Police Shouldn't Be Allowed to Fire Unless Fired Upon

There are far too many instances of a cop shooting an unarmed person or shooting someone with a toy gun. There should be a rule that unless a shot is fired by the suspect, the cop cannot reach for his gun. If the cop shoots first, then the suspect is considered shooting in self-defense and the cop is liable for murder.

This would dramatically reduce unnecessary shootings and citizen outrage at the cops shooting yet another unarmed person. People shouldn't have to worry about being shot by a rapid cop every time they're pulled over.

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>bait shouldn't be allowed to bait unless obvious

ROE works for the military because they’re at an almost state of contestant readiness when they’re patrolling or whatever, what you’re suggesting is retarded and puts the lives of police officers in danger.

Sounds bad, doesn't work

>puts the lives of police officers in danger

They are putting our lives in danger. Shoot to kill is their standard operating procedure. When I was in the military we had to be fired on first, give a warning shot then shoot to wound, killing was a last resort. They're here to serve and protect their kike masters and themselves, the citizens are worthless to them.

Sounds like you want more dead cops desu

>shoot to wound and warning shots in the army after being fired upon

I was on the border between DDR/BRD and those were the rules.

Unarmed people can't shoot cops, but cops can freely shoot at them. Instead of a cop getting scared and someone unarmed is dead, both of them are alive at the end.

This law would only save lives.

>There are far too many instances of a cop shooting
Opinion discarded.

So a cop can't do his job until he's fucking dead, lmao you fucking retarded niggers

Kill yourself

unironically reported to the police for racism. I hope the cops shoot you when they show up at your door.

>Canadian pretending to know shit

It's true Ching cchong. 68-W i was deployed in Afgan. Not shoot to kill unless your under fire and only in a fire fight was it openly allowed.

So you are pro-school shootings?

OP shouldn't be allowed to speak unless spoken to.

>tweaked out bum charges cop
>thanks to our new safety laws cop cannot fire upon or draw his weapon him because he was not fired at
>bum beats the shit out of cop
>bum steals radio, pistol, and car keys
>bum now has access to police scanner, patrol rifle, and a bunch of other goodies
>more police are called to deal with bum
>"this law would only save lives"

You're fucking retarded.

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Forget unarmed, what you're suggesting is to wait until the perp has possibly killed someone

If a perp has a gun and raises it to take a shot at an innocent person, the police should take them out first

I’m gonna wait to be shot at until I’m allowed to return fire is what you’re saying.
See it’s because of people like you that in 10,20 years we’re gonna have a cleansing at the national level. Mass graves and all, that we make you dig and then run a bullet through you and your family at least 2 generations back and forward.

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The amount of boot lockers on pol is disgusting. I hate nigs too but police pull on whites reaching for their registration

>point gun at cop
>threaten to shoot them
>dance around them and laugh
>just because they can't shoot before I shoot

Army fag here. Can confirm.

Though the biggest difference here is that the military has to have hearts and minds. Police ultimately don't.

that's because you're not in your own territory, retard, law applies differently
if some dude randomly walked into your base and didn't comply to orders and had a gun with him, you'd shoot to kill

>Toothpaste pretends to understand US law.
Mighty kek

Or you could just fucking move to Europe and get raped, ran over, and beheaded.

Faggot detected

Old fag who invaded the country here:

Shoot when shot wasn't adopted until more than a year into the war

They have to basically fail their IQ test to be considered for employment because the kikes don't want their killer robots to think for themselves.

"Fired upon" probably wasn't a good phrase. But in that case the suspect fired a weapon on an innocent, so police are free to shoot.

You have no idea you silly faggot.

>When I was in the military we had to be fired on first, give a warning shot then shoot to wound, killing was a last resort.
This was also a result of Petraeus's backasswards understanding of COIN that fundamentally failed to understand Afghani culture along with a semi-retarded state department that also failed to understand Afghani culture.

ROE for the military is totally different. We can't shoot until we see the gun pointed directly at us. We have to have a reason for each step of Direct Force used on an assailant. If not you'll get discharged.

>what you’re suggesting is retarded and puts the lives of police officers in danger

It's their decision to be in danger by being cops. They don't get to put any of that risk onto innocent people.

Police are getting a little edgy these days. It's the nigger factor. Still I have police in my family the issue is complex

>if the enemy shoots you, you win.

Gee, I wonder who created that rule?

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>american cops can't into hand2hand combat like every other police force in the world

color me shocked

Kek. It was Jews wanting more white men to die.

No you don't dumbass. After the police are neutered the military is next. That's how the left works and make no mistake OP is a shill for the left. Police are shooting to many dangerous niggers for his liking

WOW, Sharia blue working overtime
Neck yourself shill.

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>a drugged-up nigger isn't dangerous unless he has a gun
I don't know how you kikes sleep at night. I imagine it gets easier considering you have no human soul.

Enjoy the ovens, rabbi. We're doing it for real if you keep this shit up.

Whites are more likely to be shot by cops than are niggers because they don't haev to worry about being punished for racism. You never hear about whites being murdered by the pigs on tv.

>da POPO caynt be SHOOTIN at me! dats RAYCISS mayn, day ain't RITE

t. nigger

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Exterminate all of the brutes!

You go deal with a tweaker, shit is not fun. Anybody have the webm of British cops getting their ass kicked?

