Can someone redpill me about Christianity?

Can someone redpill me about Christianity?

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tl;dr: the hologram's default setting is abrahamism. All true sentients abhor their teachings.

Basically the Jews were being Jews, so God sent a Messiah to fix it, and the Jews Jewed said Messiah to death.

The rest of us saw that this was awful and tried to mend our ways.

That's actually pretty good

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>redpill me about Christianity?
Somebody created the jewish version of mithras/osiris/rising pagan god myth.

jesus was a kike

that’s all you need to know

verified fpbp

Yea, it's a lie. To
Control population and cause conflict.

Childhood is believing in Eastern religions because of weeb shit, monks and dragons.

Adulthood is realizing that the God of Israel is real.

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no, that's exactly like trading chains of slavery, you're still enslaved either way.
Let go of the chains because there is no lock and it's you who are binding yourself

Why do you ask, br? Do you wanna go to heaven?

same thing as communism

>Let go of the chains because there is no lock and it's you who are binding yourself
Is this some variation of that generic Eastern "we are all god" crap?

Childhood is believing in Jesus.
Teen years are atheist time.
Adulthood is return to religion.
But maturity is following your own intuition if you have it and meditate to go to heaven without believing in silly religion.

>meditate to go to heaven
Then why haven't you done it?

The funny thing is if Christians would stop being zionists and point out how the bible 2000 years ago predicted that satanic "Jews" nowadays would be behind all of the worlds problems I dont know how anyone could doubt it was divinely inspired

But I have

John 3:16 sums it up nicelessy but there is a lot more too it.


No you haven't.

ahahahaha kek

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But the jews where always behind the problems , its just that the bible knew they would be still doing it 2000 years later

le pro-racemixing face

it's funny because the tribe that left the indus river valley civilization said the same thing and they loved snakes, sailing and had a nasty bloodlust to deal with. They went westward until reaching Mesopotamia and founded a belief system, went further on to Egypt where they did the same and the collapsed the entire region by sabotaging the metal trade. After that collapse they created Judaism to deal with the riff-raff, went north into the boot of Italy and founded Rome.

Yes, I have.

Idk, i belive in god, and Christianity seems right, but at the same time wrong

You haven't, you're a liar.

Anyone can clearly see that. "If this guy has been to heaven, why would he come back to Earth and live in spain and spend his time shitposting on Jow Forums?"

Yup, Religion has strayed from the message, many statutes of men and unneeded rituals. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. The spiritual realm exists and we are at war in this crossroads of history. The gift is free all you have to do is ask. Peace brother

>Eternity worshipping god
>Having fun on le 4chinz
Lad, it's a clear cut answer.

>Pre historic North American mummies are white
>shown to have been living and travelling the ancient land bridge to Asia at the time the Bering strait flooded over
>North America is Eden
>whites are the antediluvian Adamic people spoken of in the Bible
>whites migrate over the land bridge, into Asia, and into Northern Europe with the receding ice sheets
>God sent Jesus to bring us back
>Jews Jewed us
>Jews subvert the garden, just like He said they would
End times a'coming

yes satan

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>If this guy has been to heaven
God realization, I have experienced it.

Yeah that's kinda weird. Jesus is lord

your get couldn't be more appropriate

It is the truth because Christ is the Truth.
New wine tastes bitter compared to old wine. When you are told the truth about something, it's going to be bitter and you don't want to hear it, but it does get better. The Jews that didn't want to drink the new wine did not want to hear Christ's Truth.

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>slaves proudly showing off their chains

You are 100% right. We are slaves to Jesus, slaves to Gods love

>tell guy that I have achieved the goal of spirituality (God realization)
>no, u lie, you aren't in heaven
Nigga, I haven't died yet

>muh slave buzzwords
How can you say so much yet so little? Does every bit of collectivism make you a slave? A slave is one who's forced into it, like forced converts under Islam. A servant, of Christ, gives himself willingly and fully.
Personally, I don't know where I stand on religion. I call myself a deist because I believe in evolution and the fact that were not the only intelligent life out here (not mathematically possible) but the universe had to have come from somewhere

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There are years of Jesus life where he is unaccounted for in the Bible. During that time he was actually on pilgrimage to the Far East to learn from ancient Hindu mystics.
Jesus was a Buddha. We should worship him desu.

Nevermind the creationistards & the demented jewish mythology blabber.

