That's all we want. We don't want to repeal 2A, we just want common sense gun laws.
That's all we want. We don't want to repeal 2A, we just want common sense gun laws
Other urls found in this thread:
Domestic Violence is already banned.
>We don't want to repeal 2A
Literally hours after every democrat says repeal the 2nd.
and none of thes will keep guns out of the hands of thoes who should not have them. try again
Uh hu
Nobody cares what faggots want except other faggots.
Sage right there, criminal scum.
What the fuck is an "assault-style rifle?"
So you want Maryland’s gun laws?
How to end mass shootings:
- Ban anti-depressants
- Expand the definition of criminally violent and give parents more authority to turn troubled children into the state for permanent removal
>domestic violence ban
Didn't know this was legal except on Sundays at the court house steps.
To be fair one old ass, senile, retired Judge said to repeal the 2A.
The response to his statement from the vast majority of the Dems has been basically:
"Uhhhh...., No we shouldn't. You really need to back off & STFU because you are not helping our 'cause' with your over the top rhetoric."
And they are correct.
Fuck off kike rat
How does banning scary features prevent a shooting?
Op please explain your reasoning. Sounds like you're okay with niggers buying guns on the black market and all you want to do is restrict LAW ABIDING GUN OWNERS
I don’t believe you. If I wanted someone disarmed I’d lie to their face and say the exact same thing.
Also the constitution is my license, faggot.
>Up age to 21
Unconstitutional and discrimimation prohibited by the Supreme Court.
>5 round magazine limit
Go fuck yourself
Can't you just install metal detectors at schools?
>we just want common sense gun laws.
I will only agree with you if civilians get access to full auto
we need classes in schools to teach children about firearms safety, all video games have guns, all children play video games, thus all kids need a teacher to explain to them the difference between video games and real life when it comes to weapons
this will work well as we are about to have a war so having pre training on marksmen is a good thing. I would attach to this bill the concept that by attending a public school you must take the ASVAB test so the military can choose to bid on your education by offering better compensation out of the gate
this is going to happen
I dont want to pay for that
It's frog in the pot shit. They ban little by little before you end up having nothing left.
They know what happened at election time in the 90's when the repealed assault type weapons, they why they are backtracking hard on this.
How about:
1) Democrats start Civil war by starting Gun grab.
2) We hunt down liberals for sport - need to document their Democratness for points.
3) Democrats scream "muh drones! Where be muh drones!"
4) Next election, government shit can's deep state by hanging them from lamp post, and MK Ultra assholes who are behind the school shootings get worse.
anything that fires bullets
“When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile!”
>I will only agree with you if civilians get access to full auto
I have a better compromise
I will give up my rights to own a nuke if we drastically cut back federal power
Will yall ever get tired of posting this shit over and over?
None of that would have stopped any of the mass shootings of the past 20 years, but sure, let's act like it would have.
Haha just a couple fringe shills guys we just want common sense
This. Our literally who flag has a point.
Metal detectors and guards will make you safer than a gun free zone has
>adding more restrictions to your already jail-like school system
>not re-initiating armed campuses with freer student code so you don't get the swat team every time you choose to skip a damn class.
they really got you brainwashed kid.
>assault weapon has evolved into assault-style
This is the same as admitting the words don't mean anything.
Typical lefty lies that will go no where. This isn't Australia or Great Briton.
>Domestic violence Ban
I don't Get it.
I mean I am for the 1st amendment I just think we need some common sense laws so we can put subversive leftists in extermination camps
All we need is just more security in schools. The reason why beta fags shoot up schools is because it is an easy target. Implement armed security in schools like every bank and airport in america and this will stop happening. Its that simple
>domestic violence ban
If you wanted common sense gun laws you would go after hand guns first. Rifles of all kinds kill less people then handguns do. Infact they kill less people then knifes, fists and blunt weapons like baseball bats.
Handguns are the gangstas weapon of choice and as a result the leading cause of gun related death when looking at homicde.
Additionally most of these homicide hot spots in the US occur in culturally enriched areas like Detroit and Baltimore which already are democratic controlled and enforce gun control.
