This is sad. Extremely sad, maybe even depressing Jow Forums. Thousands of white people are being slaughtered, raped and tortured in South Africa. Their goverment seems to be supporting this type of action. More and more people are rejecting Jesus Christ, for the sake of Atheism (which for me, seems like a great excuse for not having any moral foundation and it's an attempt to fit into a larger group of modern people, who believe that Christianity is sometimes even worse than Islam, especially here in the cUK), less white babies are being born, the divorce rate is extremely high, crime rate is at it's peak in the Negro zones of the United States, Germany, Sweden, England or France. A huge majority of white people allowed the left-wing media to use them as punching bags, when talking about racism, privledges and extremism (because, hey! BLM or Antifa isn't an extreme organisation from their point of view). Why in the fuck, we're allowing this to happen? Whites are experiencing complete genocide atm, and many of you are not even fighting back, slowly killing something most of our ancestors fought for. It doesn't matter if you're German, French, Polish, British, American, Swedish or Slovakian. If you're white, you're in danger. Do something about it.
If you Brits were worth your salt anymore you'd be landing troops in SA.
Brayden Perry
good thing i'm not wh*Te
Levi Lopez
wh*tes need to be taken down a peg or two
Christian Reed
kill the niggers get off my website
Luis Martinez
This. You intervened in Sierra Leone for less. The Queen made her choice when she sanctioned SA for apartheid 2 decades ago. Shes been all about giving Africans back parts of Africa. Communist or not. >See Rhodesia for more detail. The brits through Rhodesia to the Africans to rip apart. They'll do the same to the boer. They just have a thirst for destroying the boers and eradicating their culture. They've been trying to do it since the 1890s. And they'll keep trying.
Josiah Walker
Nuke this place. At least twice, just in case. All the Brits on Jow Forums know how much of a shithole this place is. And there's no excuses for this. Even all of those who say things such as "b-but look at Sweden!!" know that they can go to jail for "Hate Speech". Just shut the fuck up, and try to get this through your empty skull: Abdul, which sells you those fucking Freddos every morning, would slice your throat if he had to. You wouldn't do shit. Just look at Tommy Robinson, he's a definition of racism towards whites in England.
I wanna feel bad but then I suddenly remember all the shit whites here say about about non whites simply for being non white
Ian Young
You have to go back nigger
Jeremiah James
At least whites have brought technological progress. What have Africans given to the world exactly?
Joseph Roberts
Hudson Butler
yes nigger, white people saying mean things justifies an entire race of people within a country being fucking genocided
Jonathan Gomez
oh the irony
Jason Richardson
Sure thing, nigger.
Brayden Sanders
Whites are not being genocided in South Africa. No such thing as a white person in South Africa actually exists. They're just a bunch of Sandra Laing producing mutts who larp as white.
Andrew Ortiz
It's sad huh? What are you gonna do about it then faggotface?
Thomas Brown
>"we need to unite as black people" >black united
Unite of Black can't exist. They are racially divided (congoid, capoid) and ethnically (several ethnic groups within the same race).
Aaand he brought Christ into it for absolutely no fucking reason.
Jackson Kelly
he's talking about only in south africa you dunce
Brayden Howard
All I can say is thank fuck for the presence of mind for them having dismantled their nuclear arsenal before handing it over to the tribals. Let that shithole fall and burn, and show everyone just how inapt this people are at ruling themselves, so blinded by ethnical, racial, tribal hatreds and too stupid to understand anything beyond the next rape or murder. They reap what they sow, feel sorry for those who tried to lead a good life in there, both black and white, but its now in the hands of the morons.
Jack Robinson
What's a freddo
Blake Bailey
> >At least whites have brought technological progress. What have Africans given to the world exactly?
Camden Parker
Tyler Brown
Cheap piece of chocolate, bongs love it for some unkown reason.
>he says while living in africa as a wh*te european
Nolan Lopez
>Stopped reading at (((Jesus)))
Christopher Garcia
I will do something, sure thing. But, what are you going to do? We can argue, but at the end of the day, we both know that we're on the same boat, cunt.
