Reminder: only Jews and their shabbos goyim attack Christianity

Reminder: only Jews and their shabbos goyim attack Christianity

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Other urls found in this thread:äubig


No freedom of speech?

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christians are the ultimate shabbos goyim, lmao.

majority of idealistic civilization seems to have gotten on fine without it
there's nothing wrong with persecuting open sedition - lord knows it would've spared us our marxist/leftist problem - just so long as you don't go looking for sedition where is plainly doesn't exist (ironically, like the marxists and leftists do)
that's the point where a ruler becomes a tyrant

Reminder: Hitler said shit so he can get elected. When talking to workers, he sounded socialist. When talking to business owners, he sounded like Ron Paul.
He personally didn't care much, many Nazis and affiliated people were religious, but many were anti-Christian, for example Himmler.
In 1941 (or 1942, I forgot) local Nazi chief removed crosses from schools in Bavaria. People became pissed off and started protesting, so Hitler ordered him to bring them back and told him he will get shot if he tries anything similar.
He just did what masses liked. He was a populist.

In before a bunch of stupid faggots come in and tell us to ignore all mein kampf, and decades of speeches in favor of strange booklets translated by jews that were published in Hitlers name 10 years after the war that provides "proof" that Hitler was antichristian.

Hitler was not religious and no matter how much you shill for that won't change it.
Nazis wanted to replace Christianity with Nazi-sanctioned version.
You can't be an honest Christian and a Nazi. That's just cringy LARPing.



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Reminder: Our viking ancestors only consumed semen as a means of boosting testosterone before battle (totally not gay when used in this context). Christians are too stupid to understand this

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Prove it with one of his speeches or from a quote from mein kampf.

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Hitler ripping the neopagans as idiots or jewish agents in Mein Kampf, stalag edition

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This confirms that jews are the primary force behind all of the LARPing on this board

Okay, sell me on the Idea of worshiping a semite on a stick.

Like we’ve been telling you forever, the Biblical Israelites are white.

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The Roman Catholic Church and Greek Orthodoxy are the continuation of the Roman Imperial Cult and Greek paganism. Respecting these institutions is honoring the traditions of your ancestors. I dont give a shit what you personally believe, if you wanna honor your "pagan" ancestors by acting like a nigger in the woods go ahead. I am just trying to expose kike lies on this website, not promote a particular faith. The jews absolutely despite the early Christian institutions, thats why they promote protestant Christianity and norse paganism on this board. Please read Mein Kampf and Evola, they explain this alot better than I ever could

If people on this board actually read Mein Kampf they would realize that Varg is full of shit and that kikes actually want you to adopt his mentality of retreating from the civilization your ancestors built to live off welfare in the woods. People like him are exactly the type of person Hitler was describing in this passage, the ultimate shabbos goyim. His children will end up hating him and fucking Christian/Muslim niggers as revenge, unless the crazy fucker finally snaps and kills himself and his family before then

One Jow Forums post in not enough evidence to convince me Jesus was white. Sorry. I don't just start believing in things because they suit me.

I have seen no evidence of Hitler being against or for any religion (except you know who). He just spoke out at inefficient larping.

> nigger in the woods
This is just character assassination witch we 'pagans' have a laugh at. I'm currently in the process of staring a Permaculture in my garden. The Jews hated early Christianity because it was way more in line with the 'old skool' European paganism then actual Christianity that came over from Jerusalem. Why not cut out the middle man entirely? I will read Ebola soon btw.

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Jesus was levantine from before the Arab conquest, his skin tone was likely similar to those of mediterraneans. And it's theorised that he was the son of a roman soldier.

>kikes actually want you to adopt his mentality of retreating from the civilization your ancestors built to live off welfare in the woods


The last thing they want you to do is to drop out of society.

>People like him are exactly the type of person Hitler was describing in this passage, the ultimate shabbos goyim

He has 6 plus white children and homeschools them.

