>get your shitty little state destroyed because wanted to fight superior Turks with your outdated tactics
>proceed to get for next 500 years
>mass migrate into Croatia and be accepted as Christian brothers fleeing the Turks
>live on our land for 5 centuries and disrespect our culture/religion etc.
>another wave of massive immigration after WW1 into our territories because more developed than mainland Serbia
>get removed in WW2 by NDH but still breed like rats and populate Croatian land again because supported by Yugoslav government after war
>start uprising in 1991 killing Croat civilians in cities/villages while getting help from Yugoslav army
>fast forward to 1995 where your entire country gets btfo in 3 day operation by Croatian army because your army is full of drugged/drunk retards that run over your own civlians with tanks
>Serbs from Krajina flee into Bosnia
>muh genocide over poor Serbian civilians even tho Croatia treated them better than their own government

Fast forward 20 years later and Serbs in Croatia still ask for free gibs and more welfare. Why does Jow Forums still support these rats? They are pretty much Africans with white skin and Turkish genes.


Other urls found in this thread:ča_polju

>Pic related is great migrations of the Serbs during the 18th and 17th century.

hmm, how about not selling all the counties assets, utilities, natural resources and facilities to german, turk and russian investors, oh shit, too late

Source pls

based croats

did the Turks occupy you?

Smaller parts of our country but we retook everything with Austrian/Hungarian bros

a lot of Jow Forums is delusional when it comes to S*rbs and their papa R*ssia


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You missed out the part where you starved krajina serbs because they were orthodox Christians instead of helping us raid the turks. You also conveniently skipped the fact that Austrians were pressuring Serbs not to go inland but to settle in the krajina regions so they could fight the Turks who wanted to pillage and loot the Austrian provinces that are now known as Croatia. The oldest orthodox monasteries there are from the 13th century, I bet krajina wasn't even settled by you before we arrived. I've been there, it's a heap of fucking rocks

>Krajina wasn't settled before you arrived
Our kings were crowned there in the 10th and 11th century.

fuck croats!

What Jow Forums thinks sounds good on paper but in reality it would never function, like their delusional ideas of uniting all slavic people into one pan-slavic country.

You mean Venetian.

Evidently Jow Forums doesn't know about Yugoslavia.

>dalmatia too

Muh Tomislavgrad, that's a small part of it, you were mostly in Dalmatia doing stonework. I was thinking about the strip of land around Knin, Drvar and the vicinity.

shut up fingol jr

Serbs didn't move there because Croatia was ''more developed''. Krajina was a deserted shithole. Serbs moved there because Austrians used them to protect the border.
>get removed
After that, no one wanted to live in Croatia. When communist government fell and nationalist government came to power in Croatia, people used the opportunity (with some shilling from Belgrade).
Are you dense or something?
Is this hard to understand?

Theres not even 7% Italians in Istria, Dalmatia below 1%
Serbs that settled there before the great migratons were a minority and thats a fact, Serbs only started to become a majority after WW1 when the Yugoslav (Serbian held) government started to move in Serbs into the areas around Knin and eastern Slavonia.

>were a minority
No they weren't. Serbs were majority IN THOSE REGIONS.
>started to move in Serbs into the areas around Knin and eastern Slavonia
Source for that.
I'm talking about Krajina as whole, not some parts of it.
Serbs actually declined in percentage over time.

italian population in both istria and dalmatia never exceeded 15%


U pravu si jebiga

are you talking about s*Rbia?

Ja te mogu pokatoličiti Nemanja, ne brini.

Are you retarded or something?

mislis vratiti na staru vjeru

It follows the general pattern of Serb villages appearing out of nowhere after WW1 or massive amounts of Serbs appearing in cities.

Yea,serbs suck.
We all do in fact,now is not the time for old grudges however.
We must work together to resist western faggotry and the inevatable islamic invasion.
It's that or get erased.

As I mentioned before it sounds good on paper but would never work in reality, the war happened 20 years ago and you just expect people will forget about it like that? Far from that politicians in both our countries are igniting the old fires that ravaged us.

