Wot? I thought this stuff was lethal n shit.
Wot? I thought this stuff was lethal n shit.
>Oh nooo.. Hope they know in hospital what to do
Hospital do good job.
>Implying that they dont have alien goop or some other shit to inject her with
They wouldnt waste that stuff on you or any other normies.
>kikes are so desperate they are just injecting random spies daughters with poison blaming da Russians
if your gonna start a war fucking do it already. Do it right.
This is how we know Putin did not commit this attack. If he did it the gas would have killed everyone in the area.
No putin isn't retarded to attack anyone, because he knows the world will screech Russia.
The dose makes the poison. I could give you a microscopic piece of cyanide and it wouldn't effect you noticeably or I could also make you drink water until you die of water poisoning.
And this is why you should care.
>I could also make you drink water until you die
No you couldn't, mister tough guy
I tried this once it took 4 gallons before I had water diarrhoea and a headache. and if you think distilled water is even 1% more dangerous then you need to seriously do your research.
The fact that it was such a blatantly "Russian" source for the attack vector makes me inclined to believe it wasn't Russia. If he'd been shanked by a hobo and had his wallet taken, I'd be more suspicious of the KGB than this.
>tfw British spooks have cloned her from her DNA and will shell out the clone to say IT WUZ DEFO DA RUSHUNS DAT DUN IT.
>>mfw Putin actually then has the clone assassinated for real
We don't really know the outcomes of surviving nerve agent poisoning because all of the testing done with them didn't involve putting the monkeys on life support.
True, you'd probably just end up having a natural sex change from all the estrogen in the water supply before you died anyway.
*send (not ''shell'')
the whole purpose of nerve agents is that even incredibly small doses are lethal. VX's LD-50 (for example) is 7 millionths of a gram per kg
ha yeah, who would want that, ha
Guess this was the weakest nerves agent in history by god lmao eh Teresa? are the UK a bunch of flaming faggot pussies or what HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
They cant without fullblown comming out saying 'yea we rule the country, get your guns faggots were going to russia' without the mass of the country going 'lol stick it where the sun dont shine'
Why do you think the EU is also pushing this anti Russia narrative? They cant convince the US so they try to convince the EU and conscript the US by proxy (nato) or have reason to attack Trump for not helping his Allies (also nato)
Sugar neutralizes estrogen, you just have to drink sweet soft drinks instead of water, to preserve your manlihood.
Trust me.
>tfw I got called a Russian not online today over 9000 times
>probably by these guys:
Fucking hell, Russians fucking with my autocorrect on my phone
they obviously knew which anti-poison to give her and saved her life in the knick of time just like in my james bond movies about black english spies
Tokyo Subway survivors.
As long as there is no hemorrhaging, probably pretty good.
Rapid improvement sounds like her body is finally expelling all the toxin. ~3 weeks? Nasty shit.
This is going to devolve into a shitfest but tl;dr:
> she's moved from "critical" to "stable" - which means she's not actively trying to die all the time and can probably breathe unassisted. Not a magic "she'll wake up tomorrow and finish her crossword" condition
>lethality of *anything*, be it nerve agents or chicken tendies, is directly related to how much gets in your system. Yeppers, shit like VX has an LD50 of 10mg and this stuff is supposed to be much more lethal but that's in ideal lab conditions, LD50 is called LD50 for a reason and in powdered form vs other forms it can be less lethal and less able to permeate skin etc
>finally, the scientists that worked on this in the 90s have said similar remarks along the lines of "they might live but they're probably fucked" - the long term consequences of a non-lethal exposure to this shit can be pretty devastating, and it's entirely plausible that she'll be alive but a potato.
>25 days later
>be gassed
>highly advanced nerve agent, lethal in still alive
Porton Down on suicide watch
Well if it was lethal, how could you be gassed six times personally by Mengele oh gawd?
Sodium and potassium levels in the body are something you don't want to fuck with. Too much or too little and you die.
Mi5 is getting bold.
>military grade nerve agent that can kill people under a minute
>no one died
How are people falling for this shit.
It was probably diluted too much trying to make it safe for the assassin to administer since nerve agents are designed to be sprayed over an area and kill thousands of people not for one person to slip it into another persons food which would kill the user before they can even manage that if it's not weakened or they're breaking into the victims house in a hazmat suit.