>His children will end up hating him and fucking Christian/Muslim niggers as revenge,

>only reverse psychology works

So we should be telling our children to love refugees and fuck niggers so they hate refugees and don't fuck niggers?

Most sensible posts I've seen on this shit board in months.
Hitler was not Christian, and he was not anti-Christian.
He incorporated bits from different beliefs into a new spiritual Germanic faith which the Nazis hoped to convert the people to over a few decades.

There is civilization in the sense of small knit communities working together, and there is civilization that we know and dealing with now. I am of the personal believe the whole thing will collapse rather soon, so I see no reason to invest in it. Also I had a similar upbringing and me and my sister both understand the reasons why.

Hitler lived in a time where resources weren't getting more scarce by the day on a global scale. still was a vegetarian and the first real autistic environmentalist of his kind.

>prove history by quoting politicians

You can find plenty of anti-Christianity quotes by Goebbles, Himmler, Bormann, and Rosenberg. Hitler remains more elusive. But what is the point? Actions speak louder than words.

>similar to those of Mediterraneans
So not white then? Gothcha.

>And it's theorized that he was the son of a roman soldier.
Doesn't this at all fuck over the entire bases of Christianity though?

Gotta take my daily six' o clock Odin sperm now hold on.

I don't have any solid evidence that Hitler was a devout Christian, however based on the writing of Goebbles and Hitler it is evident that they respect for the tenants of the faith. The majority of the country at the time was Christian as well as a majority of the members of the NSDAP, with the few exceptions being faggots like Himmler and Ernst Rohm, both of whom ended up betraying Hitler. Personally I dont care whether you believe in the divinity of Christ, it is what it is regardless of what you believe. I just want you to understand that by defending Christianity you are defending the traditions of your ancestors. If you abbandon the beautiful cathedrals and culture that Christianity has produced to go worship trees and rocks you are effectively devolving your culture into nigger tier, playing directly into the kikes plan. Read some of the works by the early church fathers, you will soon realize that Christ tried to conquer the same nihilism that Julius Ceasar and Socrates did before they were murdered

Well bring out the quotes, from speeches with reliable translations and literature that they openly condoned before the end of the war from oficial Party documentation.

They of course had respect for Christianity, as they did most other religions. They included baptism by water in their new Germanic religion.
If you think the Nazis were encouraging people into churches on a sunday morning, you're mistaken.

Christians lied to our ancestors

If you drop out of the society your ancestors built it will be taken over by niggers. He married an autistic child and is raising his children in a way that will result in serious developmental problems. No self respecting white man sees Varg as a role model, they understand he is a loser and the ultimate shabbos goyim, only NEETS look up to him

Everyone should watch this 50minute Spanish documentary (with good English captions) on the mystical beliefs of the Nazis.
Talks about the Thule society, their alliance with Tibet, the occult etc etc

You gullible cunt, you semen chugging, cum slurping snowmonkey, you endlessly naive, entitled pig-faced subhuman scum, how dare you declare anything but the open use of your wifes pussy by every random sandnigger that happens to stumble upon Europe. You smug emasculated cocksucker, shut the fuck up until you fix your hellhole that you call a coutry or go extinct, I personaly would prefer the later so I wont have to listen to your autistic bullshit ever again.

Who cares if our Lord didn't look like people from Sweden? He was God in the flesh, an He came to die for our sins and give us eternal life: even if He was black, I would not mind. I'm Christian and I do not care about that, I want to save my people and identity and I don't need to hate other Nationalities as long s they stay away from us.
Problem is: the EU is but a tool to impose faux Christianity ("tolerance" is not a Christian virtue) and divide us until we fall.

>with the few exceptions being faggots like Himmler

He was the second most powerful man in the Reich and in charge of the SS.

Hitler obviously condoned what he was doing, directly or indirectly. And it wasn't just Himmler. Bormann, Rosenberg and Goebbles were all anti-Christian and Rosenberg was the official Reich philosopher.

While ignoring the existence of kirchenkamp and all of the other very important, powerful NSDAP members that were openly anti-Christian.

