So it looks like the fucking Scientologists now have a YouTube ad

These fuckers are now advertising on YouTube, anyone know if they've pulled this one before?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they have their own tv channel now.

Chanology 2.0 when?

Attached: exterminatus_time.jpg (720x960, 169K)

Oh yeah, I saw something about that. Are they doing it locally or is it a cable channel or some other shit like that?

Oh man, almost forgot that even happened.

Oh I'm fucking retarded, forgot to link.

I posted a Miscavige pic as a reaction image in /v/, and got a one week ban

What the fuck is up with Scientologists anyway?
Why do even the lefty media & government despise them?

They use to have commercials for Dianetics on TV when I was a kid.
Probably still do as far as I know.

the government hates them because they literally beat the government through strong armed litigation. Scientology has lawyers that beat the US government, take that in for a second. Even the FBI is powerless against clear crimes they commit, like slavery.
Lefty media hate them because they have a (very diminished now) mafia where they can destroy your career if you make enemies with them.
They had a substantial amount of power for a long time.
This TV channel is a gambit and it probably won't pay off, they are running out of money. They still have a lot but its locked up in real estate. When the church starts selling property, maybe they already have i'm not sure, then you'll know they are in the final stages of their sham. To truly bring them down on a PR level all someone would have to do is find Miscavige's wife. But she may as well be dead if she's still in the Hole

with no words or anything?

du du du du du du du du
dun dun du du du du
volcano erupts

So they outkiked the kikes?

it was just a pic of Miscavige and the text was
>welcome to EA

I was there at the Ides of March in downtown LA, who else /chanology/ here? Also, OP, I just heard a Scientology advertisement on AM radio yesterday, almost couldn't believe it.

Stop being suppresive. They have a right to practice their religion. They are a leigit church. Stop being a leftist SJW athiest opressing them. What is wrong woth you? Do you rape babies? Clearly we alt right people on Jow Forums should support religion and the Scientologists.

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They're a extremely exploitative organization, in the sense of afterlife guilting they're even worst then Christians. For fucks sake, they make their members pay money to their church as a requirement for getting into their afterlife.


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merchant sells, goyim buy.
nothing new under the sun, your numbers included.

Yesterday I passed near the church they have in my city
There was a lady giving panflets to people near the door of the place
The woman looked like a legit mental-ward escapee. She was almost bald, and her clothes didn't fit her complexion.
I am legit scared of that organization, and walking near that place gave me goosebumps

At the LA Ides of March protest:
>Scientology goons taking down license plate numbers in the nearby parking lots
>taking a ton of pictures of anyone not wearing a mask
>the guy who organized the protest had his cat poisoned
>they planted some guy in the crowd who kept saying he had weapons and that we should storm the building

The CO$ guy they implanted in the crowd got arrested after we outed him to the cops, and everything stayed peaceful.

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it is fucking terrifying

direct* tv channel

Attached: direct.jpg (322x157, 6K)

L Ron Hubbard was a genius pretty based too.

“Now it’s of peculiar interest to an Arab country that there is a company and a certain set of bankers who also finance the World Federation of Mental Health. …and we see that although the KGB and so forth seems to be associated with the World Federation of Mental Health, their other organization in action seems to go back to Jewish Bankers.”

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then there is this, the (((psychiatrists)))

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He was very smart, but he didn't come up with any of the effective ideas in Dianetics. They were all lifted from various sources. Crowley, in particular, came up with a lot of the aspects people find beneficial. This is blended with various brainwashing techniques (you yourself can try on your unsuspecting friends!) which wound up making a perfect little cocktail for control.
I'm still not totally sure to call him a genius, maybe a more social savant.

The reason he hated psychiatrists/psychologists was because he originally had a lot of his ideas debunked by them, and he couldn't get their stamp of approval or publishing deals. He also says this shit about publishers. Or anyone who went up against his BS

Reminder that Scientology is just a branch of Satanism, which is just Judaism for goyim.

wtf I love psychiatry now

Satanism has nothing in common with Judaism, but i'm sure you've never looked into it

You should look into Scientology vs the IRS. Its legitimately one of the most genius heists of all time. They just wore them down.

