After beating his girlfriend on fucking stream do you think this relationship will last?
After beating his girlfriend on fucking stream do you think this relationship will last?
post his youtube channel amerimutt
Andy prolly got a long portuguese dong and that's why he goes for the hot chubs. I myself am well endowed and have deployed this tactic for years.
Slaying chubs is absolutely the best because unlike some other chicks they actually have to develop a personality and brains so the relationship works better after the first 3 months where you just fuck no matter who you're dating. you just fuck because it's new pussy.
Is he white or Arab? Doesnt matter since you all are Caucasians. And it is hilarious what ugly women that Twitch guys get while all the hot girls on Twitch are with Asian men.
With her Asian boyfriend
What happened? C..can I get a quick rundown?
watching/giving money to twitch retards is the most pathetic thing to come out of the last 10 years
>that smug mug
Now I want to put my fist through something
nothing happened, people are meeming
a literal who
You best have video footage of this incident.
Why would you even start a thread without it, expecting us to even know who the fuck these people are?
Insectoid face and legs
On stream he sarted yelling at her for calling him a lazy piece of shit. Andy flips and acts as if he does so much shit when he basically sits on twitter and google hangouts all day. Then there is a BANG and moan sound when the mic cuts out
Beating women into submission is unfortunately the way many faggots have choose in order to try to domesticate these spoiled brats because women were allowed rights