This gun grabber craze is destroying the American left’s midterm prospects
How can we meme the Dems into a gun grab party and make that the front and center of the party?
This gun grabber craze is destroying the American left’s midterm prospects
How can we meme the Dems into a gun grab party and make that the front and center of the party?
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That dude from Malcom In The Middle sure did age well.
You just answered your own question. Keep meme'ing on their shitty ideas.
holy fugg that image
Encourage them to double down, alienate the already flipping blue dog dems.
Boys; Hah Soos, or Nan Ollo?
Yuri said it best, you help them to go where you want them to go.
It's all about boosting the most hostile things by leftists to the right areas. Make people realize that it would be unbearable to exist under their rule.
it would be great if they combined the school shooting bullshit with the BLM shit and insisted on cops being disarmed
See, I really think you should do this.
Boy, it's be fun of you put the birdie in their ear then they took all your guns.
I like it already.
>How can we meme the Dems into a gun grab party
they already are that, instead meme the truth because the truth can set you free
this kid's dad sells weapons to the government
fuck him and everyone who likes him
and yes, this is tearing them a part kek^2
the question is though
>how can we help making them push this even harder, to alienate more dems?
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
eh? why would this dissuade the democrats?
They LOVE governmental monopoly on violence.
How else would they kill their opposition if the government wasn't armed with machine guns?
Keep pushing for the repeal of the 2A
Meme it hard constantly and everywhere
Force Dems to either disavow ( alienating their base) or Embracing the 2A repeal ( alienating 80% of the country)
didn't they take wands away from mudbloods in the last book?
Really just spam the repeal 2a and a bunch of other liberal BS on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, etc.
Believe me leftists are completely dumb enough to fall for this, just keep it dry and subtle and watch them eat it up. As long as they think they have the majority voice here, they will eat into it.
They are too stupid to realize that they are in echo chambers.
>I'd rather have the fantasy version of a gun
>Ban guns
... I can't even pretend to see her logic.
but they were armed...
Well it's over. The left knows how to meme.
> How can we meme the Dems into a gun grab party and make that the front and center of the party?
user, that IS their strategy. They have constructed a narrative wherein they form the “resistance” to the threat of gun violence (reified by constant news coverage of what sparse non-black gun violence that does exist). They cast the Republicans and NRA as irresponsible and irrational supporters of a machismo that kills children (only they refuse to acknowledge that most of the violence is black-on-black crime, because that wedge utterly fucks up their narrative). So far, voter registration for the Dems is up, and it looks like this is the ONLY working narrative they have going into 2018. Immigration is dead (Americans overwhelmingly do not support open borders) and the economy is okay, not that they have any economic plans anyway, so gun-grabbing is literally all the left has gong into midterm elections.
He was defeated by armed teenagers.
Circa 2018, decolorized.
They're best argument come from children's fiction.
Wtf is wrong with these people?
>This gun grabber craze
I'm so sick of seeing his ugly fucking face... he's ruining lives. He's throwing shade at every politician.... what's your evidence that this is ruining the left? The lefties I've seen think he's their new God.
>Harry Potter references
The memes are real. Goddammit.
Do it do it do it!
Ban the guns!
This won't backfire.
You realize 80 percent of the country is probably ok with radical action to protect their children right?
I'm gonna bet that all of you who think you're in the majority and that a 2a repeal would go down in flames here don't have kids.
I think you may underestimate the response by parents when their kids are getting shot.
By all means, take their line and make it even more extreme. There's no way that'll backfire.
Every day he's on tv makes it better for us
That little fucker is the anti Christ
Wtf is their obsession with Harry Potter? Retarded fags
>it worked in my favorite kids book/TV cartoon
what the actual fuck is this text-book non-argument bullshit
how many of these are there?
is this everything they bring to the table?
please tel me its poltards in disguise memeing for shits and giggles
"Liberal former Supreme Court Justice Stevens say we must repeal the Second Amendment ."
The RNC should running ads that start with that all over the country.
holy shit the cringe
If we can meme that the minute the 2A is repealed there will be an instant Russian invasion or that the gun grab argument is a Russian ploy, then they'd have to hate it right?
not gonna lie, joined NRA, SFA, and GOA after all of this shitstorm
>best $75 bucks i've ever spent
The biggest thing the left has going for it is its hatred of Trump. That is going to mobilize them to vote. The right needs to get its base fired up and the threat to repeal the Second amendment is the best thing to do that. We need to meme that is what this election is about for the left.