You are an utter ultra mega brainlet if you somehow think any dose of a poison can kill you.
She's as disgusting as Merkel.
Heres the thing though, why would russia, or any other state for that matter, use something totally unreliable to kill some-one? A bullet, car bomb would be better.
At least Merkel has got some decent tits
russians probably handed over antidote via backchannels in exchange for uk stopping their anti-russia crusade
Juliet poison
Multiple reasons - the NKVD then KGB then FSB have had a long affinity and history of using poisons; they may well have considered that potato'd is as good as dead, or they may well have thought however they delivered it - we don't know exactly yet - would have been most likely to kill Skripal.
The most likely, however, is that doing it this way is an advertisement to other people on the Russians' shitlist - we can fuck you up, badly, wherever you are. The reason this plays well is that it scares the shit out of people inside Russia that might be considering working for SIS or CIA or others and it scares the shit out of other Russians living in the UK who are unpopular with Putin and co.
lol, that's really fucking probable
>Wot? I thought this stuff was lethal n shit.
It was me, I farted on their doorstep.
Had spicy Indian food and a few spoiled onions.
>bong hospital
things are getting suspicious
Ya, like kidnapping kids for jews and degenerate elites. The IA's all need to die desu.
Just trust the doctors. They know better than anyone.
If they say they're alright, they're alright.
Tbqh, the world screeches Russia anyway.
>NIH actually cures someone
It's a body double, the real chick is long dead
Why would they go thru all that trouble swiping reals for fakes? If they died then it would net them more points for the anti-Russian agenda. If they're alive Russia will just spin it all as some fabrication by the UK secret services. Nah, they'd benefit more if they'd died because the nerve agent narrative will crumble if it wasn't lethal enough to the point of incurability.
What is the meaning of all those blue and purple dots?
>If he'd been shanked by a hobo and had his wallet taken, I'd be more suspicious of the KGB than this.
Russia got the best spy training and never got paid as well so they have the best operators now? either that or our guys are intentionally bad
sounds like a sensible choice for an assasination then, clearly state actor. A peasant like me would have just used some random fentanyl from the interwebs but then again, I'm no top paid russian spy even though a lot of people disagree
you russian shills are getting sloppy
>They know better than anyone.
why do they all die in their 60s then? I like to listen to the advice of people who live a long time
>A peasant like me would have just used some random fentanyl from the interwebs but then again
thats effective but I like random poisons mixed with DMSO on the doorknob
Good point, I found it already interesting that nobody really queationed what "double agent" actually means
So you'd rather live to 90 or 100 while being immobilized in bed or having to shit in a fanny pack?
That's actually pretty smart.
Yes, I’m sure for an assassination you would use a barrel full.
Gas disperses quickly, you need quite a lot of it, if you want it to stay deadly outside.
>government Intel agents doing illegal shit
>the long term consequences of a non-lethal exposure to this shit can be pretty devastating, and it's entirely plausible that she'll be alive but a potato.
Source user.
Otherwise :|
What if it was in a frozen form, i/e, encased in an ice cube, it then melted thus releasing the nerve agent on to the floor after being put through the letterbox in the door?
>what’s an antidote
>what does LD50 mean
Jesus you’re dumb sometimes
Assad getting bombed soon.
Thanks for this Mossad
>“Circles appeared before my eyes: red and orange. A ringing in my ears, I caught my breath. And a sense of fear: like something was about to happen,” Andrei Zheleznyakov told the now-defunct newspaper Novoye Vremya, describing the 1987 weapons lab incident that exposed him to a nerve agent that would eventually kill him. “I sat down on a chair and told the guys: ‘It’s got me.’”
>By 1992, when the interview was published, the nerve agent had gutted Zheleznyakov’s central nervous system. Less than a year later he was dead, after battling cirrhosis, toxic hepatitis, nerve damage and epilepsy.
>Skripal’s niece Viktoria Skripal told the BBC: “Out of 99% I have maybe 1% of hope. Whatever it was has given them a very small chance of survival. But they’re going to be invalids for the rest of their lives.”