In contrast to rural areas with high gun ownership and much lower crime rates including homicde.
>If gun control worked dindus wouldn't be killing each other with guns
>If dindus have guns then how does a law abiding citizen defend themselves?
It is said that guns prevent around 250,000 - 2,000,000 crimes per year. Many of which are home invasions.
Which is the greater good
>Banning guns so that 100 people a year don't die in mass shootings
>Preventing 250,000 crimes. Many of which could become rapes and violent assult.
Judge says repeal the 2nd, tons of leftists agree, some leftists say you give us an inch we'll take a mile, repeal the 2nd trends on twitter, soyboys say ban all guns. But remember we don't want to disarm you they say.
Fuck right the fuck off if you think we believe your constant lies. Kill yourself with a knife.
>All we need is just more security in schools.
We already waste enough money on those marxist indoctrination centers
how is the quote again? who trades freedom for security deserves neither?
For some reason in the US if you point out gangsta pistol crime you get called racist. Doesn't fit the narrative.
define "assault style" you colossal faggot.
see this is the thing with these cunts.
it starts with AR-15
then Mini 14
then any other semi auto long arm.
then you are a victim to what ever shitstain makes it's way into your country.
No fuck you, we know there going to be civil unrest soon either through a war or an economic collapse. I don't want to be rounded up and bullied by police. Fuck you lefties say all this shit about police killing unarmed black people yet you want the police to be the only ones with guns.
Look too complicated.
Why not ban the second amendment instead? There's no need for ANY guns in 2018, but americasn still allows them because a group of violent racist white men 300 years ago told them to...
>I have a better compromise
>I will give up my rights to own a nuke if we drastically cut back federal power
that doesn't help save the lives of those who will be drafted and send to the front soon
everyone needs to respect the firearm, because firearms are part of what it is to be American
I’m sure this would fly over just fine OP. Especially in the current political climate where whites are not too happy.
Then they will take your guns away.
>let them try hurrrr
They won't try. They'll do it. You won't resist, just like you didn't resist when your government trampled on your rights dozens of times.
I'm pro-gun, but acting like an idiot will turn public against you.
Kids shouldn't die from shooting in schools, even though I agree guns aren't the reason.
>so you don't get the swat team every time you choose to skip a damn class.
swat teams is the point, this kid's dad is a fed so of course they want to build more doughnut shops
How about we just bring back insane asylums and if you are on more then 2 kinds of meds for mental/emotional reasons the only thing you get to have is a shotgun for your house? No one should be forced to be defenseless regardless but their needs to be a limit on the mentally compromised.
Yes...., and you just proved what I said in my post with your little infographic.
All of those numbers wanting repeal (including the Dems) are significant MINORITIES.
The largest one is still under 40%.
Therefore...., the vast majority of Dems OPPOSE repeal of the 2A.
Quit being a kneejerk reaction Jow Forumstard & actually read & think for a second before you post some stupid pic.
More or less. If they really value security over freedom they can live in a prison for all I care.
>They'll do it.
name once when they tried and it worked?
So you agree that gun control is retarded but you want to score good boy points?
What is your endgame?
As a Texan, I didn’t see people suggest regulating the Home Depot and Fedex stores when some dude was mailing bombs to people, though it would please me to no end if someone started a witch hunt targeting the USPS.
I'm so fucking tired of you retards responding to the same bait threads, learn to sage.
It doesn't even matter if most people go along with it
If just a few thousand people decided to start a domestic insurgency and start hitting soft targets the country will collapse within a month
I hope you get murdered by someone with a knife, and that the person who could have saved you got rid of his gun earlier that morning
Meanwhile the president says he can ignore it.
I like how the kikes are all “oy goy we just want regulation like your vehicle” sounds so innocent. Then they use syntactic tricks like saying “common sense” over and over.
Then what they propose are insane things totally apart from that and makes phrases like “common sense” into more meaningless buzzwords
They never tried in USA.
They tried in most of Europe and succeeded.
Again, your government fucked you over so many times, did any of you resist?
Act however you want, I'm just giving a friendly advice.
Public is turning against gun owners. No one likes it when kids die, and in schools on top of that. You might not care but people do.
