>British fine dining
British fine dining
>generic "gastropub" food
>fine dining
that "pizza" makes me sad inside.
Fries and burger are fine. Don't know what that abomination of a flatbread is supposed to be. Should've served those veggies on the side.
>burger is fine
>the party is 1/2 the size of the bread
>onion rings and a skewer on top of it
>can tell it’s dry from the picture
You should be ashamed
Burger looks okay but the pizza looks sad. Gotta cook the toppings.
wtf is wrong with that pizza
looks like a pretty good pizza if it was made by retarded hands
How is this politics?
We have known since records began that Brits, myself included, have shit teeth and shit food.
>fine dining
looks like a fucking wetherspoons
Wetherspoons, the epitome of cheap shitty pub food, is better quality than this.
>burger is overcooked (or old)
>pizza is undercooked
...the fries are okay I guess?
I've been here for a month.
See Britbongs eating.
>Sausage roll. Some sort of "meat" encased in stale bread
>Dinner Jacket. Some sort of potato with shit on it.
>Fish n Chips. Wrapped in a diaper, and smells like a vinegary pussy.
>NIggers eat chicken sarrnies. Stay away from those chicken places. Too much nigger stank
>Indian food.
Top tier. Babes work there. No nogs to be seen.
Looks like a budget hotel.
fries in a cup...
well this food is just sad, wtf even is that pizza. You know what I went to SoHo once because the chicks wanted to do that, and we went to this expensive resturant there. I ordered beef....
You got this tiny ass piece off beef, it was so small so you went.. wtf is this a joke? where is my food?
And on top of that they gave you this egg glass with a couple fries in
>that will be 100 dollars user
well I don't remember the exact price but it was high. man that sucked, I had to go get some fish and chips after
>and shit food.
You should fuck off now foreign person without a home.
>Wrapped in a diaper
>being so poor that you wrap your kid in newspaper
We do have shit food though? Comparatively speaking.
Prove me wrong.
You forgot how they eat patties of congealed blood for breakfast. Fucking nasty parasitic subhumans.
you know you're supposed to cook the pizza right?
>that ketchup licence
>shit teeth
>shit food
>shit speaking capabilities
You stupid fuckers need to learn proper English. Every time i try to watch one of your shit shows i have to turn on CC because i can`t understand wtf you assholes are saying. And then the CC is on a twenty minute delay because it takes them that long to figure out what the fuck you are saying and translate it into proper English.
Sausage rolls are meat encased in pastry you uncultured fuck. Same principle as pies just a different texture of pastry.
don't be so hard on yourself, I heard brits make good kebab so that's something to be proud of.
Soho is one of the most expensive areas of the UK, what did you expect? Also gay capital of the UK
Educate yourself. The myth of bad food was one propagated by American travel writers visiting our countries after WW1 and during WW2 during rationing.
London was and still is the global hub of world cuisine.
Much like the myth of us having bad teeth - yet again propagated by Americans
>doesn't like black pudding
Those fries* look like the bagged, frozen shit you can buy at Wal-Mart
*TL: 'Fries' is what Americunts call chips, innit
What does this have to do with politics, child? Back to Instagram.
Is that a restaurant? I feel bad for the ones who ordered it. It's trying to be hipster but fails with that little hamburger and the pasty pizza with giant pieces of capsicum.
I really feel bad for them... It's kind of embarrassing to have that served to you and you're going to eat it. ;(
tbf senpai indian food is pretty damn good, if not completely underrated outside of Old Blighty and the subcontinent and have no bloody idea why it is eaten more there than here considering it is more suited to a warm weather diet.
once, a Lamb Vindaloo changed my life.
That burger looks pretty fucking good though.
nigger what?
your food is gross, and everybody know it.
kekked hard
>Mongs who think food needs a thousand ingredients and hours of prepartion to be good.
English breakfast, Fish and chips, meat pies etc
Although when I found out some of you fucks put butter chicken sauce on your fish and chips I began to hate you so much more.
Politics? You are mistaken new friend. Jow Forums is yesteryears /b/tard all grown up. This place is what Jow Forums is supposed to be. Mods have forsaken it because they want ad revenue.
>How about another pol humor thread guys?
>Posts grainy image from Facebook
>9gag logo
>Not even slightly political memes
>Haha fuck Normies right guys?
It might be off topic, but just a reminder to Frenchies that this is a chocolatine.
Lol. The three you've mentioned is all they have.
looks like wetherspoons
i got fish and chips at one and the fish was raw and the server was stoned out of his skull and i had to take the items of the tray ad he just stood there
it was a pain in the ass trying to get a refund, my gf wouldn't touch her meal after seeing mine and the absolute state of the staff, plus it wasn't what she ordered
after talking and getting the chavy manager to issue a refund, when i sat down in another restaurant and the looked at the recites they charged us for the drinks that were included in the meals price, so that means they refunded the entire thing but then billed the cost of drinks like another order
>guy goes to London
>thinks London represents UK
Poos aren't babes
Actually you're right
Funny, that's not what your most prestigious and famous chefs had to say on it.
"Cooking in England, when well done, is superior to that of any other country in the world."
Louis Eustache Ude 'Le Cuisinier français'
"England has no rival in the preparation of seasoned pork, and her famous bacon, the renown of which is enormous, constitutes one of the greatest discoveries in the science of gastronomy" -
Auguste Escoffier 'Le Guide Culinaire'
Food has always been politics. Everything a state does is too allocate resources to produce energy needed to feed their populations. Communism is the only exception. The entire human history has been this way.
Not all of them, but the ones that work at my local place are. I think they are hafl/half.
Fucking Gordon Ramsay over here.
This is a proper pub lunch retard
Bring it, bread with chocolate shit-tier haji.
not too bad looking, but you can tell it cost way too much from the plates
>Fine dining
This is worse than fast food, though.
look how tasty this looks.
It looks good desu.
I get the shits just looking at the picture
>dunking the sausage in the egg yolk
The fuck is with you people?
pain au chocolat faggot.
only retards from the south call that a chocolatine.
Gordon Ramsey is the fucking best.
Why are the ingredients so fuckin big?
What a nightmare. They didnt even stretch the pizza correctly.
Agreed. Beef or pork tenderloin is usually the only edible dish in a high end restaurant.
Ew! You guys really are the Vietnamese of Europe - you'll eat anything!
> overcooked eggs
That poor "pizza" :(
Do you kiss Allah with that mouth of your nordfag?
thats what you eat to a good bier