Although male beauty is great. It's not as big as a gift as female beauty. How much does a man's beauty impact his life? Your thoughts?Should laws be changed because of it? And how would you rate this guy's looks on a scale of 0 to 10?
How much does a man's beauty impact his life?
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>monkey ears
Im a hot guy in great shape. Men are more likely to respect you and women look at you a lot. If you also have charm, like me, then you will never have to worry about getting a job etc.
So yeah life on absolut easy mode. Esepcially being a nordic White born in the worlds most comfy country with the Best looking women.
Guy in pic is a 6
He's very handsome.
Looks are part of attraction and relationships, but any decent relationship involves personal and psychological compatibility too.
Im a hot dude in shape as well and while my experience hasnt been so stellar i can say ive not been single many times during my teens and having girls tell you they sleep in your shirt to miss you less is an awesome feeling
Still, there are downsides ofc. Dating isnt exactly an easy game and i cannot get laid anytime i want but dudes do respect you more if youre tall and in shape
Regarding how looks are for men overall id say being good looking is more important as a dude than as a girl. Most girls are rated as good looking by men and even those who are subpar can get a bf without much effort.
I was always considered handsome and feel it gave me confidence to step out in ways my less attractive friends couldnt or wouldnt. I have genius level intelligence so that certainly helps in the job sphere but it didnt do me any favors in relationships. I frequently overthought social situations that kept me from talking to girls or making friends. I had my share but not to the degree i could have.
Its useless to brag on an user board so i hope this doesnt come across like that i just feel that attractiveness DEFINITELY gives men a step up that less attractive men wont receive. I do, however, believe confidence completely outweighs attractiveness and even ugly but confident men are the real overachievers. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, etc
I genuinely curious as to why the women in your countries choose to fuck arabs and niggers instead of native men. I mean you guys have near perfect genetics, over 6' with aryan features, so oiymakes no sense to me. Does it have to do more with female brain washing or the men in these countries becoming cucked
Downside of being hot is having a gf because you have to reject so many hot bitches
In all honesty this chick looks like shit.
>And how would you rate this guy's looks on a scale of 0 to 10?
>How much does a man's beauty impact his life?
A whole fucking lot. I cannot count the times I was preferred over some more experienced/trained dudes in work, just because I am quite good looking and charming.
Even if you are skilled as fuck, if you can't convince others of you, you're doomed or will never aspire to something bigger. Being handsome adds a big bonus to this aspect
This hasnt been my experience at all though
Ive always had a gf growing up but its not like i had to reject tons of bitches. A few but still
Nowadays though when im...25+ dating has gone to absolute ass. These days im lucky to even see a girl who is decently dateable and having a uni degree does fuck all for your sexual market value
I really wish i had taken better care of my youth and fucked as many girls as i could get my hands on, the signs were there and all i had to do was exploit them but i stuck to my gf thinking dating was gonna get better as i got older
Oh well
Americans are probably the biggest racemixers though
Man's beauty impacts everything in his life.
>How much does a man's beauty impact his life?
Not as much as for women, but still a lot.
>how would you rate this guy's looks on a scale of 0 to 10?
You look like that Nik Cruz guy, OP. But cheer up: he get's plenty of fan-mail from crazy bitches.
Why are you rejecting them?
Remember the only reason a man ever gets laid is because brad pitt isnt in the same room and he can only bed so many at once.
Never underestimate female hypergamy.
Beeing handsome gives you some advantages but you can do fine if you don´t look like a total scumbag.
This is true, it is completely fucked and the mutts are disgusting. There is no saving this country it has been destroy by jews and nigger culture. I was just asking the user from Denmark why the women in his countries fuck arabs when the native men have near perfect genetics. It makes no sense to me
women are attracted to emotions.
looks don't really matter.
I'm a 10/10 in looks but very stoic and logical.
women hate me.
>Although male beauty is great. It's not as big as a gift as female beauty.
guess how I know you're an idiot
Most intelligent and hot woman I know here in Germany only settle with germans or successful south europeans/turks. Only the fat/retardet/leftist ones choose unskilled shitskins.
>I’m 10/10
>Women hate me
I really hope this is true and that all the memes posted on here about blonde scandinavian and germanic women going out of their way to get blacked is kike shilling. Seeing that shit really made me blackpilled
I've noticed that the effeminate twink types who are seen as good looking basically get all the respect while being free of their male gender role.