Do you live in inner city Detroit and send your children to public school?

>I don't have any solid evidence that Hitler was a devout Christian, however based on the writing of Goebbles and Hitler it is evident that they respect for the tenants of the faith

I think Hitler just understood that religion of any kind is the ultimate form of brainwashing. and saught to recreate this in his own form see > Personally I dont care whether you believe in the divinity of Christ, it is what it is regardless~

I will not 'defend' your religion, just so that you can prosper off it. Because I believe you are are herded into a religion for the sheeps, nice buildings or not. I 'worship' Nature because that is LITERALLY is my god. I get to see it with my own eyes too, witch is nice. You can have nice buildings and like nature too so I could turn that around as well. why not start defending MY religion or else the kikes will kill us all etc etc.

effectively devolving your culture into nigger tier
I have no quarrels with Africans in Africa. I do have one with the Christian church trying to import the fuckers to our lands under the guise of helping them out. Or trying to "help" (read: convert) them over there

playing directly into the kikes plan. Read some of the works by the early church fathers, you will soon realize that Christ tried to conquer the same nihilism that Julius Ceasar and Socrates did before they were murdered

Christianity tried to convert everybody not agreeing with them. Also people that weren't nihilistic at all. I also don't see why those provided examples where nihilistic at all. Especially compared to today's standards. Care to indulge me?

Notice how few Swedes are actually Christians. And how even most "Christian" Nations have but only the bland cultural notion of Christianity.
Europe is a spiritual wasteland.

Good Mythical Morning - how to Passover Seder with Larry king

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>even if He was black, I would not mind.

Europe is a spiritual wasteland because its religion is an open, all inclusive religion. Just like how our nations are now open, all inclusive nations, we feel no patriotic connections to it, we feel no spiritual connections to Christianity. Blood and soil over all.

>Who cares if our Lord didn't look like people from Sweden? He was God in the flesh, an He came to die for our sins and give us eternal life: even if He was black, I would not mind. I'm Christian and I do not care about that, I want to save my people and identity and I don't need to hate other Nationalities as long s they stay away from us.

>even if He was black, I would not mind
So why not start worshiping jew... O right lol.

huh I guess he better kick himself out the nazi party then

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These small communities will not be able to resist the hordes of Islam. You dont fully grasp the situation

My ancestors were Christians and were opposed to mass migration; until we were pozzed by Americanism, which happened after WWII, we were okay with Africans being Africans as long as they were in Africa, and Asians being Asians in their Countries, but we wanted Europe to be the land of English men, Scottish, Welsh, French, Italians, etc...
Sure, we had some migrants coming from those Countries, but we were not "wide open" as after you damned yankees came and pissed in the well of Western civilization.

I worship Godm who came into the flesh in a Jewish Nation, got refused and killed by them, He forgave them but also told His disciples to spread the message of His kingdom to all the world. He did not marry my sister, He saved my soul.

But living in a city surrounded by them will be able to resist them?

>retreat to countryside, pay lower taxes, have lots of children, own guns, grow own food, learn to be self sufficient


>live in tiny apartment for 2000 usd a month, live hand to mouth, no guns, cannot even change a tire on a car, surrounded by millions of shitskins - high chance of getting sensibly killed by one in a mugging

Yeah wow tough choice. By the way, why do you faggots all of a sudden become "durr suburban and rural retards, we need to live in cities to survive the race war" retards whenever Varg is mentioned?

Right, and America, the most Christian nation in the west, is the source of all of this rot.

There were many different factions and ideologies trying to gain a hold of the NS movement, there was heavy jewish influence and finance involved as well. I personally believe that Hitler and Goebbles were some of the more genuine people involved with that movement, and I would trust their opinions more than someone like Himmler. It wasn't until the party started getting more and more into occult and pagan practices that they eventually began to lose the war

Government interference was absolutely neccesary in the war, and its reach and end goals taken out of context and propaganized after the war. The catholic church proved itself as an enemy to Germany and mankind and even partook in attempts of assassination against Hitler, Jehovas witnesses are heavily masonic in teaching and have always served american, and by default, jewish interests.