40% in a mainstream idea. Repealing the second ammendment, even if it's virtually impossible for the democrats to accomplish, is a MAINSTREAM idea within the party.
Most school shooters steal their guns from their parents though lmao, this wouldn't stop any of them since daddy will jump through all the hoops and then little Timmy who's never filled out a form in his life takes it to school.
t. Someone who doesn't own a gun
>That's all we want.
No it isn't.
It isn't though
>Assault style
A meaningless term to mean scary looking firearms. It's the mechanism on the inside that counts.
>2 weeks
Why so long? I mean a eaiting period to conplete the background check can be warranted but 2 weeks seems long.
>No sales by private owners
Why? As long as they follow the laws in place they should be able to do what they want.
>No sales at gun shows
Again, why? If they meet the legal requirements why not sell them a firearm.
>5 round magazine limit
Why impose a limit lower than the capacity of a revovler? I mean okay but I don't see how this helps.
>Licenses for all arms
This would be in direct violation of the 2nd amendment. If you need a lisence to own it then its a privilege and not a right.
>Minimum purchase age of 21
Okay. But if you have to be 21 to drink and buy a gun then maybe we should increase the voting age to 21.
>Universal background checks
I might be wrong but isn't this already a law?
>Domestic violence ban
Again, pretty sure that's a law already.
So to sum up a couple of the points in the image are already laws. One is a direct violation of the 2nd amendment. The others range from reasonable step to question restriction.
nobody needs an assault rifle 15 with a 50 bullet clip.
Libs who want to ban mentally ill people from owning guns are such hypocritical pieces of shit.
They'll say they care about the mentally ill out of one side of the mouth and call them violent monsters out of the other.
Having depression or whatever shouldn't take away your right to protect yourself or hunt, for fucks sake.
>trust me, goy
Remember when the media through a hissy fit and demanded the Republican party condemn the 5 people that are Nazis and support them
that's not how you end anything
>domestic violence ban
let's ban lying and theft in the process
>Okay. But if you have to be 21 to drink and buy a gun then maybe we should increase the voting age to 21.
This doesn't follow
This isn't gun control, just a security measure for schools.
That won't happen. Don't be delusional.
Your government is spying on you with very little restraint, not to mention all other shady shit.
Do you see anyone resisting?
Time is not right yet. Go with the flow and stick to important stuff. Retaining guns and winning at PR is important. Few cents you'll pay for metal detectors aren't.
>They never tried in USA.
sure they did, they get called out every time except when it comes to blacks, plenty of places blacks cannot legally own a rifle because of local law
you are asserting that the public follows media, they don't, they endure media and shout at it calling it a liar
we got this don't worry
the entire media thing is designed to sell guns, gun makers are pissed because Obama sold record numbers of guns, with Trump they aren't selling anything
that needed to change, everything in our society is managed so it costs as much as it can possibly cost, follow those rules and everything makes sense
LOL. Gun owners RE the public. 100 million of us and we vote.
Everyone that cant own a gun should not be allowed to vote
Let them disenfranchise most of their base
that wouldn't end mass shootings.
the vast majority of "mass shootings" are blacks shooting blacks with handguns.
less than 4% of all gun crime is committed with rifles.
>Your government is spying on you with very little restraint,
Because that is not something worth dying over
only because you know its too early to promote. you guys are overton window pros.
You don’t realize that there were thousands of people en route to the Buddy Ranch from hundreds of miles away. Which is why they shut it down. The Feds were 24 hours from being BTFO.
Was that supposed to be in any way relevant...., or even coherent??
Serious question.
Of course they are “watching”. And what they are seeing is they don’t have a fucking prayer if they screwup.
>this isn't gun control
That is the subject of the thread fren
Yeah, we should be more like the gun-free paradise that is Brazil
stop saying okay.
none of this is okay.
shall not be infringed.
Why doesnt every democrat come out and say they dont want the support of people that want to repeal the 2nd amendment?
Sure it does. The libtards used this very logic to lower the drinking age to 18 in many states.
Your privacy is not something worth dying over?
So you have no issues with government putting cameras in your house?
Weird line of thinking.
I don't. Source.