Say what you want about Chads but at least they put in some effort to get where they are, while effeminate twinks make the white race weaker consistently and they live life on easy mode.
I'm decent looking, but short. I've found that height and a strong jaw line go a long way for most. I play the "totally likable and cute" angle, and it works. Toss a little naivety in there, and as long as you don't mind being the end of a joke from time to time, people keep you around and actually like you. In a way, I'm like everyone's favorite pet. Funny thing is, I've been quite successful with women for some odd reason.
It is what it is, I suppose.
race-mix culture
I was skinny as shit in my teens and started going to the gym in my early 20s til now so I can confirm. Having a good physique changes the way people see and treat you. I get taken much more seriously at work now, men treat you with more respect and women are more open to engage in dialogue and flirt a little. My girlfriend who I have been with since my teens has got in shape since and says the only difference she has noticed is more guys staring at her. So yeah, it's more beneficial for guys to be good looking in my opinion
same. I am very tall, in good shape, good logical intelligence. but I lack social skills and women are immediately turned off by this
This has to be the reason. Unfortunately most of these women wont realize their mistakes until it is too late
A man's worth is defined by his actions.
Which guy, the twink or the tranny?
>Men are more likely to respect you
This is true, and one of the reasons I started lifting and jogging.
All men all-over the world are selectively bred to have the traits women like the most.
While it's a dumb meme that women like to go for other races, there are always some people in them that are attractive, and women will virtue signal to them.
>entire thread full of fake and gay shill testimonials
We have full on faggots running societal institution, so there you go.
That guy is a complete 10/10. The only "6' he is is a 6 on a 5 scale, ie 6/5.
>gay porn terminology that no straight man or even women uses
>posting all bullshit at that
You faggot. And shill. All shills on this shill board are giant faggots.
can you impregnate my girlfriend
All it does is mean how much pussy it gets, unless he is a literal 10/10 plus lift weights 4 hours a day to become a model.
Female beauty on the other hand will get you money,jobs,power,fame even if you are above average.
t. le 56% white flagbearer
Just as much as it does women. Imagine growing up being told what a handsome young man you are and enjoying the boost to ones confidence that accompanies such a compliment to compared to a life where you are relegated to the nerd/geek group at school simply owing to not being attractive.
The signature that killed America.
>How much does a man's beauty impact his life?
I'd guess 30% looks, 30% social character, 40% ability to take care of himself and provide for others decides your 1 - 10 scale for dating / life in general.
>Your thoughts?
It is what it is. If you're not good looking, just be thankful you're not a woman.
>Should laws be changed because of it?
And how would you rate this guy's looks on a scale of 0 to 10?
This is a thread of some 1/10's constantly rating the guy in the OP 6/10.
It depends but a 6/10 with social skills is going to get more pussy than a 8/10 social retard.
t.8/10 ex social retard.
A lot of people use that word actually. Are you upset because someone is finally pointing out how easy effeminate twinks have it?
Go to the gym, all of you. Fucking weak queers.
You sound like you desperately wish your life and your country was as good as that.
There's a not so noticeable (to you) change in your behavior and how you act around women while you're in a secure relationship, and it makes women way more attracted to you. Additionally, if women know you're not single, they know you have something going for you and probably aren't a total psycho once they get to know you better.
With all that said, dating does suck after your mid 20's. I think it's just a new stage of life people are getting adjusted to.
I think being social is more important than looks if you are a guy. I had a friend group of about ten people. Half guys, the other half their girlfriends. I was always single and shy, content being a part of the group but felt overlooked honestly. I was by far the healthiest guy in the group. Worked out, good at physical activities, tall, handsome by my own admission. One day one o the guy told me I need to stop working out because its making the rest of the guys look bad. He told me all the gf's are always talking about me in admiration when I'm not around. At that point I realized, just as I suspected, I had far more power than i thought. I had underestimated myself. One by one I fucked all of the girls in the group over the next year. They all kept it secret too and even today I don't think any of them kno that we are all Eskimo brothers and sisters.
These 2 Weird Personality Traits Will make you a 10/10!
Women Hate Him!