>Seven Seals of Light > >c^1=Power/Force - Newton 1666 >c^2=Energy/mass - Einstein 1904 >c^3=Gravity*(g/s) - *Denke 1888 >c^4=Gravity*Force - Denke 1888 >c^5=Gravity*Power - Denke 1888 >c^6=Bwah... /sci/ 2018 >c^7=Bwah... /sci/ 2018 > >*(g/s) *mass flow rate > >YHWH Allah >(LORD God)
warosu.org /sci /thread /9623060 There you go. It is done. Bwah... Universal Magnetic Reversal
Good Fridaytimeanddate.com /countdown /generic?iso=20180330T150002&p0=274&msg=Arising Gold Plates&font=cursivetimeanddate.com /countdown /generic?iso=20180330T150002&p0=274&msg=Arising Mishkan&font=cursive
UMR Eastertimeanddate.com /countdown /generic?iso=20180401T000002&p0=136&msg=All Fools' Day&font=cursive
In 1799 the Metre and Kilogram of the Archives, platinum embodiments of the new units, were declared the legal standards for all measurements in France, and the motto of their metric system expressed the hope that the new units would be 'for all People, for all time'
>Three Frogs of Revelation > >E=hf - Planck 1899 >E=mc^2 - Einstein 1904 >E=h[(G*D)^1/2] - Denke 1961 > >YHWH Allah >(LORD God)
'for all Densities, for all time.'
Isa Go? Isa Go!
Attached: All Fools' Day Alert.jpg (1043x1004, 19K)
March 29, 2018 - 14:08
>quantum entangles behind you >blocks your path heh nothing personell kiddo
March 29, 2018 - 14:11
March 29, 2018 - 14:14
Your quantum's Off EMP? no! MEMP
March 29, 2018 - 14:15
LINT - Christmas Island time
March 29, 2018 - 14:37
is this boomerposting or terry davis posting, i can't tell anymore
March 29, 2018 - 14:38
what the hell did i just read?
someone please explain this to me
March 29, 2018 - 14:40
Man, Ozbro, I dunno. But I smelled body odor just reading it.
March 29, 2018 - 14:42
Yayyy skitzo threads. OP take your fucking meds user
March 29, 2018 - 14:43
March 29, 2018 - 14:44
Christmas Island time, LINT
March 29, 2018 - 14:46
Attached: lights out april first.jpg (1365x768, 43K)
March 29, 2018 - 15:23
What is going on in here?
Attached: 8D96D989-DBB6-48A5-8C66-D1417351D653.jpg (333x493, 64K)
March 29, 2018 - 15:31
You told me to be careful if I smoke.. fire emits no light. Can you explain more please?
March 29, 2018 - 15:35
maybe a skizo but the MH370 voicemail linked to 2 Youtube cryptic accounts and they talk about the same are you the same guy?
Attached: goncenr.jpg (253x199, 14K)
March 29, 2018 - 15:39
I AM NOT FUCKING KIDDING!!! STAY HOME LIGHTS OUT!! April Fool's Day UMR on! (heat same, no light)
Joules Coulomb
March 29, 2018 - 15:43
For 10 days? Or for longer?
March 29, 2018 - 15:46
Sorry for being a brainlet, but: 1. Whats "URM"? 2. Whats "Joules Coulomb" ? 3. What are you trying to say, in simple terms and with proper logical sequence pls.
Attached: ioasdfjfdd.jpg (500x282, 44K)
March 29, 2018 - 15:52
Gary... You should tell us everything. Please help.
March 29, 2018 - 15:59
Universal Magnetic Reversal.
March 29, 2018 - 16:01
Jesus Christ! It's in the Bibles (physics texts) Coming UMR is a three (3) day process 3 days, peak darkness on 2nd day
1. Universal Magnetic Reversal 2. Volts (Joules / Coulomb) 3. Stay the Fuck Home
March 29, 2018 - 16:07
no! it's wave-particle duality that's why heat but no light
March 29, 2018 - 16:12
So many times; Hey its a living
March 29, 2018 - 16:15
>3. Stay the Fuck Home why?
March 29, 2018 - 16:36
Familiar surroundings. Fucking darkness. Ye can not see. Ye have no light.
Westbury Wiltshire
Attached: Yahweh Hid in White Horse.jpg (1182x886, 130K)
March 29, 2018 - 16:58
and keeping the lights out so no other people try to get to the light?
March 29, 2018 - 17:08