Its funny how all the fake quotes attributed to Hitler always complain soley about Christianity, but favorably of religions like islam, or other eastern drabble which even tend to be directly contradictory to all the western cultural advancements that he spoke so dearly of...

>Muh defender against Islam.
Every fucking argument with Christianity. always turns to this.

Since we already have civilization here in the west I recommend carpet bombing all the deserts to glass, The only thing stopping us is our (((Christian values))) and then going back to how our ancestors lived before the 'great' civilization meme. Happy now?

Also fun fact: Once the Oil dries up, all the middle eastern religions will melt like snow before the sun, as they would be to busy fighting over the last scraps. What is already happening now. Also small communities can work together for a greater goal without become one big civilization. The fucking cave man waked together to take down animals, before all retreating to their own caves.

>He forgave them

I shall forgive all my enemies as they tear my anus apart and invade our lands. I bet Jesus will give me a hand job once I am in heaven; the post.

Im not promoting any religion, I just hope that you realize that you cannot build a society similar to the European societies of the last 1500 years if your culture is based on some nigger tier nature worship religion. The pagan traditions that actually created a strong civilization like Rome evolved into Christianity. I dont care if you worship trees, I just want you to realize that this is what the kikes want


The Goebbels Diaries, written by Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, provide important insights into Hitler's thinking and actions.[80] In a diary entry of 28 December 1939, Goebbels wrote that "the Fuhrer passionately rejects any thought of founding a religion. He has no intention of becoming a priest. His sole exclusive role is that of a politician."[81] In an 8 April 1941 entry, Goebbels wrote "He hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."

>It wasn't until the party started getting more and more into occult and pagan practices that they eventually began to lose the war

The party was literally born out of the volkisch movement, occultists were involved from day one. Hitler even dedicated Mein Kampf to one. Ludendorf was another early NSDAP member anti-Christian.

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>Not following the King of the Jews
>Not flipping over kike banker tables
>Not naming the Jew and their Synagogue
What are you doing with your life user?

I dont live in a city, and honestly I dont really give a fuck what happens to American cities at this point since they are beyond saving. However, if you dont have an issue with cities like Rome, Paris, London, etc. being taken over by Muslims because your too busy stacking rocks in the woods to honor the tree spirits than you deserve to be gassed since you are only counter productive to our movement

Every Hitler thread there is some kike like these 2 trying to say Germany was not Christian. It's bullshit. The jews fear White brotherhood mixed with Christianity the most.

Someone post the photo with the SS troops with the GIANT Cross if you have it.

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>I dont live in a city, and honestly I dont really give a fuck what happens to American cities at this point since they are beyond saving.

Well fucking gee wiz, you agree with me.

>However, if you dont have an issue with cities like Rome, Paris, London, etc. being taken over by Muslims

It's not about issues, it's about practicality. Just like you don't have a desire to live in 3rd world shithole cities in the US, Europeans have little desire to live in 3rd world shithole cities in Europe. And while yes, European cities are far older and mean more to Western civilization, our ancestors also built cities like Detroit, DC, St Louis, etc, which we have abandoned to the shitskins.

No one ever said Germany was not Christian. We're saying that the German NatSocs intended to replace Christianity with something else, Hitler promoted Himmler, Rosenberg and Bormann to power who were all open Christians, and the SS was demonstrably Pagan or at least non-Christian. This is all backed up pretty well and all you have is some quotes and a few pictures of crisscrossing wooden beams.

>I just hope that you realize that you cannot build a society similar to the European societies of the last 1500 years

I don't I want Europeans to go spirituality go back before that time. I don't give a shit about nice brainwashing buildings. Also I just Disagree.
>waaah believe completely what I want you to believe or else everything goes to shit. I AM TELLING MY PRIEST ABOUT THIS.

Nazi Germany was washed in occultism / paganism and worked fine.