Seriously. Shit was fucked. I still do not understand how liberals can say they understand other cultures but fail to see that Afghanistan couldn't give two shits about the concept of equality.

So edgy.

That rule is the reason why our Military is so cucked, fuck no.

They understand completely and it was done to inflict trauma on white soldiers imho. Realistically there should have been a 'shoot on sight' policy. So now you're demoralized and suffering from ptsd. Turn in your guns now goy!

Baton, OC spray, Tazer, it's really not that difficult. These are the tools given to police for the very situation of an unarmed person going after them. It's just the American cops are fat lazy fucks who shoot dogs that bark at them.

>warning shot, containing shot, shoot to wound
>when you're being shot at
Fucking retarded POG

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Maybe shoot to wound would be more common if people weren't allowed to sue the fuck out of police(and even civilians) if they are justifiably shot in self defense.

>it's ok to murder civilians because it saves (((money))).

Actually this is the case here in Greece and it works really good, it actually prevents criminals from shooting cause they know they are not gonna get shot back

Yeah let's just let jerome and jamal to reach for their guns and shoot the policeman before he's allowed to fire back.

>toy gun
Or maybe they can just not fucking pull out a fake gun and comply when they're getting detained lmao.

>They understand completely and it was done to inflict trauma on white soldiers imho.
Nah, the majority of them that implemented the policy read a few articles on "hearts and minds" without really understanding you still have to kill some bad people. They seriously bought into that shit and couldn't understand why the taliban still have a presence despite the ammount of schools and wells built. It just so happens their bosses may or may not have known.

>Baton, OC spray, Tazer,
There are cops across the planet that have those tools and still get their asses handed to them. It's not a uniquely American issue.

>it's really not that difficult.
How many times have you been in a fight, or had to deal with someone that was high out of their minds?

>read a few articles on "hearts and minds
I bet those articles were written by Jews. Duh. You still can't grasp the level of mindfuck you've been subjected to can you?

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>I bet those articles were written by Jews
Nah, Bongs. I've read them.

>Bongs can't be Jewish

>implying jews would join the filthy goyim in the bong infantry during the malayan emergency

Yeah, but as long as they keep killing blacks at this rate who the fuck cares?

You're in denial. The Jews have given you a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. You need a 12-step program such as Aryans Anonymous if you want to recover from your mental disease.

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>You're in denial.
About a british officer writing about hearts and minds in malaya?

>The Jews have given you a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.
I think we both agree that that jews that control the strings of the liberal fucks in the state department knew that restricting ROE would undermine the war effort. I think we disagree on whether or not the useful idiots used to implement that plan were aware.

In my opinion the useful idiots have been brainwashed by the Jews to the extent that their critical thinking abilities have been totally disabled. They've been conditioned by the Jews their entire lives, to the point where they're even more Jewish then the Jews themselves. I know, I'm in recovery and haven't had a (((relapse))) for months now.

The only way to change the organizational culture is to become a cop yourself and recruit more like minded people into law enforcement. Live the courage of your convictions, user


Sounds like your unit had a problem with lighting up friendlies. Were you a reservist by chance?

I was on the DDR/BRD border, 1/11 ACR you silly faggot.

Lol nah I want criminals shot before they have a chance to kill cops or other humans.

>OP states what niggers actually believe constitutes "reasonable."


>Police Shouldn't Be Allowed to Fire Unless Fired Upon
>such logic
>many smart

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Why not shoot them ourselves and eliminate the middleman?

Good cop!

This is the dumbset shit I've ever read, how bout if ther person is armed with a knife or other weapon that could cause fatal injury or what is a suspect goes for the cops gun?

>One cop needs to die before a criminal does

That's not a better solution to the problem.

>They've been conditioned by the Jews their entire lives, to the point where they're even more Jewish then the Jews themselves.
Nah, I deal with jewish attorneys and delusional liberals on a daily basis. The latter are a group of brainwashed idiots. You're right when you say their critical thinking abilities have been disabled, but the jews have a very concrete conservative base when it comes to dealing with jews on an interpersonal level. AKA strict immigration control for israel, preserving jewish heritage, ect. The useful idiots do not possess this, but go through life in the most self destructive way possible.

If it comes down to it, I do have guns.

Not my job to chase criminals around the city.

Yeah they're either full of shit or POG's.

In the infantry if someone shoots at us we kill them with extreme prejudice. Its actually encouraged to shoot to kill because if we come across a wounded enemy combatant after action we have to administer first aid

I see what you mean. It can't go on much longer, civil war has to come soon.

It's only a matter of time at this point. Just do your best to put up a facade so they don't know you're actually the salt weapon wielding boogeyman they are terrified of. Make sure your close friends are too.

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I'm just larping as a dope smoking hippy until the gloves are off.

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Police are pretty terrible at distinguishing a gun from a phone or fucking hands. Waiting for a shot to be fired gives a clear cut case.

The police should be like Han Solo who did not shoot first.

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>suspect has to discharge a firearm first.
that's going to end well

That's some POG ass shit, or Army bitchery. Warning shots at VCPs sure. Hostile intent is always your saving grace, hey look cpl that fuckers recording us cpl: fucking waste him. Or, that guy has a shovel Sgt... see where this is going. Plus EVERY squad has at least one drop ak..

Cops are scared little girls.
They are terrified of dying so they shoot everything that scares their little pussy minds.