>be me >work at (((Starbucks))) >Have shifts changed constantly at last minute >get called in last minute all the time to cover >because I’m not a weak faggot, all the girls expect me to deal with the bums and riff raff who populate the downtown core. >boss is an Arab-québécois, the worst of both worlds. >finish my shift on Sunday, get Monday and Tuesday off >schedule changed during that time. Nobody calls me. >get angry call from store manager saying “if I want a job I better show up” >spend next days pointedly ignoring his and asst. manager calls >show up for my shift as per old schedule. Spend 8 hours giving away everything for free. >be arm deep in frat boy vomit just before closure on a Saturday night. >boss calls in and discovers I’m there. Wants to speak to me. >”Hi, hook nose. I quit.” >hang up on him. >keep hanging up on him every time he calls in. >tell my co workers goodbye. The decent ones quit en masse in the past 2 weeks, leaving the absolute degenerates and deadweight to run the store.
This whole experience was like a microcosm of society. I want to be a NEET again. The only reason for me to work is to escape this place. I hate it here.
Yeah, fuck me for wanting to work and not being a leech. Let me guess, are you going to tell me to go to trade school next and make 100k/year turning screws a quarter-turn right?
>gotta have money to buy an education >HURR JUST BOOTSTRAPS YOUR WAY LIKE I DID INTO A REAL JOB
Are you a fucking boomer, by any chance?
Robert Powell
Welcome to slavery. You’ll get plenty of people tell you a lot of lies in this thread but it really doesn’t get any better. Modern globalist society is pointless and awful. And no, I don’t think communism is any better, they are both slavery. I want to end it
Ryan Powell
OP you sound about ready to join the meatless diet revolution.
I know. I want to. Just despairing right now. I’m looking at some warehouse gigs and applied for the army reserves.
Sebastian Cook
Your only chance in the corporate world is to lift, read, and become a manipulative, scheming psychopath.
Carson Sanchez
Learn to say "no" once in a while. Between your legs is a nut suck (i could be wrong) grab it, and man the fuck up user, Jesus...
Jackson Cook
Men need a job that's uncomfortable, one in the elements. Go look for he worst job you can find and do it well, your cup will floweth over
Oliver Sanders
Love that you gave everything away. Lol wish I were there that day.
Jackson Ross
don't let the propagnda fool you, the working class in canada is fucked.
they can't say no anymore.
that would be saying yes to starving.
David Brown
You're a poor canadian working class. one of the "hard working canadians" Trudeau talks about. Translation....You're screwed. This country is on a downward spiral, enjoy the ride.
Caleb Bailey
In my experience as a hard worker who is never late and always handles customers and work place drama positively I understand how you feel.
When I was in retail years ago >co-worker on opiates all day, gets any day off she wants cus shes her dying dad's caretaker >30 year old pedophile who had all his waged garnished because of 4 different mommies >lazy 50 year olds I had to give orders to >boss who stole on the job
The harder you work the more responsibility you get. Pay stays the same. So are your degenerate shithead co-workers really dumber than you or me? They get exactly what we get and all we can say is that we are more hard working and dedicated.
You could write a huge essay on why the workforce is full of freeters, unemployment seekers and lazy garbage. Turnover rates have skyrocketed where I live and managers at retail have to keep people who drink on the job because they are more reliable than youth hires.
>work at (((Starbucks))) if you had said Tim Horton's, we would have believed you leaf
Liam Mitchell
>Be Canadian >Oil patch still productive >Rigs/ Rig service jobs always looking for people >hiring out of province >cucks bitch about shitty jobs >can make 70k first year, just need to invest 400-600$ in sone courses and requires no education >most companies pay for your courses >OP works at fucking starbucks like a cuck
Anthony Martinez
you need newer material.
stop demoralizing people for cash bud.
Landon Davis
Apply as a refugee
Owen Gomez
Learn a trade faggot.
Dylan Price
I'm really sorry, man. We're gonna get your country back. We've got the technology.
Zachary Gonzalez
>implying the jobs still exist
Juan King
Go wash trucks in Alberta and make 60k/year.
Caleb Torres
Yep dont get a decent job, you're right keep working for nothing and go to school so you can get a better job to pay off debts.
Jayden Hill
are you hallucinating?
Zachary Perez
There's a job shortage in Quebec.