>nigger tier nature worship religion
*snownigger* tier worship, you are the sandnigger worshiper here.

>created a strong civilization like Rome evolved into Christianity
And then it fell.

>who were all open Christians

Whoops I mean open Pagans.

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>nigger tier nature worship religion

No, temperate European paganism was based on ancestors, oaths and rituals honoring blood and soil.

Since you seem to respect Reich, perhaps than you should respect its practices. Pretty sure calling ancient Germanic religion "nigger tier" would get you sent to a camp.

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Your literally basing your view of the movement off of the opinions of homosexual infiltrators, kike shills, and fake quotes. Please read Mein Kampf

I don't know what's more ridiculous, the nigger or the rotund neckbeard with chains (hardkore) in his pocket.

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>We have evidence.
>Your quotes and crosses mean nothing.


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*accepts gays*
*licks nigger feet*
*worships dead kike*
*retcons hell*
*gives praise to (((chosen people)))*
*donates to African children*
*baptizes a spic*
*fights and dies for Israel*

hitler was an atheist

>fake quotes

Proof that Ludendorff never said those things?

>Mein Kampf

And what about it? The one passage in question? What about pic related, is it fake?

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You can't prove anything by cherry picking quotes. None of the quotes here have been answered for example

And crosses mean nothing when the NSDAP revived pagan celebrations and advised the SS to begin worshiping their ancestors, had pagan weddings and funerals, etc.

>*fights and dies for Israel*
>70 years of this

It's over Goys. The religion of Atheism awaits you!

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I'm really busy with my garden

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>Muh evidence
Prove it Schlomie.

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pick one

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Atheism or (((Atheism)))?

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>what is GOTT MIT UNS
>american education

Varg is a legit anti social, literally psychopathic and this has been proven by his murderous behaviour. The last thing any race would need to overcome all the social and cultural damage over the years, is an old retardes murderer who hides in the woods breeding degenerates with a retarded woman who should have been sterilized...

Nice proxy, Ameritard

The posts on this board get dumber and dumber every day

>Hitler ripping the neopagans as idiots or jewish agents in Mein Kampf, stalag edition
That's why we're National Socialists not nazis

table talks are bs

5. The Jul Wreath
On the first Jul Sunday the Jul Wreath is hung up in the living room. Its fir branches fill the house with pre Yuletide smells, its red ribbons awaken the joy for the coming celebrations, and its red candles brighten up the dark winter evenings. The Yuletide Wreath is equivalent to the old Sun Wheel, and as it is made from living greenery it reminds us of the old Tree Of Life. Once we have made these connections we will surely make the right preparations for the festival. The SS Man should go to his friendly cartwright and ask for a wooden wheel of about 50 to 80 cm diameter. There is bound to be a spare one lying about. He cuts off one side of the hub so the wheel can lie flat. It is then stained dark brown or bright red and so becomes the Jul Wheel of the family, which should be kept on a low table or the family chest in a corner of the living room.

The Jul Wheel or Sun Wheel with its deep rooted Germanic religious meaning is utilised as the base for the SS tree
A small, young, forked tree trunk without branches is stuck into the centre of the hub, so we can recreate the Tree Of Life growing from the Sun Wheel which will be used by the SS-family at every celebration during the year. Instead of the cart wheel you can use a wooden wheel with the dividers inset and decorated with Runic letters. The tree should still be fixed in the centre. The green tree may be replaced every year by the trunk of the Yuletide tree at the end of the season. It is important that the wooden wheel has replaced the meaningless cast iron Christmas tree stand, which has no place in an SS home. The same goes for electric tree lights and the horrible glass decorations for the tree. We now place red ribbon both ways across the fork of the tree, the ends of which are tied to the Jul Wreath, which now hangs freely about half way up the tree.

