Jews today are being monitored more heavily than in the time of Hitler

Jews today are being monitored more heavily than in the time of Hitler

Attached: modern life.jpg (1168x889, 245K)

And that's a good thing

this is some good normie tier work from Garrison

Who's got the original?

More each day

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Good luck monetizing my data desu, there is no way they can succeed that doesn't violate the law or annoy the shit out of me which would only drive me away from whatever is being pushed so what is the problem again?

Oh no someone knows what porn I watch? Like I give a fuck. Like anyone has the time or fortitude to even slightly give a shit. The truth is nobody cares enough to bother spying on any of you.

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Thanks for posting, kind deep state agent.

What doea that image mean?

>violate the law
>muh sacred texts!!!

Do you ever wonder why the constantly shifting modern laws are written in gobbledegook and packed into private libraries and never carved into stone and set in public spaces? I do.

If you want to take it that far than you just shouldn't be on the internet at all.

You have now beaten online surveillance and big data, that was hard.

Its the chilling effect.

Theyve made a prison where truth is forbidden.

Cant say homosexuality is degenerate and leading to incurable and horrific sexually transmitted diseases. We must declare gayness a sacrosanct right.

The truth itself is outlawed because their is no anonymous place to speak it. No anonymous place to hear it.

Everyone must tell lies all the time. Its communism of satanism or whatever you want to call it. And we will pay a price.

oy vey they're living documents goy!

you won't be able to understand them anyway unless you join our secret club!

>Jow Forums is the jews

Let’s say that I did want to have an absolutely degenerate but continuing sexual relationship with someone outside the boundaries of holy matrimony. How should I go about this in the modern, electronic panopticon?

I be cornfused. In the Garrison/Trumpy world is Concentration Camps good or bad?

We are literally expressing it here.
If that changes I'll care.

American law was much less complex before the Jews got involved. They Torah-ized our legal system.

You actually thought the edited images with merchants was Ben's work? Lulz

Go two towns away, hit the bars until you get lucky and then kys

Beyond paying the obvious penalty for degeneracy, how would one conduct the affair? Is there any way to send messages without being caught or pwned by the surveillance state? Should those wishing to indulge in sins leave their phones and all electronic devices at home?

how many SES members are jewish?

More like why were 3/4 of the communist spies caught in America Jews?

It doesnt belong here in a cordoned off free speech zone for wrongthinkers.

It belongs in the Open. How much sooner would communism have been destroyed if the people could freely express their voices?

Silencing truth invariably has a price attached.

> would communism have been destroyed
You know the stupid and young and well-off are clamoring for communism on college campuses across the country, right?

You mean Talmud-ized.

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what the fuck are you blathering about

Yeah it really great work from Ben. Guy just keeps getting better over the years. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.

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Anyone got the real one?

Kike detected.


>that doesn't violate the law
Who do you think has bought those politicians who write the laws, dipshit?

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>ben garrison
>labels not on everything including lamp
This is fake

Old age is turning Benny Boy soft.

Because the truth is being silenced!!!!!!!

And they will suffer for it.

>Jews today are being monitored more heavily than in the time of Hitler
Yeah, just like everyone else.

you could say Zuck is ElectroHitler

Or fear.

Nah, I don't think it's fear. He's admitted in public he's old and doesn't really care anymore what happens.

Post the real one please.