Visiting mom and sister

>visiting mom and sister
>we have a chat at the porch
>dont remember how but the topic was suddenly about south africa
>we also talked about family and children prior to this
>sister starts talking about mixed race babies
>mom said sister should mix because mutt babies are so cute etc.
>I just laugh since I think they're joking
>they look at me in awe
>I ask them if they're serious
>say they are and get slightly upset
>I get up and drive home

Seriously what drives them to unironically say these things? I know they're women but is it really that hard to think past sex and cute babies?
In honesty I wouldnt care if I had to uncle a mutt but why prioritize mutts when there are already so many white, outstanding and capable men who wants family and children?

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same with my mom. every single white women in scandinavia is a whore, at least in sweden 100%

I also have this problem. My mum called the psych ward and tried to book me an appointment because I said mass immigration makes local people miserable.

How about we discuss the actual mutts? Those "white" South Africans we're supposed to let in as refugees?

>In honesty I wouldnt care if I had to uncle a mutt
You’re a shit son and brother

Actually Britons are a lot more fond of race mixing with niggers than Americans are.

Wow. My deepest condolences.

Listening to women is a bad idea user.
Have you not read the story of adam and eve?

I dont listen to them and I'm not arguing with them, thats why I left

Like it or not, females main instinct is to spread the gene pool by mixing with other races. This is simply why Asian women desire white cock. They have an internal desire to 'blanda upp'.

Good man. Rise above it. Our future is on our shoulders. Work hard. Be good. Improve.

cute mixed babies are a code for big black cocks.

You're a boy, if you were a man you would implant that race mixing it bad into their heads, its your family dude. You saying you're okay with it means your the same, you deserve to be Muslim. Ky fag

Stop D&C.
OP should educate them but women are retards, you are fronting like you're some alpha but lets be real you mom and sisters fuck who they want.

Decades of jew brainwashing.

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Women are always just a product of their culture. They are incapable of being original.
You need to look at who is producing your culture.

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I understand m8.

My family’s key is pure white, northwestern euro mutts, green eyes except my little sister, who has blue eyes.

My mother has literally told me, can’t remember the context, that she liked black guys. Something about the contrast in skin tone, I was pissed, but I just said something soy like “eh, I think that’s silly” luckily she never had children with a nigger.

My older sister has dated one white guy, and he was white trash, in the past 10 years. Her other 3 relationships have been with brown people. She is currently talking about having babies with this boyfriend. Kills me.

My little sister is only 14, but she had an online boyfriend that was black, and that truly fucked with me. They are broken up now, but her school is majority Mexican so I’m worried she’ll end up finding a brown to lose her virginity to, and it makes me sad. I know white boys are better as boyfriends, so why the fuck are they dating minorities?!

It hurts seeing my family fall for the fucking Jew memes.

>tfw already own a 27k square feet land parcel
>tfw saving to build a house in the country side
>will only need to give a cow or 2 for a wife
>tfw all the women there have at the very least 8 children
stay mad gringos

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You should fuck her before she gets the chance

am jelly except for the mutt bit

I convinced my mom that abortion is wrong. While I don't think that race mixing is inherently wrong, I do believe that it has deleterious effects on society and culture.

That’s not even an acre of land.

what mutt?
>tfw purebreed bronze-skinned amerindian
feels good mang

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Race-mix culture. I think a lot of them think mongrel babies are cute because others say the same thing so women like to signal to each other

that's because it's just for the house, i'll get 5 for free when i get there, but since i'm not living right now in my home town i can't own it, the rule was impossed by the elders so can't buy my way in or anything.

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But, it's your muttaland? Apefreaka and MURICA...? Same shit right? Motherland! Africa and Uare Shit of Amafag reunited. Real niggers in the bush. Spear chucking faggots. Black or white doesn't matter... Worlds greatest retarded clowns the USA.
Warmongering nigger state of gaylords?
Nigger without any behaviour?
>Be a faggot get shot
>nigger state

Mexicans are smaller people you bigot, now leave him to his hobbit hole.

6 of those children will have to jump the border.

Better you than the nigger or mudslimes, but at some point you do have to slow down.

How do you guys have such blue pilled families

No, you can literally throw seeds anywhere and something will grow. Agriculture is massive there, i'd get paid more there just working the land than here as a engineer.
Slowing down is for white dumb people that want to go extinct

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>I wouldnt care if I had to uncle a mutt

kek I don't think I could do it, not with a straight face at least, not since the raise of the amerimutt meme, too funny, I already call him "la creatura" from time to time despite him not being mixed. I hope he has a sister so I can call her "goblina-chan".

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i'm really scared of mutts

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>tfw mudslime
>younger sister marrier a white lawyer
>cousin married a white engineer
>older sister is getting BLACKED
Is this how it feels white people?

if shes gonna racemix at least be with a Med. I offer myself as sacrifice

Yea, except you're trading up, we always go down

Are all lybians troll? Or you're on Jow Forums 24/7? Anyway respect

>sister is rabid SJW feminist communist
>moves to America
>dates a black
>he pimps her out
>she gets arrested for prostitution and deported
>dates a muslim from the middle east
>shockingly he beats her
>knocks her up after knocking her out
>she hits up the abortion clinic and murders the baby
>has a nervous breakdown and is committed to an insane asylum

That isn't even half the shit she's done. Liberalism is its own punishment. I cut off contact with her last year.

Comfy story bro

Probably a short, fat, troll-looking wife with a humongous gunt though


I tell my mum and girlfriend everyday that niggers and sand niggers have no place in my country in one way or another and they both agree with me, mfw

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Whites have the highest in-group preference of any ethnic group, you should stop believing cuckposters

>trades cow for a wife

But my sister got blacked.

Reminder that chicanos and """"""dreamers"""""" aren't mexicans, not even humans

>he didn't tell his sister fucking niggers is a bad idea

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>live 7 states away
>we barely talk
>decide to call her
>theres some nog talking to her while on the phone
>tell her to be careful
>text her a shit ton to stay safe
>5 months later
>see her FB is flodded with pics of her and the ugly nog

>1 time payment is worse than marrying a gold digger(aka every single woman)
also this.

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Feels good, lad.

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My mom was saying this the other day.
>black and white babies are the cutest babies in the world, I think they are unique.
I tell her, what's unique about everyone being brown? Then proceed to explain what happens to Play-Doh when it's all mixed up.
She concedes I'm correct.
t. Almost sperged out

>Women are stupid
And water is wet.

>tfw have a perfectly nigger hating Orthodox fascist gf
>won't stop talking about muh stronk wymyn because of her mother's brainwashing (divorced mother who cares more for career than family)
I'm just waiting til she grows out of it, aka when she's knocked up and on maternity leave -- she'll realise how great it is to stay at home and be taken care of. Hell, I'm already doing that but make her go work part time so she don't get too comfy.