Become a Neo-Christian Futurist...

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Jew delusions.All that is good in christianity is product of the great european minds,not the sandnigger stolen cult itself

fourth post best post

The real end times are going to be extremely different from what most people here expect. If there's any truth you need to hear today, make it this one.

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Is this your shapeshifting brother spanjard ?

Why do you have Justin Biever videos, Netherlands?

sun worship and astrology for retards

If you want to become a real Christian you have learn Latin (or Hebrew) for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament. You then have to read the entire Bible. Beta Christianity is inherently satanic, and the priests/pastors often commit original sin every Sunday.

Original sin is choosing to follow a man made moral system (anti-racism, equality, etc)
No miscegenation is the mostly commonly repeated command in the Bible.
All whites came from Abraham, including Sumerians, Israelites, Romans, Greeks, and every good functional civilization (except the possibly the Asians whose origins are unclear.)

i was looking for shapeshifting eyes like you told here , how do i do that myself ? beebers where shown in deep shame emotion

Once upon a time European nations were nationalist and traditionalist. Then Christianity infected them. It took a long time, but eventually the 'Turn the other cheek, love your enemies' insanity of this religion took a hold and stopped nations being nationalist. The Reformation brought in a new emphasis on individual rights and opinions that eventually mutated into contemporary progressivism. (As Moldbug says, progressivism is an atheistic sect of Protestantism.) The Counter-Reformation made Catholicism just as cucked; this culminated in Pope Francis sucking the toes of illegal immigrants. Basically, Christianity fucked up the West and brought it to the sad state it is in today.

Ironically, though, Christianity may be only hope that the West has to resist the immigrant invasion and the general degeneracy. People seem to need some religious tradition to ground them and I doubt that pagan larpers are going to make many converts; and most pagans are left-wing feminist Earth-mother-worshipping degenerates anyway. The only hope for the West is a revival of traditionalist Catholicism. This is already happening to a certain extent in France. Look up organizations like Deus Vult and the revived Action Francaise and read the recent book by Julien Langella 'Catholiques et identitaires'.

Or we could just crush the puppet masters and watch the stage fall, it's that easy.


A cult that only grew popular because people started feeling bad for them when they started matyring themselves, an emperor fell for the memes and started making it the official cult of his empire, and when the Roman church in desperate need of followers used a desperate Frankish king to start butchering all of Europe to feel holy.

It was a cult that started with good intentions where it was all about developing epistemologies about God and then developed into a scourge that plunged Europe into civil wars murdering/consuming itself, subjugating millions under penalty of death, and finding excuses to do terrible deeds.

I'll hand it to them, it united Europe only because the church was desperate for followers/donations.

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>i was looking for shapeshifting eyes
I've seen other people but don't have pics on me, some guy on /x/ posted his eyes one day, some years ago, reptilian too, aparently it happens

Actually, somebody posted not long ago here on pol a video of stephen fry whose eye was turning reptilian, ti was a discussion about david icke.

Constantine (±300 CE) concocted it out of something that had been brewing about 300 years.

Is that just a blurry picture of the Stig?

Holy shit. No wonder he almost never takes off the helmet.

God knocked up a Jewish 13 year old via artificial insemination delivered by a floating white guy with giant dove wings.
Then this 30 yo Joey cuck raises the Jewy bastard up to learn the carpentry trade only so the boy can wander off with a coven of hippy fisherman, eventually getting himself killed.

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Jesus either never existed or the legend which has built up around Jesus so exceeds whoever the original guy may have been that they might as well be treated as two separate entities, pretty much like trying to determine who the original King Arthur or Robin Hood were by trying to identify the oldest fan-fiction which was written about them.

There was a bunch of religious upheaval during the time of the supposed historical Jesus in Judea due to a specific interpretation of Old-Testament prophecy in the book of Daniel, meaning that people were expecting some shit to happen and for some religous figure to arise, beyond the general disgrace of being cucked by the Romans and hoping for a prophet/judge of God to arise and cast the Romans out of Judea and be a saviour of the jews (aka the original meaning of the word "Messiah"), with a lot of wannbe prophets and shit-stirrers running around, not unlike depicted in Life of Brian or closer to history the "burned over district" in New York which saw a bunch of religious "fads" spring up and die out, Mormonism being one of the memes which stuck. There were also a few obscure jewish sects at this time such as the Essenes who wrote the dead sea scrolls who had unorthodox theologies.

