Russia firing missiles in Swedish airspace

Russia will fire missiles from international waters in to Swedish airspace from 4 april 06.00 to 6 april 18.00.
Sweden cucks and redirects flight traffic as only response.

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The funny thing is most Jow Forumsacks are already cucks to Russians and see nothing wrong with this

Sweden elites are partnering with Russia to remove libshit from Swedeland (proper name) screencap this

i love russia.

Attached: American, Cockhole, Poor Jew, & Little Obama.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

>swecuck (((((source)))))
absolutely unbiased goy

>muh russian trolls xdee

stay asshurt boomer nigger

Swedes will just seem the missiles as refugees and welcome them with open arms

Attached: You got what you wanted.png (1857x835, 242K)

>The funny thing is most Jow Forumsacks are already cucks to Israel and see nothing wrong with this

It's absolutely hilarious how you fuckers are more reddit and goy than the people you claim to be. For fucks sake, the Country is ran by former Soviets, and you cracker ass white niggers keep pushing this "Savior of the White Race" shit. Fucking kill yourselves, holy shit.

>cracker ass white niggers

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Your sovereignty as a nation is only valid as long as you are able to control what happens within the confines of your territory. If you allow another nation to fire rockets through your airspace with out retaliation or compensation, then you yield control of your nation to the antagonist. Defend your shit or lose it.

Well your overlord zionists aren't doing any better.

Sweden is following their example in this case.

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must be nice to see the world through such simple lenses.

actually, russia has alot to offer. i would rather have them as an ally, then a piece of shit, like your government. lets be honest, america is more problematic then russia has ever been.

keep living in the hey day of the cold war.

But our government will unfortunately bow down to Russia this time.

Yes you like them so much you shill for them from a foreign country that you no doubt immigrated to because you knew you would have better quality of life there than your homeland

>in to Swedish airspace
Source on this. And of course I do not speak coalburners' language.

>Yes you like them so much you shill for them from a foreign country that you no doubt immigrated to because you knew you would have better quality of life there than your homeland
that sounds EXACTLY like the family you come from. remember, us brits have a long history. you however, do not, and its certain, that is EXACTLY The story of your family hahahahahahahaha. nice try cletus

>guilt by association nonsense
communism is already ancient history, the country is run by oligarchs and only a few larpers are left in a meme party

nice move idiot.

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Sounds like nonsense. Our gov always tries to mess with Russia an would love a war to redirect public discontent. I mean they even claim our alternative media are Russian spyops

Get out of Russia if you don't speak Russian then

This is how noncucks responds:
>Russia earlier issued a warning that missiles detected in the specified area would be destroyed and, if the missiles posed a threat to Russian objects, launchers would also be targeted.

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russia a shit
and anyone who says otherwise is a god damn brainlet

that's a very naive view

Swedistan deserves worse


I can only Swedish sources atm.

But they are definitely firing them through swedish airspace.
Russia has made a statement regarding this test, but I haven't found it yet.
Maybe you who are Russian can help me find it and post it?

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This a response to the Russian diplomats being sent back to Russia because of the ugly nerve gas killings.

So they fire some missiles and disturb civilian air routes in a place where they expect no consequences.

I would like to see the Russians do the same close to British aerospace but that would hurt a lot i think.

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Reading is not your best skill, right?

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Oh, this is from my city.

Yeah... Sweden would love a war with Russia.
Fuck off idiot.

I hope they will nuke your whole country.

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I have tried but failed to find anything.
"Russian naval exercises 2018 april" in Russian and English gave me nothing interesting.

I strongly doubt that Russia will use Sweden airspace when there is international airspace around. There is no sense.

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Denmark user is right here.

Sleep in the bed you made.

Russia doesn't give a fuck & we all know it. If Britain was where Sweden is I bet you $ they would do it still anyway. It just so happens not to be.

I am so fucking tired of Europe, I hope you all find a way out of the hell the eurocrats made

Why didn't our Sky King guys find this?

Same here when I search in English.
The articles just came out however and ther will probably surface more in a while.

Swedish airspace will be used during the test, no doubt.
The reason, according to the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) is to test Swedish reaction and resolve.

NOTAMs like this are quite common. Hell, I get them when I'm on Lake Erie every summer.


Nice find.