Dumbledore was really the puppet master though
>have wand
>cast spell making giant killer robot with ma deuces for arms appear
>we're coming for your jobs
How to defeat the democrats in the fall? There's your answer.
"We" aren't doing shit, the Left is doing this to themselves all on their own. Damn is it good having idiots for opponents.
He's not a liberal sadly. He's a Republican. Better yet, a RINO
You're not wrong.
Check. I did on their march day
'twas your civic duty as a law abiding American
are these real signs or Jow Forums memes? why do they love HP so much?
Can (((we))) meme the laws etc the NRA has been instrumental in helping pass? Ex: Allowing pilots & Air Marshals to concealed carry post 9/11?
real, i've met lefties before and within 10 minutes they asked me "which house I belong to"
All real, yeah.
Can a face literally get anymore asymmetrical than that
Avada the muglees!
Blood wars now!
Honestly: Speaking of gun grabbing and shilling for pro-DACA shit is going to cost Democrats in the 2018 election for sure. They COULD have won just by shutting the fuck up and not doing anything, because Republicans are less fired up about mid-terms once they have a Republican president. But no, Democrats are basically the Jewish Party at this point, and they absolutely cannot stop pushing anti-white pro-genocide anti-Constitutional agendas in tone-deaf campaigns on every media outlet.
So Republicans, who normally wouldn't give a shit, are now incensed and will actually vote.
Just think about how crippled the Democrat platform is for a second. They have absolutely nothing, NOOOOOTHING, to offer this country, except undoing this country. They can't run on economy, Trump owns that. They can't run on jobs, they just got done saying for eight years they don't give a fuck about white workers and that white people should die, and they can't run on foreign policy, because Democrats literally made and funded ISIS and turned a blind eye to drug gangs. So all they've got is anti-whiteness, communism, and "FUCK DRUMPF!" They're fucking dead as a political party. The DNC is kept alive solely with Jewish money.
They're vapid cunts with no life, interests, hobbies, passions, or desires outside of mindless consumerism such as Netflix, social media, and narcissism. At this point I'm not sure if society failed them or if they failed society.
This reminds me of how furries constantly push their furry shit into everything unrelated that they care about.
>and they make fun of people reading and quoting the bible
Does anyone have that Hapa cycle meme? He looks literally 1 for 1 like the salty Hapa caricature
They would still win anyways because of how many shitskins there are in America.
>haha get she's black and a monkey xD
This is true. If there's anything that will get republicans out to vote, it's democrats screaming that the 2nd amendment should be repealed.
Nice boomer meme
This breaks the state of our union quite well.
Keep pushing gun grabbing
"Away with the blades made of Elven steel!"
>This gun grabber craze is destroying the American left’s midterm prospects
yes but both sides work together, the plan is war, apparently with Russia but a war with whoever will make it work
our job is to prevent the war because it soils all the money they spent getting their plan to this stage
fun times
they're obviously trying to push people farther right, for military escapades overseas again
but I don't think it will work this time
This one can't be real. All the others were stupid, but this one is just too fucking retarded for any functioning adult to make and proudly display in public.
>Think about that
>reading animal farm made us believe in giving the state more power and allowing it to disarm its citizens
How fucking dense are these people?
whats with the obsession?
Create new accounts on fagbook and twatter that are convincing and tweet celebrities and politicians about #repealthe2nd and #gunsareracist
How's this? It's my oc.
It takes a special kind of retarded to read 1984 and Animal Farm and come out of it thinking the moral is "Give up your weapons goy, the state will protect you."
>Keep pushing for the repeal of the 2A
>Meme it hard constantly and everywhere
>Force Dems to either disavow ( alienating their base) or Embracing the 2A repeal ( alienating 80% of the country)
Wait, will this work? I mean every libtard I know is behind this.... why would this alienate anyone???
Did you get the hat, the knife, or the duffle?
Actually there is already a ton of traction that March For Our Lives is a white supremist movement because it doesn't acknowledge police killing black people enough.
in a lot of ways we don't have to do anything, just continue to stoke the fire and divide black people from the dems.
March for our Lives = White Lives Matter
Moderates and the non coastal democrats would switch the vote or not vote at all. Plenty of dems here in the country that like trucks and guns.
that's actually not half bad leaf. we need to keep stoking the fire on this
These people vote?! They can find their way to a voting booth? New law: IQ under 85 NO VOTE, NO GUN, NO WELFARE, NO SAY. Make it on your own and do the best you can.
Orville was a socialist nigger.
Good guy though.
This might have legs
More of this nasty sarcastic gun grabber talk like how you don't need a gun like that bla bla bla