So here's the theory: There's an obscure jewish sect being led by Peter which believes that there is a spritual being called the Christ which gets sacrificed on a metaphysical level.
Evidence: The Corinthian Creed in 1 Corinthians 15:3 says that ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES Christ died for our sins, resurrected and visited the disciples.
Paul personally talked to the disciples, so their story should actually be that they witnessed him die for their sins, not that they read it in a book somewhere and then received visions of him visiting them. This is not all too different from Mohammed sincerely believing he is being visited by the Angel Gabriel.

Here's the thing, even if God doesnt exist, the bible was the standard people in Europe and America tried to live up to for hundreds of years. The laws of the bible kept order and teaches men how to be men, and women how to be women.
It got us this far as a civilization.

It was rather popular at the time to write fan-fictions giving gods a flesh-and-body origin story, if no such thing was done for Yahwe/the Christ it would have been one very odd exception, so the belief that the Christ died for our sins on a metaphysical level gets turned into a story how he/it came to earth to die for our sins.
Once this idea is passed around you may be tempted to start wondering if any recently deseased contemporaries may have been the Christ, or if you are a hardcore fan on a recently deseased revolutionary/thinker of some sort you may like to start claiming that he was the Christ to give your movement credibility.

Note that this is all pretty muddled and there is no straightforward way of reconstructing what actually happened, but the Letters of Paul, Acts and the Gospels make a lot of mention of imposters and false disciples, alongside debates of orthodoxy and Paul ending his letters by adding his signature to "prove" that he wrote them, because there were other people at the time trying to spread their ideas under his name and chances are that many of Paul's letters are forgeries and saying "this is my signature, this proves I wrote it" is a basic-ass way for any forger to try and disguise their forgery.

Christians like to bring up details such as Jesus being physically present when seeing the disciples after his resurrection and eating food as proof that he was physically there and not just an apparition as "some" might claim. These details were deliberately put in to make that exact point. We know very well that centuries later Christians were still fighting over the exact nature of Christ and if he was a flesh-and-blood human or an apparition of some sort.


If you are still wondering and arguing about these details decades and centuries after the fact when at the very latest Jesus should have been able to clear everything up during the 40 days he still spent on earth with his disciples after the resurrection (according to Acts), then it sounds rather suspicious that the entire thing is rather made up and it's only later that you've gained followers and proponents that you start trying to establish an orthodoxy and get hung up on contradictions and differences of opinion that are difficult to reconcile, not unlike how nerds can get hung up on extensive fan-theories concerning characters, shows or how something like a Lightsaber or hoverboard would work in real life.

So to finish this off:
Around the year 33 Jesus as we think of him does NOT live or die, but there are probably speakers, revolutionaries and shit-stirrers of some sort who say and (supposedly) do some of the things which are later attributed to him.
An obscure jewish sect popularises the idea of the Christ who sacrificed himself for the world and spread the news of whatever they believe him to have taught
Their movement gathers steam, after year 60 a guy named Paul believes he has been visited by the Christ, so undergoes conversion, reads up on what christians believe and starts spreading his own brand of Christianity which similar to, but not exactly like the Jerusalem brand being taught by the disciples (Paul thinks gentile converts get to eat pork and don't have to be circumcised, the OG disciples insisted you have to observe jewish law).
In the years 80-120 some talented writers in Greece somewhere write the Gospels largely like we know them. Mark was written first, starting with Jesus being baptised, Matthew and Luke were written next and they added the whole story about a virgin birth in a Manger and also the details of Jesus visiting the disciples after his resurrection, among MANY other things, (cont)

But chances are these are heavily edited as the canon and theology had not been formalised yet, with Christian sects such as the Docetists, Marcionites and Arians conflicting wtih Orthodox opinion for centuries.
In the 4th century emperor Constantine calls the first council of Nicea to iron out some of the points of contention and over the following centuries there are purges and eradication of radical christian sects such as the Gnostics, who we know rather little about since the catholic church did a good job of destroying their scriptures, so most of what we have to work on are scraps which somehow survived along with quoted passages preserved in refutational essays.

To this day the nature of Jesus is something Christians are happy to argue about and debate endlessly, not something you'd expect to be done about a historical figure, but certainly something you'd do with a fiction that has plenty of gaps in the official canon, leaving room to speculate and come up with differing interpretations.