Wanna know a biggest redpill?

the biggest redpill is that usa is the great satan and when we nuke that place of sodom and gomorrah the whole world will finally be at peace

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They support Israel publicly, so of course everyone already knows this OP

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Looks like somebody needs to get bombed again

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Water is wet.
Serb, you must find Putin and tell him to take all of western Europe and the kike vermin rats at the EU with us.

6 centers of international Jewry:


Nuke it and you save this planet and white race

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Biggest red pill is that you're a fully-fledged retard.

>amerimongrel and kike pet likes killing of European people

Nothing new

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I'm american and I agree, Serbanon. What we did to the Germans in WWII and after was reprehensible. We have betrayed our own and are responsible for the death of Europe. When the Nazis return from their bases in Antarctica and enslave us, I willbe one of the first to voluntarily allow them to enslave me.

Semitic peoples are free game. Not only scientologists, but islam, buddhism, and many minor religions also ascribe to this viewpoint. in b4 islam is a semitic religion, they're killing their own people hourly.

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And yet you can’t stop thinking about us
We’re deep inside your head
Just like all the cuck porn you fap to
You wake up and just can’t seem to shake it
You wish you could be included in our culture
You feel it deep down in your bones that that we are superior
You heart tells you that your life would be sooo much better if you were an American

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Fuck you, Mohammed.

Europeans have been killing each other long before we were ever a nation, and your nation in particular has killed the most Europeans by far, and is singlehandedly responsible for the downfall of the Nazis.

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It's not the country.

It's not the place.

It's the intentions they had in the past and that they still have.

Some of what the Trumpsters and you are doing is helpful. In fact a whole bunch of it.

Trump is the perfect face of change for a villain like the USA.

Prehistoric North American mummies are dated to be between 9k and 12k years old. These mummies are caucasian. They were also found buried with advanced tools and woven cloth. These people's diet consisted of mainly marine animals, they made a living travelling the Bering strait. Shifting tides closed the land bridge, from this we get the exile of whites from Eden (can no longer go back, bridge flooded), antediluvian society in Europe (northern Europeans migrated from the east as the ice sheet receded), and confirmation that modern whites are NATIVE to North America.

North America is Eden, whites are Adam, and Amerindians were punished by God for playing in our garden. Come home, white man.

as if the great satan were confined to one nation
the great satan owns all the wealth of all the great nations
you are a fucking retard

too late, the jewnited muttstates of mongrelica had to be nuked a century ago, their judeo-negrified culture is now global thanks to those golems

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I assume you are referring to the windover site .... pic related

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Windover, Kennewick, Spirit Caves. Think about it. Our racial history is rooted in this country, and we can't unlock it. Ask yourself, who is in the way?

You don't understand, the US rescued you from comitting a full blown genocide.

It's no coming back from that, not in a few generations. You would have the pariah of the world.

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this is the most important and underrated point.

the subhuman has infected almost everyone from all walks of life. very few people have been able to resist it.

Only partially true. USA is mostly jews, germans and anglos. So we need to NUKE Germany, England and Israel first.

>we nuke

Your trailer park nation isn't nuking shit. America numba one!

Why don't these crowds ever get targeted by mass shooters? If they panic and run it will be a political nightmare for any country they are in. If you can target them in a tight spot, the crowd will do most of the killing for you as they run. Even with police presence, which is rare, they would be overwhelmed by the panicked/fleeing crowed. A regular truck of peace with explosives could also do the trick, one in Somalia (this year) killed nearly 500 people. Yet, these crowds remain safe even though they are the perfect target. Well, I'll they you why, that because the mass killers are already among them.

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I hate the JEW-S-A

In the Bobby Fischer way though, not the Democrat way

>Why don't these crowds ever get targeted by mass shooters?

why would they target their own people?

>bombing Christians instead of mudslims

typicall mutt

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Hi JIDF hows it going.

>everything I don’t like is Jewish

t. American halfnigger ape with retarded logic

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>that place of sodom and gomorrah
That would be Israel, gayest place on earth and number 1 (even above Thailand) for Pedophiles, human trafficking and illegal human organ harvesting.

Fun fact; Sodom was also Jewish

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You forgot to add "1/16th Irish" somewhere in the picture

>America gets targetted for being a shitty nation with an evil foreign policy containing the most hypocritical people on the planet

>America posts Euro/Brit Hate thread #1435
We're trying to wake you up!! HAHAHAHAHAHA HOW CAN YOU BE SUCH KEKS???

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Look at Frank with the Satanic quads over here.