Pewdiepie's subreddit Jow ForumsPewdiepieSubmissions has been hijacked, lads.

The Reddit admins have appointed their own mods without Pewdiepie's permission, they've added new rules and are strict on anything controversial.

How do we inform him? Pewdiepie should remove the Reddit-appointed mods and appoint his own.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not political

Meh, nothing of value was lost. Fuck that cuck nation.

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Felix... is this your way to stir traffic over to your subreddit?



It's current events, mate.

And Felix is a Jow Forums figurehead.

>Meh, nothing of value was lost. Fuck that cuck red pilling 70 million kids across the entire world.

reddit is our ancestral home and thus Jow Forums-related


No. Talking about Reddit shit. Not like anyone red pilled is on that garbage unironically.

Are you fucking retarded?

This is what you get when a retard doesn't understand the overton window

Are you serious

You have to go back

Check the flag memeflag idiot and stop asking retarded questions

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wtf is reddit

>filters nigger, comments as admin on posts he doesn't enjoy like wtf is wrong with you
fuck this gay nigger

good riddance faggot
just make a video about it and inform your fans to unsubscribe from that sub
also use another website for your video, publicly denounce jewtube for censorship
it's the only way

Is there a list of the old mods? Maybe some of them would comment on the situation if they were DMed.

who the fuck cares about this faggot?
>muh overton window
>the truth might scare people so let's just pretend it doesn't exist
neck yourself, you pseudo-intellectual skid mark

in what way?
what exactly has he said or done to achieve this title in your mind?
he's a neutered swedish faggot who is too afraid to say anything truthful or controversial. what exactly is admirable about that?

Pewdiepie was the only mod previously, he just let people post whatever they wanted.

As for proof Reddit appointed their own mods:

>red pilling
citation needed

It was a joke.

He only gets his flattery memes from reddit. He gets the good stuff here.

oh, all right. there are so many people shilling for him here that it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Pewds is that you?

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It's extremely covert bait.
Hint is in the t.d


Who the fuck cares about this downy faggot. This idiot can't even speak correctly and nobody over the age of 14 gives a fuck about him

>Felix Shekelberg
>not a jew

pick one

He should denounce them.

Watch how they'll falter into obscurity.

>truth might scare people so let's just pretend it doesn't exist

What exactly does a mentally challenged retard like yourself believe the Overton window is?

I'm genially interested in seeing where your cognitive bias decided to change the meaning of the phrase.

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You don't have to like him to be annoyed at Reddit for appointing mods to his own subreddit without his permission. It just seemed like a dickish thing to do desu.

huwhat is Jow Forums short for friendo

Get ready for the destruction of that subreddit. They’ll run it into the ground. He’ll either have to make a new one or have one on voat.

Why doesn't pewdiepie take one of the dead boards on Jow Forums and have a rolling general for submissions?

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Tell pewds to either bring this up in one of his next videos or fuck off. Grow a pair faggot

what don't you understand? what do you think i'm saying?
how does your understanding of it differ from what i've said? it is quite straight forward, perhaps you are just another autistic scandinavian who is unable to comprehend simple concepts.

He could always create a board for submissions on that cripple chan.

He should stick to plebbit where he belongs

Based pewds poster.

Felix is the only contact /pol normies non invasive we have, defiently is pol related

trusting reddit kek

What's going on is that leftards have begun a campaign on him because he's too influential for their taste.

"Our ancestral home" weeeeeeewwwwww laaaaaaaaad

>being a brainlet that doesn't manipulate mass-media to spread your ideology

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normies get the FUCK off my BOARD


This - and he's going further slowly but surely.

Hes already doing that. Its called ylyl or any non porn thread on /gif/.

Reddits a brand new piece of shit that needs to die with Arsebug, Shitter, and Something offensive that rhymes with Google.
It ruined the internet scene and needs to be purged.

shadilay brother

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shit my nigger we need to get those fucks out.

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neo Jow Forums

>red pilling 70 million kids across the entire world
Nigger he gets like 2-5 million views per upload, which is still a lot, but no where near 70 million. Since youtube admitted they don't show all your subs you've uploaded he's limited in reach.

>reddit is our ancestral home
this is the mindset of people who actually believe this faggot is good for anything other than staring at himself

>manipulate mass media
what, like issuing a sniveling apology any time he offends anyone?
crying about youtube algorithms not giving him as many views or as much money as he thinks he should be getting?
>spreading his ideology
what ideology is he spreading? 9gagism?

can anyone give me an example of his "juicy redpills" that he's "blasting normies" with?

no u

>reddit and Pewdiepie in the same post
This is a sign of the end days

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you're right, he's more 9gag caliber

True story from uncle Enoch.
C4 News, Sky, BBC pushed Facefuck and Twotter so hard, shilled them in literally every segment for years to create the giants that it made me so frightened that I purged myself off the Internet COMPLETELY for seven years.
Now FuckFace is in the shit for doing EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD EVERYONE IT WAS DOING FROM WORD GO based on the BBC pushing it the news is now pretendeding nobody knew or suspected a thing until now.
They are criminals.
They have to go.
My use of capitals alone should tell you that.
Let's purge Reddit too and restore webular freedom.

So they added sloth_on_meth and two bots.

It looks like this guy was previously brought in to moderate anti-muslim memes on r/dankmemes.

Also he links to his youtube channel and he appears to be a faggy swamp german.



t. a fucking leaf

Also he takes being anti-racist very VERY seriously. Such a good person! Why don't people like him?