What honourable swede would not want to be part of glorious ruskie Rome today?

>Sweden cucks and redirects flight traffic as only response
and what are they supposed to do? Sweden is some 10 million people while Russia is 160 million

The ones wich still have pure Swedish genes.

Makes no sense. This is about a culture in decline. Becoming a province of russia would make Sweden strong again

I got something.

Nothing about missiles near Sweden borders, articles just about naval exercises.

That's it, Sweden can't do shit on itself.
It's wierd how our government just seems to accept it without any complaint.

Kek are these legit

Thanks, that helped me to find official Russian mil statement.

Nothing is said about Swedish airspace. Casual training.
So it is just your MSM/Gov exaggeration. Nothing new actually.

Yes it is. Its ice cream named "american", "khokhol" (abusive "ukrainian"), "poor jew" and "obama"

Nah , gas the kikes. Race war now.

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I just copied the comment and replaced Russia with Israel.
I just tried to point out how retarded your fellow mutt was.

The second part is not real in fact the biggest threat to the Icelandic people are the women themselves as they're pushing for middle eastern immigrants in to their own Country.

Russia has "reserved" Swedish airspace for missile tests.
But it's not clear what kind of missiles, many speculations though.
Some even speculate that 9K720 Iskander missiles might be launched from Kaliningrad.

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They fly their bombers around Scotland, Mays antirussian hissy fit spasms was totally niggerly and a stupid britmove.

Can we annex Sweden plox
Also do you guys still make Volvos?

If I were Russian I would be getting worried that a crazy old man might want to take us with him .

Sweden elite alarmed by soyification and niggerization of beloved Swedeland are partnering with Russia for violent coup they will drive all libshit nigger kikes into opening arms of Daneland scum screencap this

>tfw living in a social democrat nest

It's been fun boys

Haha excellent.

They always use our airspace. lol

What's wrong with it.
US is doing shit like that all the time, stupid.

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Just lookat that, that's what a real "truck of peace" looks like.

That was fun

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America is not setting off chemical weapons in peaceful English suburbs. Fucking neck yourself ivan.

No, you don't understand, Russia and Sweden are closer than you think and it's a long standing silent agreement, whenever Russia needs to blow off some steam without causing an international crisis they do it in Scandinavia.

See pic Russia has told us that they will conduct missile tests.
Why would they do that if they are not doing it?

Have a modicum of shame, America used fake gas allegations and WMD to bomb Syria and invade Iraq, you're not a solution to this country are you ?

Just like mohammed’s dick lol

That's a lie.
Read about S-363 aka U 137.
And tensions higher between us now then before, as we are not neutral anymore.

Attached: U 137.jpg (640x359, 62K)

Russia either. Its too stupid to kill some old traitor with old war gas (which is probably dont even exist) in the center of cuckistan, when even if u want, u can kill them without any trails

Pink faggots versus Red faggots.

Whomever loses, the world wins.

And the exchange for Russians conducting their "tests" in the vicinity of Sweden is we study their hardware performance, tactics and their encrypted communications protocols at close range.

This will keep the FOI guys engaged and happy for months :D.

>Why would they do that if they are not doing it?
As a pretext to an actual strike.

According to your MSM - yes. Just usual Russophobia.
RusNavy states about training that will be help in a week. And Sweden MSM already knows that their valueable airspace will be used. However nothing is said about usage of Swedish airspace in official statement. Pathetic.

Read my last post a bit down and you will understand :D.

Swedish-controlled airspace (ESAA FIR) is larger than Swedish airspace. Swedish airspace only starts 12nm from the coast.
Pic related.

Attached: fir2.png (1329x915, 371K)

I do not say that ru navy will not fire missile. I say that there is not information that your airspace will be used. It just have no sense. Just usual 'news' to keep 'evil Russia' mindset at a high level.

They will use international airspace which happens to be managed by the Swedes.

My hope is that they use their most advanced missiles, it's not clear if they have to be shoot down or can be diverted by by a well directed datastream.

>Sounds like nonsense. Our gov always tries to mess with Russia an would love a war to redirect public discontent. I mean they even claim our alternative media are Russian spyops
Because your "alternative media" ARE Russian PsyOps.

That makes sense now. International airspace that is controlled by Swedish operators.

Thass rite, boy

>canada's policy

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