Hey user, wanna come over to my place for some socialism and chill?
> wat do
Hey user, wanna come over to my place for some socialism and chill?
> wat do
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Can I bring my gun?
la goblina...
Kys faggot
She's a half jew. Look her up.
Sure, I'll come over with my Panzer IV
Why the homophobia?
>implying anyone is ever scared of faggots
What a disgusting looking criatura. I wish it only the worst in life.
post tits
No dummy you look like a boy with an unkempt pussy.
I'd love to hatefuck that tranny and rip her virgin asshole
>A-user! Where did you get a helicopter?
>Its not important just get in!
You sound like a predator
Thanks user
No thanks. I'm straight edge.