>We can argue, but at the end of the day, we both know that we're on the same boat, cunt.
Wyatt Jackson
niggers aren't people and contribute nothing to society. A world without whites is a world where everyone is waiting in an infinite welfare line, waiting for someone to provide for them. That's the difference.
Joseph Parker
>wasting divine trips
Mason Morris
>kill the farmers
Eugh, niggers don't learn. They can't be taught, only trained and guided.
Cameron Reyes
Kill niggers
Hudson Russell
45 million niggers... vs 5 million boer/ whites
Boers/whites win.
Niggers would muh dick and end up shooting each other to see who was nigger king. Then after one took nigger king some other nigger would start fighting to get the crown.
Niggers are fucking stupid.
James White
There are several black ethnicities in South Africa, moron. >Nguni >Sotho >Swazis >Tswanas >shangaans >Vendas >Xhosas >zulus >ect ... ect ...
Nigger extremist for example. Divide for conquer is good for Whites.
Ayden Powell
Like you have ever contributed anything to society beyond flipping burgers.
Julian Young
>BLM flag >Talking about contributing anything to society.
You're a funny one, nigger.
Jaxson Perez
lmao the time of the whities aka "cucks" is over, get ready to get colonized by the superior BLACK MAN, this had to happen, there's nothing you can do about it.
>tfw you're gonna get to see an actual communist african country in your lifetime It's like dividing by zero, but with shithole countries.
Aaron Campbell
>we have the army and police kek SADF is stronger than both combined. Whites all all the guns, training, brains, training and purpose. EFF are kike pet dogs. 1 armed SA equals about 40 blacks
Justin Foster
Whites need to breed more.
Our countries have the highest life expectancies and low infant mortality rates.
If a White woman has 4 kids, they all live to be 90. If an African has 10, 4-5 will die due to disease, war, malnutrition, or miscarriage.
If Whites simply add just ONE more child to their families, the LOWEST fertility rates in Europe would be 2.3 and the highest would be 3.5 (faroe islands) as well as 3.1 in Ireland, France, Iceland, and USA.
>good thing i'm not wh*Te >good I got bad news. Now go shave your unibrow.
Asher Price
that's not really the kind of idea you can shill to the masses unfortunately
Ian Carter
>talking about colonizing other people Niggers can barerly control their own continent, not even mentioning war and all the diseases they carry around.
that wont happen, no woman wants to fuck a white dicklet, they will all choose the superior black male. Dont be sad, you whites had your time, now it's up to the black people to save rule the world
Justin Bell
Theres no point in hiding your pain, let it all out. it's only natural to feel bad about your race coming to an end, but as i said theres nothing you can do about it.
is this really the power of the withey iq? replying with silly memes and calling names? so happy to see that you cant even think of a proper reply to defend your dying race. Now remember to work extra so I can fuck your wife/gf some more time :)
Levi Robinson
Death to white subhumans Unite against rat-pig hybrids aka wh*teoids
Without the white man, Are africans going to be better off?
Have the ones with the black lives matter flag making comments ever read about what had happened in Zimbabwe?
Did they ever read about the history of post colonial africa?
Have they ever read about the ethnic cleansing, like in Rwanda and in sudan?
Have they ever heard about how the government ministers and presidents were corrupt as shit, plundering their nation's wealth to go buy mansions in the nations of their former colonial masters like mobutu from zaire, jose eduardo dos santos from angola and teodoro obiang nguema mbasongo?
Do they know that ethiopia was under a communist regime and under them, there were famines that put holodomir in ukraine to shame?
Do they know that some of those newly elected leaders stayed in power power forever?
Gnaddingbe eyedama from togo and Ahmed sekou toure from guinea are to name a few.
Chase Wright
retard who cant just spell whites, and has to spell it like this (wh*Tes)
Elijah Moore
>Have they ever read about Let me stop you right there. If it ain't a food label they ain't reading it.
