The United States should give Puerto Rico back to Spain as an apology and a sign of friendship

We shouldn't have blamed the Mane on Spain. As an apology they should have Puerto Rico back.

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why? they don't want to back to us ...

I agree, please get rid of the fucking Puerto Ricans

Actually we should use it as a penal colony and dump all the Mexicans there

That stupid fucking rectangle is destroying my country and can only be civilized by European colonialism AKA beating the shit out of them

Been saying this for years.

>That stupid fucking rectangle is destroying my country
explain it

Or just release puerto rico as it is...

how? unless you live in the bronx or miami i dont think you'll ever even meet a puerto rican

>One of them is a lefty Supreme Court justice
>All citizens living in the US territory are given US citizenship
>If you're living in Puerto Rico or Guam, etc., you cannot vote in federal elections
>If you move to the mainland, like millions of Puerto Ricans do, you can vote in local, state, and federal elections
>Currently the reason why Florida is leaning blue now
>Currently turning New York City into an already bigger shithole
>Wants to be a state when its already in massive debt and its people would just vote blue every election
>They lie and say they'll vote red, which is a fucking lie
>They don't even bring anything to the table besides a tourist attraction

I would support a small increase in taxes to make this happen

I live outside of Orlando and I'm a minority. Place was damn near 100% white when my parents were born here. Same area where that 3am 7-11 feels video was shot.

It's getting to the point where you cant win local elections without a spanish name, and the entire area is solid blue.

Unironcally cut Puerto Rico loose after returning all their niggers to the new prison island.

The funny thing is that PR's debt is mostly owed to mainland USA institutions and the only way to get that money back is to keep PR in it's ambiguous "free associated state" status because it gives the debt bond holders so much power in court.

thats a really good idea, we can grow that 1.3 billion worth of pharma bullshit someplace else

They used to be a tax haven and a major center for pharmaceutical companies until Bill Clinton fucked that up. I lived in Puerto Rico. Wasn’t bad.

>unless you live in the bronx or miami
they have now infested the entire east cost, they breed like crazy

Bronx and Miami was Trump's dad, he's the one who ruined white neighborhoods in the 40s and 50s importing puerto ricans and blacks

You took ti, you keep it
Sorry kid, your should have think twice

But they're such cancer

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Alright, we fucked up. Please accept our apology and take the island back. Oh btw, they need electricity back on, thanks.

Beaners B Like

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If you're gonna do anythin, you better hurry it up. At this rate, the island'll be empty by the time the transfer to Spain is settled.

Hell there's already more PRs on the mainland than the island itself. The damage is already done.

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Please give us cuba aswell, and in the way kill that fucking dictator