laugh while you watch him die inside again and again before you finally realize, "Oh shit I'm the personification of apathetic evil? I might experience consequences for my astronomically shitty behavior."
Then the kid finally snaps and shoots up your school. And still. Fucking still. They don't realize what they did was wrong. They still cannot connect the fucking dots. Because in their postmodernist, millennial, social media fueled narcissistic little world, the idea that there is the slightest semblance of responsibility on them for their actions just doesn't exist.
Just so the lurking FBI are clear, what the kid did was 100% wrong and evil. But holy fucking shit the lack of self awareness by his peers is mind blowing.
I’m a lobbyist here in CA. With the Democrats here having literally no opposition in the state legislature, they are still struggling to move forward with their agenda- the senate and assembly have been going to war with each other, it’s hilarious.
Aw, you've been triggered by a teenage girl. How pathetic.
>don't tread on me but please take my guns and my rights away
el goblina...
And of course people are going to give this more air time
> Outrage = page clicks = more views = more exposure = more exposure to their views
The left always spikes the football too early.
Bone marrow donation rejection and lactose intolerance are social constructs. Cranial capacity is a social construct. Chromosomes are a social construct. The laws that keep me from dragging you to death down a country road are social constructs.
its maybe a translation thing but what exactly does "entitlement" mean in that context?
That "white bois" are too spoiled? or too arrogant? or too "priveleged"?
i don't understand
>Rural retards
Urban niggerjew
>White boys' entitlement
>Cuban Jew Orphan
No doubt.
Math is a social construct. What's your point retard
White people so entitled they don’t even know what entitled means! I’m sitting over here like go read it in a dictionary! You don’t even need a physical book, it’s on the computer!
Proofs needed
Fucking sick of seeing these cunts every time I log into Jow Forums, but this destructive children are so great at ruining their own movement, I will reluctantly boost the signal by bumping this stupid thread.
OP is a retard and so is Jow Forums
"Our people have suffered for too long the terror of blades made of privileged Elven steel."
>fuck wypipo
I love this shit. Pushing whites to the right for us.
Mentally ill boy shoots and kills people, blame white males... you are a HERO!
Mentally ill black boy shoot and kills people, blame black culture... you are a RACIST
Haven't been here since 2016, who the fuck is Hogg, and who the fuck is this Gonzales girl?
Is the US on a brink of a race war?
White people so entitled they think they can use racial and gendered terms in jokes about children dying. I’m here like racist and sexist much?!?
White people so entitled they think they can make false equivalencies without getting called out on it. I’m over here like hey buddy, maybe you should look up systemic racism. Oh and guess what, you can’t be racist against white people!