Daily reminder that your ancestors hated cats and used to burn them alive once a year to please GOD. They're creatures of Moloch and servants of the devil. In ancient books it is written that the devil used to show himself morphed into a giant cat during the jewish sabbaths, forcing his followers to kiss him under his tail. Why are you not burning your cat alive, Jow Forums?
>faggot mods: dont delete this thread, this is about christian culture and traditions, and Jow Forums is a christian board.
it would have been an entertaining spectacle for people who had really dreary lives.
Dylan Lee
Jesus said to quit it with the blood sacrifices.
Logan Wilson
rather burn italians alive, never met a single one that's amounted to shit in life and they're the first to backstab you. Greasy wop faggots
Jose Sullivan
This should be on /his/
Andrew Watson
this is why i can't forgive the tribe of snakes religions, they love torturing, killing and it's just not my cup of tea. Also why i imagine carrying around a flamethrower to ignite people like OP. yes, evil people are worth far less than an animal.
Grayson Baker
Lots of faggot soyboys on Jow Forums lately.
Jordan Campbell
Wtf is with Jow Forums this morning. It's all faggots everywhere
Zachary Lewis
Nigga they burned cats during the plague because their brainlet asses thought cats were spreading the disease. Before that, they worshipped em'.
Nathan Fisher
Yes, but the whole reason for the plague was the Jews, so it was literally the Jews using their shabbos goyim to sacrifice cats.
Brody Rodriguez
>Hey, the priest said we should burn cats, they are devils and shieeett >Ok lets do it black death Devilish coincidence
>sacrificing cats to Superjew when you could be having a comfy sacrificial bbq with your family, community and true gods I guess it takes all kinds.
Aiden Bennett
Actually, they were roasted Above the fire which prolonged the screaming animals death. Mental, er ??
John Torres
As I learn about history, I believe less in conspiracy and more in idiocy.
Dominic Harris
>true gods your religion is dead
Jackson Young
You have to take the redpill and understand that it's not so much MUH CONSPIRACY as that when everybody's a fucking idiot then you can manipulate them for the lulz, and that the Jewish mind isn't even doing it for the lulz but for profit and power.
Dominic Perez
This is retarded,first of all,cats were killed in that time because there was just a superstition going on that cats bring bad luck,and the people of that time didnt even have acces to the Bible,and its stated in the Bible that every animal except the serpent understand and love God
Nathan Perry
Mods delete this thread It promotes animal cruelty OP is a niggerfaggot probably 1/2 siciliano 1/2 Tunisian SAGE A G E
Consiracy theorists are for the most part, accidental useful idiots that maintain the state of idiocy in the world
Parker Hughes
>burning cats for your jewish overlord
Lucas Flores
Because it's smarter to just burn the Jew directly, duh.
Julian Hall
People were savages in the Middle Ages. Someone linked an article about how europeans have undergone natural selection against violence and bloodlust through the past 1000 years or so, and instead became high-trust societies. But back then people were very different and enjoyed seeing public torture and execution
Sebastian Perez
That was all Jewish meddling. Thow away your Talmuds.
Lincoln Wright
>harming defenseless animals Literally nigger tier. Also