
Why is racism ingrained in to baseball culture? What racist teams do you root for? Expecting anything me this year?

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*Expecting anything from your team

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a lot of world record holders in baseball are black
their natural physical hability helps them at sports

>loaded question

this post is in violation of global rule seven: sage only goes in one scoop.

I enjoy the exploits of the Cleveland Drunken Lazy Redskins

How's the abl friend? Root for any team's?

I don't think any of them are racists desu.
My favs are the Chicago Pussyniggers.

gringos still playing their fake sport?
why do gringos isolate themselves from the rest of the world and learn to play a real sport?
>inb4 muh medals
your medals aren't worth shit, phelps only has that many medals because olympic games keep coming up with new retarded categories for him to win.

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Did you watch the Mexican national team in the WBC?

>We're first place
Let's go!

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there are no roots for teams since the teams are not wombats and do no eat roots. speak english better please.

Roots are like a tree, you're correct! Rooting in America is basically cheering for the team you like the most because they did something that brought pride to your location

No, I don't care either, i just want to post my ayys

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Do you at least have any cute ayys?

what are you talking about, jiren is always cute

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You must be doing something right to get this kind of response, O.P.

Yeah... But I can't see it's heart. The most beautiful thing on an ayy famalam

that was gay gringo

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Only for you bby :*

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Come here and let Daddy America get his sugar

begone, puto

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No baby, come here and let me invade your land

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saving that rare pepe mutt
also got bored of bumping your thread

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That's the Chicago bulls. Thank you for the conversation