Africa is not enough, we want europe and america, and it will be fully ours in a matter of time. There's nothing whiteys can do, we're in the media, movies, music and their womens beds ;) we're everywhere and theres nothing they can do. Not even killing them makes their women stop supporting us, it the power of the bbc
Nathaniel Adams
Carter Gray
it's a beret not a baseball hat you fuck
Benjamin Baker
LOl ok the Latinos would kill yous off right way, they fucking ate yous in the U.S. For Europe the Muslims would just kill a bunch of yous and then enslave the rest. you are too late as always, other people have their claws in.
Joshua Gray
Jace Jackson
To think the apartheid regime had the nuclear bomb, biological weapons which targeted melanin and DIDNT use them because of muh shekles.
Fuck off back to asia then you dog and rat eating, soulless insectoid subhuman chink.
Camden Nguyen
Believing actual Nogs can use computers.
Aaron Bennett
I dont need a wall of text to know your women prefer the bbc over the white crybaby dicklets. Latinos and muslims are allies in our cause, they're helping us divide and conquer your countries. when they stop being usefull we'll ditch them and take their women too.
Ayden Cook
Shut up rat-pig mix, your country is ours and you NOTHING CAN DO to change that
Kevin Wright
There is nothing of interest in europe, only that they have better infrastructure and the reason why is that they maintain you only want that infrastructure, yet you have no interest on what they did to maintain it.
Also, Here is what is really going to happen. Those leaders you will bring to power are not going to give you gifts. They are not going to make your lives better. They going to plunder the riches that the white man had made and hoard them for themselves. YOU WILL NEVER BENEFIT FROM THIS.
You will never realise this, you will be distracted by the next scapegoat that they made up the mixed race peoples, the ones born to a black man and white woman and vice versa, and you will start killing them, simply because they are seen as the last remnants of whites.
Michael Sanders
Wrong bucko, nothing is "yours", you are a souless automaton, not even worth thought. Return to your 4×8 closest room and get back to the sweatshop, my clothing and cellphone won't make themselves. Slave lol
Dylan Scott
wow you really are delusional, listen here bud, the time of the whitey is over. It's not about equality of income or anything. We're turning all your countries black, not by politics but by the power of our bbc's.
Oliver Hernandez
Faggot, it'll be a good day when your pathetic delusions are shattered. Your little existence makes me chuckle.
Cameron Cooper
Just yesterday the first South African (white of course) was sentenced to prison for racial slurs, yet clowns like in OPs pic get away with their shit.
The children coming out of this, will not be black, They will be coloured. As soon as they see how most blacks behave,mthey will distance themselves.
And those children or even their children will marry white.
Dylan Miller
Too late
Colton Morgan
That Vicki Momberg thing will still make me rupture an aneurism. >hurt the fee-fees of a retarded and corrupt metro police officer: go to jail for 2 years. >recurrently utter calls to genocide and violence: no one bats an eyelid.
Connor Morris
Fucking black nationalist flags might as well just say "Please reply to me as i say something extremely stupid".
thus erasing whites from existence until everyone is brown enough that their babies will be black. you caoulnt have explained it better than me. We dont need to be polite, our dicks will do all the work.
Lincoln Jones
Its never actual black peeps, its always some edgy faggot who writes like a white person pretending to be black. Its as obvious as someone called Emanuel Goldstein on youtube.
William Long
>ok whitey, you keep working to support your wife while a black man pleases her and makes her happy with his big superior black cock >being a walking dildo makes you superior id rather have money, IQ, a family, and civilization than a big dick but i have that too. You just made every race prefers whites.
Gavin Sanchez
>muh dick Of course, because your dick will provide a good quality of life for you, or your family. I knew that niggers were dumb, but not that dumb.
Bitch we know you're an edgy white. Blacks statistically can't firm a sentence. Writing the way you do gives it away. Try adding more grammatical mistakes next time for believability.
Oliver Miller
This is what happens. Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The first a black country the second a country of mulattos who did not want to join with blacks.
I will never pronounce such a vulgar word as: wh*Tes.
Matthew Torres
>thus erasing whites from existence other way around retard, your whole race will mix out of existence leaving no pure blacks while whites still exist. 10 generations and the blk population in america remains the same, youre being phased out.