The typical SS Yuletide Tree sits in the center of the family chest; directly behind is a Wedding Plate and on either side is a Jul Plate
The Jul Wreath is made by binding bundles of small pine twigs around a wooden hoop (a child's toy hoop is ideal), and fastening 4 red candles on it. When the SS Woman prepares the table for afternoon coffee on the first Jul Sunday, she decorates it with further twigs of pine and lights the first candle on the Jul Wreath. Every following Sunday an additional candle on the Jul Wreath is lit, thereby the lights grow slowly until there is an explosion of lights on the Yuletide Tree by the time of Winter Solstice, portraying the Winter Solstice fires. It is also customary to light 4 candles on the first Sunday, decreasing every week by 1 candle. This should point to the dying old year, which is reborn in the many candles on the Yuletide Tree even as its last candle dies away.

7. Yuletide Songs And Stories
Jul time is especially a time for children. Parents can't do enough to brighten up these dull days and long nights. Just think about it: Where do our deep rooted feelings for Yuletide come from? Mostly they are memories from our childhood days. First impressions last longer and leave the deepest sense for these celebrations in our young folk. All later festivities are only meaningful if this initial understanding is awakened.
Because in Germany every generation has passed on the old traditions to their children, we now have the German Yuletide, which is envied by all other Nations. We also have to ensure that these old traditions get handed on in a true and unchanged way, so that they will awaken in our children a strong feeling for their Homeland and their Folk, which will provide them with a sense of security in this modern and stressful world. At Yuletide children should sing our old Yuletide songs. This requires the mothers to learn our old songs and teach them with all their hearts and souls. A joint evening at your local school will help all those parents who were not taught properly in their own childhood to get it right for their children.

Our best Yuletide songs are:
1. High Up In The Winds
2. O Yuletide Tree, How Green Are Your Branches
3. Sacred Night Filled With Stars.
The Yuletide season is like no other a time for telling stories. The nucleus of our fairytales is thousands of years old. If you are able to read between the lines the deeper meaning of the happenings at the Winter Solstice, you will not only make the children happy with these stories, but increase your knowledge of the deeper meaning of Yuletide and your racial inheritance. It is customary now to tell one story every Jul Sunday which tells of the Solstice and the coming year.

Or maaaybe, he knew that he was speaking to a predominantly Christian audience and wanted to garner the support of the Pope, and thereby align himself with Christian allies. Totally worked on Italy.

visit old mother (Earth Mother) and is swallowed up by a monster; the young hunter brings her freedom and with it the rebirth of the year.
• 2nd Jul Sunday: Snow White -- The princely child goes into the deep wood, reaches the kingdom of the Gnomes (Mother Earth) but is killed by the bad one (step mother); she sleeps on a mountain in a glass coffin (the ice winter) and is freed and brought home by a young hero.
• 3rd Jul Sunday: Maiden Marleen -- The princess with the golden hair (Sun) is incarcerated in a tower (death of the Sun); the world becomes barren and empty; the prince tries to free her but is thwarted by the bad bride (the bad one), until the time is right and he recognises the right bride and brings her home.
• 4th Jul Sunday: Sleeping Beauty -- The princess reaches the tower of the spinning old woman (the bad one); she falls into a deep sleep; the world becomes barren and empty until the young prince comes and freely walks through the rose hedges because the time is ripe (Winter Solstice); he wakes the sleeping girl with a kiss, the world awakes and radiates in new light.
See also the old Saga of Sigurd and Brünnhilde in the Waberlohe -- Magic Fire story.

>vikings weren't niggers

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8. Wotan's Day And The Jul Plate
The old feast of Wotan is on Jul 16th. In olden days the God of our ancestors drove through the air, visited his people, was friendly to them, and left them little presents. He wanted to announce the start of the Winter Solstice season and the coming of the New Year. The christian church couldn't suppress these yearly visits of this white bearded, one eyed leader of the good Spirits. So they put one of its assumed saints, St. Nikolaus, in his place. But in many areas of Germany the Schimmelreiter -- Rider On A White Horse, also known as Hruodprecht -- Ruprecht -- The One Shining With Glory = Wotan, or simply Father Yuletide remained.