Andrew Adams
>You should take advantage of this opportunity in order to better the life you're complaining about. >Stop demoralizing people jfc you wouldn't know bootstraps if somebody smacked you with em
Michael Ramirez
how does your 'advice' help OP? game it out for us.
Mason Ortiz
are ya fucked bud?
trade work in Ontario is fuckin boomin
Anthony Bailey
>Can't hack it in an entry level job in which many beaners and Africans can even manage to keep up. >throw tantrum and quit >Reeeeee I'm entitled to so much more >Anybody who isn't an unemployable failure like me is a "boomer".
Your little ship will come in any day now, faggot. In the meantime I'm sure plenty of other lifelong losers will come in and cosign your bullshit excuses for failure.
>Thousands of oil and gas jobs lost during the Alberta recession are gone for good, predicts ATB financial chief economist Todd Hirsch.
Even if the price of oil surpasses $100 a barrel, Alberta's energy workforce will never return to pre-recession levels, Hirsch said.
>FINANCIAL POST: 100,000 jobless energy workers struggle for a place in the new economy
tar sands jobs are a meme.
Elijah Nelson
"strong manufacturing sector"
everyone is leaving. minimum wage plus hydro rates has the place emptying. get with reality son
Alexander Lee
Yea and as someone who works in the patch, we're still looking for people. We've always needed people. The gravy jobs get cut, the overpaid office cunts get cut. The people in the service end always keep working.Shit breaks, they ate required by law to fix most wells. Put your boots on and man up.
Aaron Gomez
the Jow Forums-boomer overlap is quite extensive once you see it
OP move to a smaller town and get a job building fences. comfy work. not too hard, seasonal, and you're outside
Aaron Jones
he just has to walk into that oilpatch, look the foreman in the eye and tell him he's ready to work. if he executes a firm handshake they'll pay for his schooling.
welcome to globalism where domestic labor is the lowest priority because third world slave labor does all the manufacturing and illegal immigrants do all the unskileld and semi-skilled work at slave wages.
But don't worry, it results in maximal GDP growth for the elite Jews.
Henry Williams
doing porn and getting aids wont sole his problems
Alexander Barnes
Learn a trade you lazy useless fuck. Work construction as a wheelbarrow pusher and pick up useful skills from the carpenters and masons. Become a plumbers apprentice. College is useless for anything other than stem anyway.
Dylan Perry
But at least you have free health care eh
Tyler Turner
Become a lumberjack or something.
Isaiah Turner
look leaf, trades arent much more complicated than warehouse work.
do this >look up for job as a carpenter or any other trade >look up where there says "no exp needed just will to work" >get job, get exp, get money, possible even education your employer pays for
its a cool job, can be physical, but depends on the job. capichy?
Xavier Murphy
Big shortage of golf course workers right now.
Jaxson Johnson
Oh look. Another unemployable entitled loser mocking the idea of networking to find employment. I'm sure in your next post you'll make the excuse that others are working jobs you can't get because they "know somebody".
Isaac Reyes
are you hallucinating?
Adrian Gray
$5000 + 6 months free to study 4 courses.
NAT Network admin.
Starting wages $55-$60k and it goes up from there with experience and extra courses taken while you work.
Take them in this order; A+ course Linux commands intro Cisco course on running switches and routers Microsoft servers
This is for Vancouver BCIT but I'm sure that you can do this in Quebec or any other province
As you work your way up the Cisco ladder you can get well over $100k per annum.
Alexander Rogers
I saved up 8000 from a call center job over a yearlong time span, spent it on a 20 week welding course, now I do repair work on US naval ships with a contractor company, earning about 90 000 a year before any bonus or overtime. Just because you're either lazy or too fucking stupid to upgrade your life, doesn't mean it's not possible. Also I never graduated high school.
Jose Long
This, it's not as good as it was but there's still decent money to be made, if you can stand camp
Benjamin White
What about your eyesight?
Gabriel Roberts
lol where do you want to work then? North Korea? You had the choice to quit. Anywhere else, you are stuck at your job, eating grass and bugs.
Noah Nguyen
Enjoy your body when you're 40
Juan Reed
Not an argument.
>Just because you're either lazy or too fucking stupid to upgrade your life, doesn't mean it's not possible.
