This is what western civilization stands for now

>this is what western civilization stands for now
How do we fix it?

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ban "music"

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That drip...

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TFW, you realize the jihadis are correct when calling your civilization the great satan.
Putin-sama, please nuke our degeneracy from the face of the earth.

you don't

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Western civilization, who cares. The white race will survive regardless and if western civilization dies off, good riddance.

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Let's ban people . People are evil .

Classic Jow Forums.
Fucking kill yourself you commie fuck.


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>How do we fix it?
You don't have to
Don't you know all of these girls will end up unmarried and childless at 40 wondering why they wasted their lives riding the dick carousel?
They fix themselves

That's where you're wrong kiddo

You're looking at single moms "raising" fucked up generation of kids

CONSENSUAL anal rape for the purpose of Procreation


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>They fix themselves

You don't glue up a glass that's broken
You forge a new one

You're retarded. The west ignoring white and letting them have kids and raise them fatherless is what had led to this degeneracy

You don't.

>ignoring white
Ignoring whores*

Nah, thats murica.

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with a lot of blood spilled

Why she wanna puke?

Mandatory military service at age 18 male or female, rich middle or poor

Part of the act is puking on Lady gaga

girls with daddy issues, the post

Kys you retard. This is what kills femininity and female gender roles. Daughters should be at home with their moms learning to Cook and raise kids

And you faggots still think Islam isn't the ultimate red pill

Super Clap

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Why did it have to be this way....... Fucking jews

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don't stand in the way of progress user

Convert to Islam if you dont like it.

By promoting a healthy, meaningful and conservative Christian lifestyle.

And the only way to do that is to live it yourself by founding a family.

B A S E D, it's always a pleasure to see non-whites disgusted by wannabe-nigger white women

stop smoking drugs bruh and re-think what I just said.
How should we put women back in their places nowdays? You can't achieve that sort of changing without any sort of violence. That's what I meant

When civil war happens, I doubt any survivor feminist will hold to their crazy ideas

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God, these women are such trash.

Complete slaves to base pleasures. Literal regression to animalism. Nietzsche's last-man.

>being so trash even a nigger feels disgusted

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yeah the same jihadis that fuck little boys and blow themselves up are definitely in a position to be calling anyone else great satan

>How do we fix it?

figure it out.

Need to start snapping necks, this shit isn't ever gonna be fixed otherwise.

That face when you saw Islam was the only thing that would save your nation.

Behead all these thots

This. Chad is going to have 1 kid with every skank within a 15 mile radius and she is going to raise chad's bastard to absolutely destroy society from within all by herself because she is "strong and independent."

It's not even the "chads" or whatever, it's the women drinking and being whores, these whores go to clubs fuck anything that moves pretty much, get knocked up then live off the state whilst doing shitty hair dresser or makeup work or whatever.

Our societies are completely fucking broken.

Based nigger

yes, the horrible lyrics can't poison the minds of the people without its catchy tunes to catch the brain blind zone

We're practically living in Sodom/Gomorrah.

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It is ripe for harvest I say.
Don't feel too bad.
No people will ever come further than we did. We simply peaked somewhere in the 80s.
Now we enjoy the autumn over our societies and then we rest.
Make the best of it, anons.

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Why did he/she/it do this to us?

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There has been an effort to shut down all discussions related to this.
Either the threads get deleted/moved, or a bunch of posters come in and start talking about how the west is actually very traditional and sexually restrained, and anybody who thinks otherwise is wrong.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was all women posting that garbage.

>Our societies are completely fucking broken.

And all we have to do to fix it is stop women from voting. Don't worry if we fail to do that, Mohammad will do it for us when he kills democracy and starts the great western caliphate.

found the newfag

We don't. Let it burn, and then rebuild from the ashes.

Fucking hell. I'd make her eat all the eggs.

>No people will ever come further than we did
I continue to hold onto a fool's hope that one day mankind will reach his rightful place among the stars. However, it won't be this civilization that will do so.

>It is ripe for harvest I say.

planning on harvesting women, huh?

we could be so much more, if we just fixed our culture and turned our fundemental thought away from ,short-term profit/manipulating base instinct driven, capitalism. To a greater ideal. We should not just exist to feed the economy and vise versa, there needs to be idealism. IE Musk is the best example of this.

Women doing this reminds me of an animal in heat, which I'm sure is the intended effect.

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Imagine being a parent with children and you walk down the street and see this?

How do you start the conversation that Hitler was right?

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This. If you ever see nature documentaries of baboons in heat, female baboons behave in the same way as these """"""women""""""
And the feminists call this behavior "liberation and empowering"

They must have been a couple and fighting.

Kanker moffen haven always been known to be degenerates

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Nah, just some random white thot.
They're more common than ever nowadays.

>Muh western civilization
It's fucking over, there's no hope of saving these cretins. Start over and build a new one

this is only slightly better

>America is literally founded as a puritan colony because we are too religious and pious for the average Brit.
>This is our present, our future unknown.

Jews. Not even once.

Do i want to know what "eating the eggs" is a euphemism for?

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The newfag clings to futile hopes instead of embracing the dark age.

>IE Musk is the best example of this.
No he isn't, stop kidding yourself. There's nothing left, you're clinging to shadows.

>wear hijab to protect your modesty
>wear tight dress to twerk for a room of strange men.
I wonder if muslims understand what cognitive dissonance is and if these women ever experience it.

This excludes norwegians, we've been like that since forever. I'm pretty sure the vikings were worse. Probably killed a trell or 2 at a party as a drinking game, who knows.

Everybody wants to be a nigga
But dont nobody want to be a nigga

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how is this dancing
this is dry sex in public

Begin by banning soy from the food supply.

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Future cat ladies

I agree

I don;t have the pic but the most common porn search terms from Muslim countries are usually gay stuff as well.

Degeneracy is everywhere. I concede Muslims are generally better at hiding it though.

Rancid image

>nigger + white chick couples is this normal in murica


>implying there's anything wrong with snorting drugs out of a strangers vagina before vomiting purple over their tits

What's a simian?

I think the most common racially treasonous pairings are white male+mestizo female, then white male+asian female, and then white woman+nigger male


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Your country spawned all this shit you cunts.

it's euphemism for lurk more

>for all of human history 100% of men wish women would have sex with them at the drop of the hat
>0.00000001% of them actually do in the modern day west

"Daddy, can I have some money to go out tonight?"

Muslim women are sluts, it amazes me how some people still think they are paragons of virtue.
Their men also have an affinity for gay stuff, not sure why.

This are arabs Not Muslims, what they are doing is haram in every way

You need to understand that degenerates are everywhere even in Muslim countries, but at least there they have to hide because they'd get hanged if they did that shit openly like in the west

The truth is that all women are sluts.

Dancing is a pseudo sexual act.
>America shuns sex
>Used in everything advertising
Stop pushing prude ideas and talk about it instead if repressing it. boom, problem solved.

It's a joke from /v/. Someone posted a thread asking what people would do if they saw a hot passed out chick on the floor somewhere and someone responded that he'd take her home, take care of her, and when she got up in the morning tell her what happened and that she had to eat all the eggs and she wouldn't be allowed to leave until she finished.

the girl throwing up is so hot....sauce?

it's a euphemism for you going back

This is why Jow Forums is cancer.

kanker moffen?

Only newfags find that greentext funny.