>get married they said
If you read this and still don't go full MGTOW, I weep for you
glad i never had kids with all the women i was with, two even aborted so i guess i should be twice as thankful?
Let's just hope he knows what needs to be done when you're in that position
He knew or should have known the risks of marrying or impregnating a woman these days. Finding it hard to have sympathy for him.
He talks like his daughter is teen-ish, the marriage might have happened before dating was a complete minefield.
Sad but true . I too was personally decimated by the JOKE that is Family Courts.
HERE'S ONE MORE TREASURE he didn't share.
The Protective order NEVER goes away. My ex filed one of those in 12 different court houses, BECAUSE, when they were proven BOGUS she just used a different courthouse and judge. The White Knight courts would NEVER punish any female.
BEST PART. 20 years later I still can register a vehicle in my own name, automatically pulled over when plate gets scanned because of 12 previous protection orders.
ALSO, I can NEVER attend my grandchildren school functions because of these 20 year old PO's . Can't pass criminal records check. And ONLY way to remove them is either Governors pardon or Presidential Pardon for something
wait until you're older and marry older women
marrying women under 25 yo is like shooting your own foot.
men should marry after 30.
I will not let this put me off finding my princess
If the dude is not lying and is actually very good at what he does, he should contact Russian/chink embassy
You need to have kids or else the white race will go extinct.
If you don't have kids in marriage then you'll still get fucked in common law marriages. If you get girls pregnant and disappear then you'll be contributing to the breakdown of social order and society and soon we'll have a generation growing up like niggers and the position of the white race will be lowered.
The solution is to prioritise character and values above virtually all else. Don't marry a girl who is flakey or dodgy at all even if she's pretty and seems sweet most of the time.
I'm not scared of this happening because i will make a bitch know if she takes my life i'm taking hers. Literally. If i ever find myself in a position where a bitch has me suicidal it'll be a murder suicide, and a painful one at that.
>a kike promoting MGTOW
Like clockwork.
thats just a sorry faggot crying about his life
nice. i pick three for myself and sell the rest.
I am 48 and I can tell you all that as you get older, your interest in women greatly declines. Even younger women don't look that great or you just feel indifferent to them. Nature's real pull to get you with a woman is from about 20-40.. then it fades after that.
>having kids with a crazy bitch.
Should have known better
>You need to have kids or else the white race will go extinct.
Good. Does anything like this happen in nonwhite countries? What's worth saving at this point?
>ex beat me to a pulp
LMFAO, you MGTOW are such soybois.
How the fuck can a woman beat a man to a 'pulp' or how the fuck can you identify with a weak cuck that let a woman beat him to 'a pulp'.
Fucking you all should make a decision right now:
1. kys or
2. hit weights and embrace masculine archetypes.
>Good. Does anything like this happen in nonwhite countries
No, because men there are still men. They aren't soyboys like in the west
Oh just die and give up like every failed species on earth then.
Don't call yourself a man. A man wouldn't run away from his responsibilities.
I was hoping this was fake. You can't just lie and completely ruin someones life like that right? Don't courts have to fucking check shit and not just believe words? If so, we need to find out the fastest way possible to stop that forever.
I hope they all washed properly before this lmao
>not taking your ex down with you
>I was hoping this was fake. You can't just lie and completely ruin someones life like that right? Don't courts have to fucking check shit and not just believe words? If so, we need to find out the fastest way possible to stop that forever.
Women don't have to be held to any burden of proof in the western legal system.
MGTOW subhumans need to be gassed
That's his mistake. Should have murdered the bitch and then an heroed. Sometimes, fairly or not your life gets ruined and there's no way to save it, so the only option is to destroy the person responsible.
Because some women are bad doesn't mean should give up completely on securing the white race in the future. We are competing with Dindu's who collect free money and jsut fuck all day and Mudslimes who literally start breeding their women at 13. This shit here is the most effective psy ops ever done. Convincing young white men to give up on white women and not reproduce.
this guy is a LARPing faggot.
