If vaginas are more hygienic than penises, then why don't I ever have to get my dong inspected...

If vaginas are more hygienic than penises, then why don't I ever have to get my dong inspected? #InspectMyDong #DongStrong #DongsBelong

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that word is a shibboleth that marks stupid people

It is time we revolt against the oppressive OBGYN and the divisive tactics they use to discriminate against men.

If it is, then I think we found one.

>vaginas are more hygienic than penises

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I know I'm not the only one that's been taught that in high school health class. It's all a big lie.

it's a way to justify circumcision
teach kids dicks are dirty while they're young, and when they're having a kid they won't question their kid's dick getting cut

Vaginas are less hygienic. They are basically an internalised, inverted penis that traps bacteria.

Is she smelling her pussy juice on her hand?

Vaginas constantly get yeast infections, have to worry about PH balance, gotta worry if something crawled up it & died while they were sleeping. Self cleaning oven but it’s high maintenance & breaks down a lot.

>buy some 10 euro eco German soap
>has a really pleasant, lasting smell
>later in the day my scrotum turns dry and rough, start flaking
I trusted the Germans' soapmaking skills. I really did.

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Anyone have any good penis inspection day stories? I always hated them, never failed I just didn’t score very high due to shoddy circumsicion

Sounds like a rough time

>gotta worry if something crawled up it & died while they were sleeping

Is this real?

>penis inspection day
I still don't know what the point of this was.


>>later in the day my scrotum turns dry and rough, start flaking

The jews did this
Likely trying to sneakily circumcise you via their body fat soap

Attached: jew fat soap.jpg (898x628, 91K)

It's not
pussy juice


This is literally an American thing because your retarded women douche which is like thinking your firewall is clogging up your computer so deleting it and then wondering why you get viruses clogging it up.


The stupid holes pushed this "ewww a dog dick" meme to sell men on perpetuating circumcision in this country, oblivious to the fact that vaginas produce smegma as well. It's perfectly healthy and normal, and aids in sexual lubrication.

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We need to end this misconception. Just like the misconception that pee isn't stored in the balls.

>Yeast infection
Thats a nice way of saying fungus growing in the cooch

the jews are IN the soap user

>thats why it turns you ashy

just don't fart in the shower while using it or isreal will double in size

I don't think so.
I'm not an American (obviously), but I think this happened because of the "hygiene revolutions" of the 19th and 20th century. The right people were at the right place to pitch this, and everyone eventually started doing it over there.
In these times, there might've been a legitimate reason for choosing circumcision, both for yourself and your kid.
However, these circumcision is a relic of the past if we're talking about hygiene. Americans commonly shower every fucking day (it's a bit of an overkill unless you live in Florida or something, in my opinion). If you can afford to shower every single fucking day, you can also pull back your foreskin and rub some soap on it for a couple of seconds.
But hell, normally, smegma isn't even a problem unless you do something stupid like ejaculating and leaving bits of cum dry on your fucking dick.

Why do you think they're afraid of mice?

>why don't I ever have to get my dong inspected?

Probably should. Paying for it anyways within your insurance policy. It is all bundled in there. So why not use it?

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It’s called a urologist

Stop circumcising children. #dongstrong

Vaginas and vulvas being cleaner than penises is a meme. Either way, the person needs to wash down there regularly.


I thought about this. If you don't have antibiotics or modern medicine, infant circumcision is probably the stupidest thing you could possibly do. In those conditions it's a perfect grounds for infection.

If your skin is fine and everything works and you wash down there daily there's nothing to worry about.
It's your prostate you should be worried about.

Sounds like the plot to some bad third-rate hentai.

basically here's how it works
vag keeps itself at a low pH to inhibit bacterial/yeast growth
if something goes wrong with this balance, bacteria and yeast will quickly get out of control. And things go wrong with that all the time. Hence the inspections
Dicks are on the outside of the body so like, if it has some dirt on it, it's just like any other skin

I've never heard an American women talking shit about foreskin outside of the literal jew media, in fact they literally can't tell the difference when the dick is hard and regularly don't know if their own boyfriend has been cut or not, it is 99% men insulting each other out of insecurity.