Getting nervous shlomo? The jew fears the Scientologist

Dur. No doy.

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Reminder Jow Forums
Scientology is based
>gentiles become the Jews, pay for converts' law school, acquire global real estate holdings that are (((tax free)))
>proudly anti-Big PharmaJew
>recruit gentile actors and musicians, protect them from SJW bullshit
>Tom Cruise making white action kino that Steve McQueen would approve of
>muh science fiction conartist = wrong, science fiction is an ingenious medium to get your message across, see JewDisney using Star Wars for social engineering
>Dianetics is actually helpful = eliminate negative people, friends or family, from your life, eliminate bad foodJew from your life, always work to better yourself = Dianetics is like a calmer version of Nazi eugenics
>Suri Cruise is real anime, will marry Baron Trump, save whites on galactic level
>aesthetics are memetic-friendly
>males are anointed leaders, not matriarchal like Judaism
>if Scientology conquerered Israel, imagine how cool it'd be
Scientology is our /dogma/

>they echo-marked themselves

>I heart muh cult


How real men deal with cults:

Immediately fuck off back to your brainwashing boat.

>Lefty media hate them because they have a (very diminished now) mafia where they can destroy your career if you make enemies with them.
The left have been learning from the Scientologists.

Reminder that Hubbard also advised the FBI of Communists' brainwashing techniques, and ghost authored the famous Brainwashing Manual exposing (((their))) tactics. He did this for free because he was worried about America.

Well, I'm going to join a.s.a.p and I encourage everyone else here to do so too – it sounds GREAT!

>swinging that banhammer
This is what project Chanology should have been

Oh! We're gonna go another round with Scientology are we?
After we meme'd a president, yeah good luck with that shit.

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Not an argument boys. Scientology poses no fucking threat to Jow Forums, unlike Judaism and (((Saudi))) Wahhabism. Did you see American Made? Calling out the Clintons, Bushes, and (((CIA))). Scientology's enemies are our enemies. Compare the rock musician Beck to Madonna or Amy Schumer. Do you see Scientologists preaching gun control and anti-white rhetoric? They love guns and they are white. They know 9/11 was the Jews because they are taught to pursue pilot licenses.

>not an argument
Fuck off, that's an order. I hope Scientology drives you to anhero.

>Did you see American Made?
The puff piece that justified CIA supporting death squads and creating a drug epidemic, formerly titled Mena?
I saw it. It glowed in the dark.

Attached: William_Joseph_(Wild_Bill)_Donovan,_Head_of_the_OSS.jpg (650x553, 388K)

Can you explain the glow in the dark meme?

Google 'Terry Davis Temple OS' and enjoy the ride

Are you mental? The movie was anti-CIA. The title of the movie is a play on words, meaning Barry Seal was "made" (exposed) by the CIA, his own country, after he "made" it (riches).
>formerly titled Mena
Yes, and it's the only American movie to expose how the Clintons and Bushes used Mena, Arkansas as a haven for drug running and dark money to fund Clinton's political ascent. It glowed in the dark? You think the CIA wanted a movie where Cruise is killed by glow in the dark fuckers to come out?

There's an 80s HBO movie with Dennis Hopper about Barry Seal, called Doublecrossed, and it's good but American Made is far more damning of CIAniggers.

>You think the CIA wanted a movie where Cruise is killed by glow in the dark fuckers to come out?
They implied the cartel killed him. The movie was a slight of hand trick, with a release date pushed to after the election.
Read the credits, see all the help they got from the US gov., like every piece of propaganda from Hollywood.

No, it's left open ended who killed him. The release date was pushed due to pressure from Hillary's camp, and that's also why the title was changed. They didn't get help from the gov, and a pilot in the set crashed and died. An entire sequence with Clinton in a strip club was deleted on orders of the studio.

Yes they did get help from the gov.
Anyway the rest just proves my point. It was a puff piece and avoided all the darker corners of the story.

Reminder that Jews invented psychology

So click on it and cost them money.

>they make their members pay money to their church as a requirement for getting into their afterlife.

So they're Catholics then?