Pretty much this. Though I'm sure all the perpetual losers here will just call you a boomer for making something of yourself.
Quevec labour laws really that shit? Ontaruo has laws around how soon they can modify a shift, and they have to inform you of the change.
Elijah Robinson
>Enjoy your body when you're 40
you dont have to take it as a long time job/career. Sure trades and all that are a meme on pol, but as a short fix its still better than starbucks.
Grayson Sullivan
you are guilty of the crime of subduing yourself to a foreigner, but you turned it around the last, last minute.
NEET life is king
Hunter Roberts
What a bitch excuse
Samuel Johnson
>Enjoy your body when you're 40
>work 20+ years in the trades >save and invest nothing like a fucking nigger >never get promoted to supervisor >never start your own business and just bid jobs and supervise others
Camden Cruz
Eyesight isn't a concern, as much as breathing in fucked up stuff, especially fumes from galvanized steel. But most companies are top notch with health and safety, and usually provide you with decent PPE and fume extractors. Probably won't live to see 80, but whatever.
Samuel Rogers
>t. teenager
Colton Roberts
Nice larp. I used to manage a call center, $8000 is half a year's salary. You either lived with your parents or you're pretending to be le hard-working boomer.
Hunter Rodriguez
I thought only females and faggots worked at kikebucks
So are you a psychologist for work or is that just a hobby when you get home from your day job?
Bentley Bennett
>You either lived with your parents or you're pretending to be le hard-working boomer. Or a loving wife that covered half the living expenses...
Adam Ward
>Honest to fucking God. I was making 50-60K a year buying/selling/trading Magic the Gathering cards from 2003 through about 2014.
Fuck me this is a way more problematic sign of a rotten society then young men taking the NEET escape.
Jack Reed
>westerners always say how Russia is a shithole and their great countries are not >constantly whine how tough life is and how they want to leave the country or kts Seriously grow up to a man already.
Oliver Gutierrez
Do landscaping, work spring, summer, fall and ei in the winter. Plus you don't deal with dick clients for the most part.
Jose Morris
tell me more about your business exploits
Alexander Clark
What the fuck are you doing? Do you realize you can just grow and sell weed, right?
>Fuck me this is a way more problematic sign of a rotten society then young men taking the NEET escape.
You're not too far wrong there.
Really when I first got into it it was a whole different type of person I dealt with. Made some great friends all around the world and did a shit ton of traveling. It was fun for about 8 years, the last few years was a soul crushing grind.
Been living the last 3 years off my savings trying to get a new business off the ground, still have probably 8 grand worth of cards stored away that I could sell in a pinch but the new business is paying my bills now and should be paying me a good salary in another year or two and as I invest in automation with a lot less effort on my part.
Adam Sanders
THat was years ago shut the fuck up
Ryan Hall
a faggot like the op wouldnt be able to handle running a business. this low self esteem no-back-bone nigger will work for nothing. I bet she's a mexican.
Connor Morales
closed down my business last year. Still have to do the tax files for it and the tax authorities send me warning letters. They could just give me the form to fill out, but i have to get the form by jumping threw some hurdles like a show puppy performing tricks for them
Never again. Never again will i do regular work where some government parasite can take his share from.
Eli Stewart
you seem to be attempting to demoralize the OP.
Connor Myers
I used to work as a waiter and it was the most doggy-dog job I ever had. Seriously, working in any kind of restaurants is for hopeless faggots and holops.
Owen Bailey
I am a Canadian citizen. They just give you a passport after 3 years residency. What a joke.
Parker Garcia
>thinks he is holding the store together and quitting will somehow hurt the company
Ryder Clark
a bad month can bring an end to a small business in ontario. very tight margins. wasn't always like that.
Gabriel Campbell
Not so much society, but Arab-québécois management. Threatening employees so immediately with dismissal isn't a good practice or tool of administration. Even agnostic to feels, that shit will filter away good employees.
Angel Gutierrez
nope. she did it to herself. she needs to man up. she missed a great oportunity to become a manager- instead, protected her entitled lifestyle and sensitive feefees. she's a complete loser. I wouldnt even hire her as a hooker.
