Would misnaming a food spark a civil war in your country?

Would misnaming a food spark a civil war in your country?

As an example, this is a French chocolatine.

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A tv commercial on australia day that offers "shrimps" for sale would probably cause the death of a few foreign tourists, but nothing severe.

>turd wrapped with fried lung butter

this is a chocolate croissaint

Please go and die you glorified faggot, this is a Pain au Chocolat, don't try and meddle in this business

Its a pain au chocolat faggit get with the francais

it's a pain au chocolat you mouthbreather

it’s a nigger roll op


I thought "pain au chocolate" was the brand name of those black rubber fetish fists

That's a muddy bung sausage roll you stupid twits.

Looks like a burger sans burger plus chocolat to me.

Source? Everyone in London calls it a chocolatine.

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It's a fucking burek with chocolate you subhumans

All who deny this should an hero.

What do they call it in Austra? Marie Antoinette brought it over in the first place.

fuck off to already

Who gives a fuck about how you name it, it's a french product

Ok, just a troll

An hero please

i need more cheeki breeki chebureki with polish mayonez in my life

That's clearly a chocolate pastry you fucking faggots stop over glorifying it. It could be called a chocolate butter roll if we really wanted to start the chocolate race war. Only a monkey of the absolute highest order would eat one of these stale chocolate turds.

That's pain au chocolat

Wow, that's actually a thing. Thanks, user.

That's just a type of doughnut. In the doughnut shop we call those the
>chocolatey French thing

no u vodka orc

>the chocolate french thing
you mean
"high! can i get one of those! *points*

>this new

French attempting to take credit for American pasteries. Unacceptable

It roughly translates to bread and chocolate.
Not chocolate roll, not chocolate bread, butter chocolate.
Its a croissant stuffed with chocolate pieces.
Yankees have forgotten how to cook food and call it the proper name

No friend, pain au chocolate is the emotional state produced by diversity

El cretura, me hable no espanjol.

Who the fuck calls bulciņa a French chocolatine?

It's called a White Danish Shockola here

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The white race, slavo.

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Nice chocolate pastry wrap

Spotted the nigger.

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If you call this shit "soda" midwestern ninjas will hunt you down.

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have you given your mandatory refugee his pocket money today?

no we fucking dont

>Everyone's who's a cuck calls it a chocolatine

What is it called in your country Muhammad?

>YFW frogs call a Cocoa Burrito a pain in the chocolate


You lying cunt, I never heard anyone say "chocolatine" here. It's pain au chocolat


Sure Mohammad, whatever you say...

if you call a prawn a shrimp I will throw you on the barbie

fucking anglos at it again

Technically, this is not a pain au chocolat or a chocolatine, but a petit pain au chocolat.

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Im going to study this. I just thought prawns were bigger but same family.

When can it be called "petit"? Is there some kind of a size limit?

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It might because i'm northern but i've never heard that fucking word in all my life and hope i never will

Does it taste like board? It looks like board.

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>actually admitting to being a nordfag.

2018, gentlemen...

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They are all pretty much the same size, save for the maxi ones. Adding "petit" is quite pointless, but that's the actual, exact word

In Texas, people unironically call all soda, "coke." You can hit up a drive thru and ask for a "Number 2 with a large coke" and the person taking the order will respond with "what kind?" And you can say, "Dr. Pepper" and this whole transaction will make sense to both parties...I hate it, so i call it "soda."

Ok, so Prawns have more claws than shrimp and different gills. I also went off onto a tangent and learned that whale and kangaroo are halal, but weasels, beavers and sea otters are haram.

it's called a shit roll, original recipe from 1400s

Faggots. That's a Shokoplunder

"Pain au chocolat". Calling this dessert a chocolatine is worst than sucking a religiouly mutiled dick.


Try again fonduefucker.

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Non, por quoi je ne vis pas en France

For those who know what I'm talking about:
>It's called FRIET you fucking heretics. Patat fags need to be hanged.

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source is we're french you dumb rosbeef cuck
pain au chocolat

>Would misnaming a food spark a civil war in your country?

No. That's idiotic.

Why have the Dutch been cucked by German pastries, user? When I was in Amsterdam, that's all I saw.

This from a country that eats this shit.

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>pakis and arabs call it chocolatine

>Viennese pastry (for some reason also known as Danish)
>implying it's anything else than Austrian

In italian is saccottino.

>je suis chocolatine

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Called Chocolate croissant in countries that matter

Would adding salad cream to this make it a cob salad?

>When I was in Amsterdam
There's your problem.
Have you visited London lately?

>didn't see kroketten
>didn't see frikadellen
>didn't see pannekoeken
>didn't see poffertjes
>didn't even smell the FEBO
Just what were you doing in Amsterdam?

We call em bread 'o' chocos ere

Pain au chocolat

Who cares what all the blacks and paks are doing?

Calling chocolate balls their old name.

Why do Anglos call it danish, though?


These are nigger kisses

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My head started hurting just by seeing this. I fucking hate this cheap kind of sweets, they deserve to be gassed.

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Are you trying to start another war Radovane. Burek is only meat pie
You will get bombed by NATO again

They're called viennoiseries in French.

I always heard pain au chocolat

doesnt matter. we invented and have exclusive ownership of the "chocolate" term so all european "chocolate" is really just cocoa truffles

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the state of Jow Forums...

>doesn't shave legs
>but shaves everything else
What a gal.

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You're the ones who started misnaming your chips to distract from the poor workmanship in the first place though.

It's clearly a Schokoladenblätterteiggebäckrolle

No. We steal, misname, and bastardize the hell out of everything. No one would notice

Why do WuzTroubadours call it a chocolatine like we do here in Quebec?

we call it pain au chocolat too.

Poor man's chocolate croissant tbf

love a croissant of any description with a cup of tea.

It's obviously a Chocolate Turnover.
Don't be dense, lads.

Here in Italy there's something called "campanilismo" which literally translates to "belfry towerism".
It means that (since every town has a church and obviously a belfry tower to tell the hours to working farmers or tell them to go to church) every town is considered a country of its own and they're all set against each other in terms of dialect, food, infrastructures, women,...
and even if it's just a difference of one letter in a dish's name or uses a different ingredient, civil war breaks out whenever someone uses its own version when talking to someone from another town.
Soooo, yes.

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Shut the fuck up you liar.