Coulter turns on the NY Billionaire Prez

New York Billionaire brings in a Goldman Sachs cabinet and now a W Bush cabinet. So much for draining the swamp. Anyway sure they'll con you next time around, again, dumb fucks.

"Coulter: ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus’ Trump Needs a 2020 MAGA Primary Challenge"

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settle down tranny theres still plenty of nigger cock left in the world for you to suck all is not lost

She is disgusting whore. Also controlled opposition

Nah fuck off: she's got a point. immigration was the only reason the cunt is in office and he has done jack shit about it.

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>you know that's not true you stupid kangaroo nigger

Nah I know it is true you dumb fucking hamburger.

coulter sounds like a woman scorned. i wonder if trump pumped 'n' dumped her or just outright refused to fuck

Yeah he is not building the wall or deporting the millions of illegals you dumb fucking fanboi cuck.
Grow a dick and stand for some principles instead of kneeling in front of a shitty reality TV star with your mutt mouth agape.
If he does not prevent illegal immigration, he just fucking used you for the loose faggot you are.

Me, I make a stand. 0 illegal immigration and I could give two fucks which politician does it, so long as they fucking do it.
Come on cuck you make a stand too.
Your based ancestors went to the moon - and yet you weak mutt cucks cant even build a fucking fence.

lmao @ this over-reaction to a shitpost

When you weak hamburger fucks cant control your jews or politicians you fuck over the rest of us.

>"Coulter: ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus’ Trump Needs a 2020 MAGA Primary Challenge"
Who you gonna run?

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Coulter is just keeping the pressure on him... a lot at stake here... we can't afford another conservative president not doing anything to conserve our way of life.... he needs to start making moves. I agree with coulter here.

>Be Ann
>Career down tubes in 2015
>Tea Party just about dead
>Leaders all bent knee to establishment
>Career more or less over
>Enter Trump july 2015
>Ann rolls dice and picks Trump
>Bah God he wins 16 months later
>16 months after that Ann has nothing to complain about
>Complains anyway
Oh ann

Settle down lad
Stop doing the jews work for them

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She’s the worst type of attention whore... the eating disorder skeleton attention whore...

Im sure your intake has her covered three times over.

that's a glorious post you're responding to boomer, have some respect

so you're saying we were stabbed in the back by the only candidate that represented our views at the time but is now no better than any of those guys you listed?

kill yourself shill rat

>Picking fights with Russia
gee, whatever has poor defenseless Trump done to deserve these savage attacks?

you're the shill
cock jockey of the globalists and Jews, good job, ur rally smrt

Her comment strikes me more as talking about how crazy the dems are and how little they care for due process.