They will thank them for it in years to come. But where a visit cannot be arranged, all members of the family should put their Jul Plates on the window sill. They will find them in the morning filled with apples, nuts, and hand formed biscuits, the first messengers of the coming feast. Every member of a family should have his or her own Jul Plate. When a child is born, it should be presented with this Plate at the Ceremony Of Name Giving. It should be an old pewter plate, wooden plate, or a ceramic plate decorated with the Tree Of Life and lettering. As this Plate is used throughout the whole life, it should be beautiful, but not too large. It is used on birthdays to put the candles on it, on Wotan's Day, Yuletide Day, and New Year's Day for presents, on Easter Sunday for the Easter Eggs, on the Harvest Festival for apples, during the Wedding Ceremony for bread and salt, and during the Funeral Service the Light Of Life should extinguish whilst on it.

>Tranditions are not Christian therefore everything is out the fucking window GOYIM!

Go look in the mirror and punch your stupid virgin self in the face.

>In the English tradition, days of thanksgiving and special thanksgiving religious services became important during the English Reformation in the reign of Henry VIII and in reaction to the large number of religious holidays on the Catholic calendar. Before 1536 there were 95 Church holidays, plus 52 Sundays, when people were required to attend church and forego work and sometimes pay for expensive celebrations. The 1536 reforms reduced the number of Church holidays to 27, but some Puritans wished to completely eliminate all Church holidays, including Christmas and Easter. The holidays were to be replaced by specially called Days of Fasting or Days of Thanksgiving, in response to events that the Puritans viewed as acts of special providence. Unexpected disasters or threats of judgement from on high called for Days of Fasting. Special blessings, viewed as coming from God, called for Days of Thanksgiving. For example, Days of Fasting were called on account of drought in 1611, floods in 1613, and plagues in 1604 and 1622. Days of Thanksgiving were called following the victory over the Spanish Armada in 1588 and following the deliverance of Queen Anne in 1705. An unusual annual Day of Thanksgiving began in 1606 following the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and developed into Guy Fawkes Day on November 5.[3]

Kill yourself, faggot.

Just because Himmler was a homosexual with an interest in weird occult practices does not mean that the majority of the members of the SS were "pagan" or "anti-christian". I know that I'm arguing with a teenager, but you should look more into these things before you draw those conclusions

>losing this hard

This is directly from the SS Family handbook.

Nothing about Christ or Christianity mentioned in it. These are traditions entirely for the SS, by the SS, sanctioned by Himmler.

>Just because Himmler was a homosexual with an interest in weird occult practices does not mean that the majority of the members of the SS were "pagan" or "anti-christian"

>Himmler was a homosexual

He had children, you lying kike.

>does not mean that the majority of the members of the SS

Majority does not matter. The SS were not a fucking democracy. Neither was the Third Reich. It was a meritocracy.

>u r a teenager!!!1

You never answered one of my arguments except ad homs against myself or historical figures.

This should seem obvious, but kike shills are very effective at convincing young minds on this board.

Jow Forums likes Hitler, but many refuse to swallow the christ pill. Swallow up!

THIS QUOTE is unsourced, it comes from a journalist's remarcs of a speech in 1928, of which no original script survives. It's likely a "creative" mistranslation, brought up by (((Richard Steigmann-Gall))) a yid scholar whose declared purpose is to show how "christian" the "nazis" really were, despiste popular misconceptions, só to get White christians to feel guilty and Cuck.

Besides, the quote would be outright false, as many members of the NSDAP were vocally anti-clerical (like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Leyand so on) and so many openly left their churches it even became a popular term:äubig

Besides that, the quote would ctually be againsy the very party programmed. The NSDAP also did quite it's own persecution of the churches during "Kirchenkampf" and executed thousands of priests. What wasn't tolerated were atheists...

Attached: political catholicism was the NSDAP's main enemy inside the reich.jpg (960x491, 83K)

If Hitler was not christian, then why did he push christian ideals? Many germans during that time became christian because of Hitler

Okay Hitler