Cameron Wright
If you aren't making 7 figures a year being born in the family lottery you were born to be a wage slave
Evan Ortiz
>tell me more about your business exploits
I've been a chef at Wendy's Painter Direct (straight commission) sales (started with vacuums) Sales management Retail management eBay/online sales (MTG cards and consignment sales) I even worked for a Chabad rabbi for a few years managing his ebay auctions. Maple syrup farming Currently still in the maple business but in more retail and value added... sold the sugarbush and syrup making infrastructure buying wholesale from contacts I made in the industry.
In between I did a few other things briefly including starting a carpet and window cleaning business (total cost of about 1200$ between two of us) making 50-80$ an hour. Got burned by my partner there but walked away because I really didn't enjoy the work.
What did you say you do for work again?
Cameron Moore
Canada's economy is non-existant. Canada is nothing but a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. All you do is sell your raw, unrefined resources mainly to the USA at substantial discounts to market prices because you're too stupid to build pipelines to the sea so you don't have to rely on your sole customer the USA. You also don't have enough refining capacity to process all your domestic production, so you have to pipe it to the Koch brothers in Texas who refine it to you then charge you the crackspread. Any skilled White worker IMMEDIATELY leaves Canada and goes to work in the USA or abroad. You literally pay kindergarten teachers with degrees in feminist literage $120,000 and high school 80 IQ cops $150,000 a year while Nuclear Engineers make $100,000 only and computer programmers live off food banks.
I'll give you an example. Someone I know went to Waterloo for a B.Math CS&CO double major, as you know Waterloo CS is up there with MIT/Harvard/Stanford and a top feeder school for Silicon Valley. Something like 10% of Microsoft/Google/etc is Waterloo CS grads. Google was founded by a Waterloo grad. Bill Gates personally visited Waterloo (a fucking farm town in the middle of nowhere) to compete with other firms for its 300/year graduates. Now this person did 6 (paid, market rates) internships primarily in the USA and Europe at top firms. This guy pulls $300K+ USD easily, yet he showed me some job postings from Canada
>McAfee Waterloo >Senior Programmer >Assembly, Algorithms, Low-level Assembly >Pay: $42,000/year CAD ($32K USD) >1 week vacation >60+ hours a week, no overtime. That's $13.70/hour before taxes. Ontario's minimum wage is now $14 I believe, going up to $15. So a Flip working Tim Hortons cash register would be earning more.
LITERALLY less than 10% of what you'd make in the valley.
Canada needs to fuck off and die. The GDP print came in today too: expected 2.8% YoY, came in at -0.1%. Canada's economy is fucking collapsing
Do you make six figures a year and have an 8 inch cock
Xavier Ross
Only until you can't transport more slave workers into areas. Houston's a great example of how that can crash. The city can't grow anymore because a janitor can't afford to get into the downtown areas , and they keep importing spics.
Justin Nelson
Good on ya leaf! But if you are young, get in a trade. Be an electrician.
If you get in the army that is okay, but the army in both our country is run by blue haired trannies.
Lincoln Smith
Why do you think OP is a woman anyway? >because I’m not a weak faggot, all the girls expect me to deal with the bums and riff raff who populate the downtown core
Leo Morris
>small business >Starbucks
Parker Long
beautiful post
Dominic Rodriguez
David Reyes
You are retarded if you think you can make 70k in the first year...
Good luck even getting an oilfield job now.
Carter Russell
A chef at Wendys has a better living standard than a STEM grad in Canada.
Especially if they're Muslim and have 8 kids-- each kid is an extra $1000/month, so an extra $100,000 a year cash tax-free.
Eli Wilson
boomers and gen-xer's are a real problem for get young people decent jobs or careers. Boomers just won't fucking die and hang onto their jobs until the bitter end stalling out upward mobility for other employees which blocks opening for young people just trying to get started. Added to that the single mother and women coming back into the workforce after rearing their kids puts young lads just starting out at a disadvantage, gotta get that diversity quota up and young white males don't check any of the boxes. My advice to the young men here, start your own business or get a trade, there is no place for you in the corporate wold anymore
Wyatt Gray
Remigiusz bringing the artillery down of leafs' heads.
Knowing people is how a good majority of people find work for real. It's not the only way. I got a meme degree and lamented it. Bounced from shitty job to another until I listened to POL and got into a trade. I worked hard and improved my skills. One day my dream job called me up and asked me to interview because I had worked hard on a resume that was comprehensive and honest.