What's his pregame?

Also post-game?

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The same thing he does every night.

Try to take over the world.

Ack Ack!

The Brothers needed to reduce their exposure (for various reasons that will become apparent soon enough), so they got one of their genetically-engineered clone babies to do the talking for them from now on.

I thought the brain memes were just a prank

>tfw to smart for the second amendment

Is he reading people's mind?

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I poor sorry for the lad... I hope we can advance our medical science to alleviate his suffering.

Americans sure are beautiful

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Is this where he announced we are all just AI constructs meandering about the simulation he created with 1% of his massive brain power

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>the 56% oompa loompa

>One stupid rich family getting blacked means everyone is
>Meanwhile, in Bongistan, the royal family, which will be around until the end, will be black eventually

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eL tErriBle

The Jenners are one of many reasons why ratings are down across the board, and pop culture and Hollywood have never been less influential, less respected, more despised.

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His children won't be the heir you dumbfuck, so it doesn't matter.

I've been out of the newscycle for a week or so. are they still pushing the Parkland thing super hard? I knew the lefties wouldn't give up this shot was they got it, they've been losing so hard on gun control for a long time now.

>It doesn't matter that even part of the British royal family is getting BLACKED

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They won't be part of the lineage so it doesn't matter.

I don't blame him for being anti-gun
If my headshot hitbox was 3 times bigger than everyone else's I wouldn't consider it fair either.

El cerebro del 56%...

El AguaCabeza de El Estados Unidos...

Is this a dwarf?