Reddit and twitch moderators are truly the lowest of the low, and they power trip all the time.

Call him a jew call him a cuck call him a nigger it all runs off him like water but call him a russian and see how he recoils in fear

>Reddit is our ancestral homeland

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Was it really over a year ago since the "racism" controversy that had him crying in that video?

Why is time going by so fast? It's terrifying

We need Felix to know so he can remove him, it looks like the admins only added him because they wanted site-wide rules to be enforced, but sloth_on_meth is a right cuck and can't be trusted.

To satisfy the admins Felix could add mods he trusts.

are you people so fucking stupid that you actually believe his account wouldn't be deleted if he was telling people anything of any significance?
you all know what happen to real truth-speaking accounts on youtube.

poodeypoo is the information equivalent of drinking diarrhea for so long that finally a glass of piss tastes like water in comparison.
europeans have been so starved for real information in your orwellian societies that anything slightly less politically correct than the shit you see on tv or in the news is like a breath of fresh ass.

my point exactly. what a faggot.
>baawww i'm so sorry guys i didn't mean it please don't take away my subscribers and views bwaaaaaa

Get out Jew



>moderator of antigun

I'ts literally just children who grew up watching pewdiepie and are now trying to justify it by elevating him as some sort of political figure instead of the money grabbing pseudo kike he actually is

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he should pay hiro to open /pew/ for him

>can anyone give me an example of his "juicy redpills" that he's "blasting normies" with?
He's not. That's the problem as far as leftists are concerned. He's not saying anything that the average white male finds "offensive." But he's expressed views critical of leftism. So how do you get him off the platform? Put yourself in the shoes of a leftist. What do you do when the most subscribed Youtuber is right-leaning? What can you do? He's a huge problem for them, and this is going to escalate.

meh, the phony swedish jew can go fuck himself

Good. Let bad things happen to this irrelevant faggot.

Get a life. Go fuck yourself.

>The Most Famous, Best Looking Jow Forumslock is under attack
>Better let him die

Then he has to reupload the video 7 times because /gif/ uses copyrighted pictures and soundtracks.

nice shill post, take off your flag faggot.

care to explain your position? you think that calling me a jew will negate the kosher behavior of your little faggot false god?

there has not been one rebuttal or refutation of anything i've said in this entire thread.

prove to me that this controlled opposition/disinfo agent is "redpilling" anyone. i'm still waiting.
you think that showing a picture of some bumfuck tribesman with a sign saying "kill all ___" and then issuing a sloppy crying apology about it is somehow "based" and "redpilling the masses"?
get your fucking heads out of your assholes.

the brajiao of truth. a good day to you, sir. the voices of reason in these threads are few and far between.

a real "right leaning" person says what needs to be said and doesn't apologize for it.
other than that, i don't know what the fuck your incoherent post is trying to say.

monkey, you don't realize he can redpill millions if he does it right?
ignoring him is a bad idea
he already called out communism and the Frankfurt School, and it's known he gets footage for his videos from /gif/
just slip some shit into ylyl threads

There's a Spaniard at my work, the kids 19 and I talk to him about Pewdiepie all the time because I know he watches. He's become quite red-pilled and shits on people attacking the 2nd Amendment and defended Count Dankula excessively. I here other guys at my work mention the alt-right occasionally.

it matters not what flag he flies, his post speaks truth 'fore your retarded eyes.

Good, maybe he'll tell people to stay the fuck out of plebbit. Can only hope for it to crash and burn.

>Actual Event
Fuck off user. Come back when you learn how to post.

so you are confident that poosiepie is the only thing your coworker is accessing on the internet, then?
there is no chance that he has accessed some real information somewhere - it must have come from the meme master of 9gag.

we're not at a point where people are so disconnected from reality and normalcy that anyone who exhibits any shred of common sense "must have been redpilled by poosiepie"

listen to yourself. it's ridiculous.

he doesn't care what anyone does as long as they give him his precious views and subsriptions. is purely an opportunist, nothing more.

It caught your attention didn't it, lad?

>spreading blatant propaganda to the youth is ok if its right wing propaganda
Just admit you were born after the year 2000 fag

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still waiting for your response you arrogant little fuck. i guess you aren't as smart as you thought.

>a real "right leaning" person says what needs to be said and doesn't apologize for it.

He never apologized. Let me spell this out for you. Here's the essence of what he said.
>Sorry for saying the n-word. I actually think communication in video games should be more civil. I'm not racist, I just got carried away.

Here's what a real apology would look like
>I am sorry for contributing to the oppression of POC in the West. As a white person I must conciously work to be less racist, but I will always be racist to some extent, and for that I'm sorry.

From a leftist perspective, Pewds never apologized for saying nigger, yet he still has a massive following. You don't understand the damage he's done to the left because you're not familiar with the rules of their cult.

i laughed when he was plugging JP's book

>he never apologized, this is what he said
>sorry for ____

this is a real mutting of the minds

fuck, did he really? i was going to compare him to jordan peterson as a classic example of state sponsored, controlled opposition.


> being an idealist lolberg who only jumped on the Jow Forums bandwagon in 2012 or later makes you an oldfag
When people talk about how Jow Forums is reddit, they're talking about you

>The absolute state of the kikes ITT.
Keep up the good work pewds.

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>defending the very symbol of the r/the_donald infestation on Jow Forums
Like poetry it rhymes

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Look, if I steal your car, give it back, then say "sorry for not returning your car sooner," did I really apologize? It matters why you apologize.