There's no ''general pattern''.
You need to provide a source about Serb population exploding in Krajina. Which never happened.
Furthermore I can't believe you people are so fucked in the head you believe Ustaša actions were in any way proportional to what royal government did to Croats in interwar period.
You're comparing the murder of 200-300,000 people in the most brutal ways to some political repression. That's just sick, you're a fucking animal. And you're doing it in the same thread where you're crying about how evil Serbs are.
Show me when did Serbs commit a genocide of that scale?
Show me when did fucking Turks commit it, let alone someone else.
You're fucked up. Seek some psychiatric help.

And to be clear, I mean YOU, not Croats in general.
How does someone become so fucking lost, I'll never understand.

>murder of 200-300,000 people
lmao wtf are u talking about? Jasenovac was like 30,000 people killed at most

>muh 6 gorillion
What did I expect from a Montenigger

Croats are literal race traitors who sided with Muslims in Bosnia. They constantly try to move borders but in reality are cowards. They re always trying to steal more Slovene lands. Nobody likes them in the Balkanas

Don't be so dense, there is a book I'd like you to check it's called 'Unac' by Petar Radjenović it documents the migration of Serbs from the knin region to new lands to the east - the unac river valley.
We were definitely a majority in the region otherwise our intellectuals wouldn't have been visiting krajina to help found schools there -> Dositej Obradović

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>You're comparing the murder of 200-300,000 people
fucking delusions, where are the bodies nemanja
last time i checked jasenovac or any other ustashe camps never had crematories
even a group of people from serbia did an investigation and they said that around 90k people died 40k of them were serbian, 20k of them were croatian and 30k of different ethnicities
and i am pretty sure that some of these camps were supervised by serbs
cut with the bullshit faggot

>Croats in General
What Croats? The SDP youth ones?
Also nice how you betrayed your Serb brothers by deserting to our side and then fighting them.ča_polju
>Race traitors
We literally fought muslims for 4 years until USA forced us to stop.

Please don't reply to C**** bait. Istra is Slovenian


Please stay quiet Hans. You didn't even have a national identity until WW1

((Fought)) lol Herzegovina croats are practical a different people. Average Croats are cowards.

>average croats are cowards
what have slovenes ever done like ever?
even your most famous battle of sisak had majority croatian troops

You re Germanys nm 1 bitch. And you always will be

and what are you then lmfao

Herzegovina Croats were the made up more than 50% of the Ustashe.
>Germanys bitch
Lmao you were literally under Austrian rule for 90% of your history and didn't have a national identity until WW1.

Most russophilic country in central europe. Look up some polls. At least we dont betray our fellows slavs on a daily basis.

how did we exactly betray russians?
most croatiians here would choose russia over america too

And you were ruled by hungary/austria most of your history. We wuz dalmatians n shiiiet.


You never had a country/state of your own, we were recognized within the empire.

at least we actually have a history
half of your current population isn't even slovene
they're either serbs, bosnians or croats lol

>implying that Croatia even existed before the dissolution of Yugoslavia
Lol odjebi Hrvoje, your faggot country exists only cuz we liberated you from the Turks and Austrohungary and instead of just making great Serbia then we made Kingdom of SHS instead.
>inb4 Turk rape baby

Attached: 1522090589979.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Serbs are the niggers of the Balkans.

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And yet your against orthodox serbs who litteraly migrated from russia. You allied germany and the us. Supported bosniaks. Doesnt seem to rusophilic to me. Even your president is obsesed over trump.

People weren't just killed at Jasenovac and around 80,000 is the common number you retarded diaspora cunt.
Same answer.
200-300,000 Serbs were killed in NDH.

>Vatican Vampires
>Alpine Jews
>Delusional Tatars

The first slavic state in europe was slovenian. Look it up

>200-300,000 Serbs were killed in NDH
where the fuck is your proof
>And yet your against orthodox serbs who litteraly migrated from russia.
and we didn't?
> You allied germany and the us.
and you didn't?
>Supported bosniaks.
we fought them too

Im not looking up shit, give me the source Italinigger.

Literally any estimate you dense cunt. Including one by joint Croatian-Serb commission.