1) if his daughter has kids, he no longer has to pay child support
2) if he was as good at his job as he says, he could start his own business
3) if he was as good a guy as he says A- he would already have friends in the industry that would hire him regardless of his "record", and B- his personalty would get him in the door & he'd be able to explain it away
t. self-employed I.T. pro with a felony domestic A&B by strangulation that works part-time for a charity bc they fucking love me
I'm pretty sure he means beat him to a pulp mentally and in court, not physically beat by his ex... I also don't think telling people to kys is a solution for anything at all. If you have hit the weights, I think it's time you now find Christ.
Enjoy having autistic/downs children
when she takes all your money and your kids away from you what are you going to do? You really think when you are a divorced 30-40 something you will care about the gym of all things?
>redditor couldn’t marriage work
Really makes you think
>what are owed payments
stupid fuck
Trump should be able to fix this
How can we get his attention?
>not having a large enough savings to fall back on during hard times
>not using your skills to start your own business when you're unemployable
see 2 and 3, retard
White women do really good job convincing white men not to interact with them.
They do, but it is not their fault. Women are naturally more gullible and easily manipulated. It's no wonder that years of propaganda has taken a hold of them first. Get rid of the jew / deep state. And you'll quickly see women returning to a healthy state.
Women are not children. If women are so stupid that they go along with jew propaganda, then the correct course of action is to replace them with waifubots and artificial wombs.
Completely disagree. Women were our responsibility to protect. Letting the jews do this to them is a white mans biggest shame that needs correcting.
fucking forreal
Then go fix white women and I might consider getting one. Before that happens I am gonna check what asian and black women has to offer.
What was he accused of?
Fair point, especially considering the only fix is to basically pull every Jew from position of power. It's not likely which is sad as fuck.
>comitting genetic suicide
Might as well off yourself
Jokes on you I’m Riding The Tiger & only having one night stands with these fucked up creatures that are modern women until Men Collectively Grow A Pair & Put them back in their Place.
THEN I might actually try & have a relationship with one.
Even Traps are Better Companions in almost every way than modern women.
So you see that I am gonna win no matter what, while you are going to weep for a bunch of people who would cheat you in a heartbeat.
Serves him right for not knowing how crazy she was before having a kid with her.
>genetic suicide
I commit genetic suicide no matter what. I am the master race, people who are members of that race is me and my clones. My offspring will be mutts not matter with whom I procreate with.
Yes goy, accept your death, do not procreate.
>anecdote from a redditor
wtf I hate the white race now
men who get JUSTed and blame all women are just as pathetic as women who get beat and blame all men, all a coping mechanism to avoid the fact that you're a fucking idiot who married a piece of shit
The writing just doesn't jive. This is someone's LARP. Note, I'm sure it happens. I'm sure exactly this kind of shit happens regularly.
But this particular guy is just inventing a story.
This. MGTOW for life is stupid & only enhancing white genocide.
However, a sort of half-mgtow where you use modern women for the whores they are until The West is fixed & women are actually Good Partners again isn’t bad.
That’s not saying good valuable, non-whoreish women don’t exist atm, but they are very rare. If you’re lucky enough to find one Marry & Impregnate ASAP.
A whore ever did anything like this to me I would track her down and torture her to death.
I'd gladly take my prison sentence, not much to live for at that point anyways.
His post history is entirely in MGTOW.
He unironically posts DON'T MARRY, DON'T REPRODUCE comments regularly.
If you find a black woman make sure you go for the educated CHURCH-GOING type.
The regular college black thots are even worse than the white ones.
I'm married, but I have an offshore account outside the jurisdiction of the US government and if this shit ever happened to me I'd be out of this country before they revoke my passport. I'm a trader so I can do my job anywhere in the world, so this is no big deal for me.
Even if you think your wife would never leave you, Anons, protect yourself just in case...
Nah he's just old and from leddit, different writing style
Thanks for the tip, not sure if I am going specifically for the black or asian women, but white women are off the limits for now.
Someday you schmucks will realize the problem is THE JEW LAWYERS.
Got my gf pregnant when she was 19. Still with her 14 years later. Shes ok. Not a vindictive cunt or anything. Comes from a good home and has her head screwed on. Shes put a bit of weight on after 2kids too but I dont mind. Shes not a landwhale or owt. She still looks good for 33. She can still pass for mid to late 20's and she scrubs up well. I was lucky. I feel for young lads now desu. Dating was not the shitshow it is now back in '03/'04. One night stands, slutty girls were a thing back then but feminism and other cancers were still fringe and not embraced by the majority of the female youth. Folk seemed far less politicised back then, particularly regarding social interaction. The girls (as a rule - there are always exceptions) certainly didnt hate their menfolk and there seemed like less of a wedge between the sexes. The cancer was there, metastatising, but it had not yet borne its rotten fruit.