Source for that one, search for the headline below on Business Insider - hiromoot thinks the link is spam
>'Death would probably be merciful' -- it's looking very bleak for the former Russian spy poisoned by Putin
i think the poisoning occuring 4 hours earlier then colapsing together, is bs desu
He told someone who told someone who showed you what was told.
>Proof please
This is 2018 era of the camera.
Then why use it to try to kill someone? There are far more effective ways.
>poisoned by Putin
But where are the proofs?
Every country has a history of dodgy shit, many countries have a motive for doing this.
It doesn't matter because the normies have already bought the big lie about Russia. The UK will never provide any proof of their claim.
I'm sorry, the doctors in charge of treatment decided not to give me a fucking statement on the record for an insipid cunt on a counterfeit Incan blanket-weaving newsgroup. Read shit or don't - the story of Zheleznyakov has been around for years and the multiple reports in the media of the long term prognosis for the Skripals being pretty poor, as well as the former scientists who didn't expose themselves saying "yeah nah he's fucked" are pretty ubiquitous and easy to find.
Sorry mate, spoonfeeding hour is over.
Keep crying
I'm guessing you're colorblind. It's a subtle merchant in red dots surrounded by green dots
don't post ur fucking facts and informed opinion in this shillbox u have been warned
>the story
THIS^ is NOT a questionable factor muh lad.
Works in secret lab away from prying eyes of the public creating frankenstein meds, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECTS... Q "open the fucking window fred its gonna blow". en-q. *rolls eyes*
It was a liquid, smeared on the door handle. When the guy come out he touches the handle and get poisoned. Then he dies and everyone think it is an heart attack. The killer was not expecting the daughter, 2 people sick at the same time and poisoning is evident. Probably the revenge of some old ex-spy who spent a lot of time in a British jail because of Scrypal betrayal. And maybe had access to an old degraded sample of some nerve agent from his days when he was working as a spy.
He should post is facts (proof) that Russia gassed the skripals. Oh wait, it doesn't exist. Fucking Boris Johnson and the media pinned the blame on Russia a couple of hours after it happened, yet weeks later the investigation to establish who did it hasn't even been concluded.
That was attempt of a subtle joke. How long have you been here gramps?
And there are antidotes to those poisons such as atropine, it just takes a fuckton of atropine
ONLY the Russians could have manufactured this chemical weapon.
protip: mr user shitpost on this goat fucking forum gets no proof and classified intel, but allied intelligence agencies do, which is why reluctant govts get dragged into sanctions they don't want to carry out. If and when the relevant org testing the samples comes out with yeah it was Russia no doubt the dindu nuffin mob will be calling them nato shills for the next ten years, just like every single other actual fact that ever comes out.
>>the long term consequences of a non-lethal exposure to this shit can be pretty devastating, and it's entirely plausible that she'll be alive but a potato.
see this isnt what nerve agents do. they either kill you or you dont get enough to kill you and it wears off and youre fine.
Bullshit. It was created in Uzbekistan originally and the instructions on how to make it are available online. How could Portion Down even identify it if they didn't ha e the knowledge on how to make it? Get a brain, moran
Too random, anyone could have used that door (delivery, postman, milkman etc) & all would be affected, the cover of "just a heart attack" would be broken - too risky. If the target was not affected it would tip him off & he of course knows his enemies. However Skripel's movements could have been monitored over weeks & a pattern of habit could of been judged that he would most likely have touched the door handle.
>get a brain moran
Says the illiterate cunt who can't even write, chomping at his keyboard.
If the word of known liars is good enough for you then god help you.
Have you forgotten the WMD shit already? This story has more holes in it than your mom's knickers
>Portion Down
Portion down already tested the samples and they couldn't declare exactly what it was or that it originated in Russia (despite the British government pressuring them to say it was definitely Russia)
>Have you forgotten the WMD shit already?
no because every FSB shill on the internet has it no 1 on his what about list, now that is an actual fucking fact. Do you do it for free?
Potion Down
You sir are and idiot
>everyone who disagrees with me is an FSB agent
Fucking Russians!!!11!1!
They are suffering from Potion Down Syndrome, AKA PDS
>Too random, anyone could have used that door (delivery, postman, milkman etc) & all would be affected,
This is why he acted on a Sunday.
>This is why he acted on a Sunday.
Amazon deliver on Sundays
Ah, that's why I would be a shit assassin