Butthurt: The thread

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And you are back-stabbing gypsies

Only half of their country for like 250 years, but they are not Turks, not at all

Attached: WHEEEEEEEEEEZEEE.png (593x580, 621K)

the same estimates have 200k croats as casualties
why doesn't belgrade archives release the information about ww2 aftermaths?
are they scared of people finding out the truth?

Is Kosovo Serbia yet? Pic related. Keep crying Serbs.

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>Germans to the north
>Turks to the south
>Croats to the west
>Bulgars to the east
Things haven't changed in a thousand years

I have no idea what the fuck are you talking about.
Are you implying there was some genocide of Croats after WW2, committed by a Croatian leader of Yugoslavia, and some 200,000 ethnic Croats in partisan formations?

>we wuz liberators
no, you were completely occupied by smelly turks and even to this day your proud the sultan gave some serbs cuck titles like Grand Visier so you wouldn't chimp out on them

Based Croats. Catholic Eastern Europeans are the good guys. Always.

>80,000 is the common number
common? for who? i am only going off the word of noted world historians, not nemanja at the serbian institute of dick sucking

Croatia is based...., period.
Fuck everybody else in the region.
If this is an unpopular opinion for an Amerifag like me to have idgaf.
Remember Vukovar !!!!!

>I have no idea what the fuck are you talking about.
because you're not informed on anything and you believe all the propaganda your nation tells you
>Are you implying there was some genocide of Croats after WW2, committed by a Croatian leader of Yugoslavia, and some 200,000 ethnic Croats in partisan formations?
no, i am implying that the ustashe according to YOUR source killed 200k croatians
we literally liberated you from the turks

and yet it was your entire country for 500 years, youre literally double the turk

not to mention that ottomans literally called serbs
'croatians that follow the greek patriarchate'

you're literally a sea serb who gives a fuck

>competing who is more turk
This is what the "whiteness" came to

Attached: Balkans 2056.jpg (2560x1707, 982K)

Well of course they killed 200,000 ''Croats'', but most of those were ethnic Serbs you dumb idiot.
>believe all the propaganda
Says the guy who's unironically defending Ustaša butchers.
So show me those noted historians who argue 30,000 were killed at Jasenovac.

>Says the guy who's unironically defending Ustaša butchers.
how did i defend them you idiot
>Well of course they killed 200,000 ''Croats'', but most of those were ethnic Serbs you dumb idiot.
according to you? yes
but according to serbian 'historians', no

Show me those historians who claim most of Ustaša victims were ethnic Croats.

>half of our country
Not even 20% of our population lived there meanwhile your entire population was under turkish rule for 500 years.

>This is what the "whiteness" came to
of course you would say that

>this damage control

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as long as you continue to serve the kraut and the pointy hat man in rome we will continue to inflict heavy casualties upon you. hail putin

>Show me those historians who claim most of Ustaša victims were ethnic Croats.
when the fuck did i say that?
i said that THE SAME HISTORIANS you said also said that 200k croatians died
what the fuck is your reading comprehension

the irony

A koji su to istoričari, navedi ih.

>literally greater serbia map

Attached: srbi_svi_svuda.jpg (2048x1536, 322K)

Serbia is greener than the Amazon.

>turkish proxies
>kraut proxies
>in my balkans

>First Balkan war never happened
Leaf education, everyone!

>serbian ethnicity map

>still having damage control
keep amusing me, ante

you got raped for 200 (in words: two hundred) years, while we lived in peace on these lands

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Also, Serbia never lost a war. Prove me wrong.

the 300,000-800,000 number noted by serb "historians" is supported by Jew organizations like Yad Vashem and Simon Wiesenthal Center. These are anti-white, anti-christian, anti-west, pro-communist jewish organizations that serbs side with to establish their """history"""

youre on the side of anti-white, pro-mass-migration traitors all because you hate croatians so much you'll say and so anything to spite them

i wouldnt be surprised you start some new war foe the Jews fighting for the riggt of "migrants" "safe passage" to Croatia.

absolute turk rape baby scum

i am pretty sure that there was a serbian tradition that a serbian man has to bend in front of his house while the ottoman occupator fucked his wife
you lost 4 of them in the last 30 years