>just old and from leddit, different writing style
I dunno man, I'm now a year back in his post history and while the story seems consistent the last few months he's ONLY ever posted in MGTOW and he's a link spammer a year back.
He can still find a life if he moves abroad. If he has skills he can still mint money, just not in USA. He's an alien in his own country.
I'm watching one of my friends battle the family court to get access to his son.
The bitch is psycho, house is filthy, she smokes weed and drives and has a different guy round every week.
She's got a history of false rape claims, fraud, sex with a minor, massive debt problems, long term unemployed and is bipolar.
He was getting 50% access to his child and was giving her money regularly.
He started fucking other women, she found out, he now sees his child once every 2 weeks.
Courts completely rule in her favour in all hearings so far, he's geting taken for a ride, most of his money is taken by the CSA, only partial legal aid help so will be paying off debts for a decade.
Feel fucking terrible for him
Thank God I'm a Muslim, so none of this shit will happen to me :^)
just don't get married, and if you do get a prenup.
If you are going to die anyway why wouldn't he just go assassinate that stupid bitch for ruining his life?
He'll probably just die during the sentencing process which takes fucking years anyway.
Do ye lads actually train your women to be ninjas or do they train each other?
Probably the latter.
Fools. Who will care for the child. He wont want to take his children's mother away from them, even if someone else could care for her.
Okay 4 years ago he started posting to a few normal subreddits and his story has been relatively consistent. I think it is real after all, he's just practiced these arguments with MGTOW shitposting for literally years that's why the story sounds so artificial.
Bonus daughter pic from 4 years ago.
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.
That’s pretty cool, do they hide Katanas & Shurikens underneath the outfits?
No, they hide C4 of course.
stopped reading there, desu.
>Anecdote justifies my "decision" to be incel
Ah yes, of course.
>You should never get married because some person wrote a blog post
You must have an IQ above 90 to post here
fuck off you anti white piece of shit
Whites really fucked up giving their women rights.
Literally destroyed their countries in a century's time.
This so much. All he has to do is leave the USA for south east asia or eastern europe. Hell south america would snatch him up too. Then he could bang 16 year olds in the third world and build a mansion.
Also protective orders don't show up in background checks. This is more reddit larping.
>because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled
Yeah I just dug through 4 years of his posts to establish the truth, so go fuck yourself.
>my ex beat me
I don't get it
I'm 31 and don't really have any desire to marry. Most women my age already have kids and are single moms. Or, they've been with so many men that they are used up and have baggage like crazy. They have done it all and seen it all and don't care to do it with you. I've only been with 4 women in my life whereas most women my age have been with 15+ men on average (even the "taken" ones).
People always say to go younger but it sucks there too. I'm talking to this 23 year old girl who's already had 14 guys.
I fucking hate hookup culture.
Western prisons are comfy as fuck anyways. At least the European ones.
>going an hero instead of nbk
beta males are not worth of living
post em
Im MGTOW but Im thinking to myself that if this was not the christcuck anti-natural selection enviroment we are living in then this guy's parents would have killed him when he was a kid to not waste resources on him.
If you're going your way, why do you need other people to do the same? It's almost as if...
Mountjoy most certainly is fucking not.
All these supposed "world class" skills? Start your own business faggot.
mention the protective order to begin with. are there any court documents that illustrate the situation being in your favor? if not, this is how white people nig and chimp out. always two sides to a story would be interesting to hear hers. should have contested it before the hearing, although that may be hard 2 do.
ah you're (were?) in the UK?
Shill topic of the day ey?
I don't know, man. I've been lucky so far. If it all goes to shit I'll live like a hobo. Fuck this gay earth, anyway.
mgtow is accepting defeat, there are good women out there, you just have to be a good man yourself. Clearly this guy treated his wife like an xbox, something to be turned on when he wanted to play with it. Women are more like dogs, they require a lot of maintenance inbetween fetch.
This all could’ve been avoided.
This happens far too often, you stupid, smelly Amerimongrelmutt.