White daughter skipping school, not coming home until early evening

We live in a town with a largish Asian population that has had problems with grooming in the past
I'm concerned she might have been groomed. There's a guy at the corner shop who always looks at a her a bit too long for my liking
What do I do?

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Smack his penis

If you are concerned for your daughters wellfare, leave. If your house was on fire you wouldn't sit in the basement and wonder why it is getting hot. Take action to protect your daughter or move to what rainy hill still exist on your island that is safe enough to walk down at night.

Follow her... What's so difficult about this?

>Asian population
Weak bait. Sage

>set up a tracking app on her phone.
>make friends with some football fanatic hooligan types
>find out where she us spending time, and pay a visit with about 15 people
>castrate everything that moves


Ground her, talk with her.

Start looking at houses in white communities now, obviously you should have done that over a decade ago but better late than never.

Buy her enough candy to last a lifetime.

Lad get out of there. The police wont help and if you after that man you'll be done for, my advice take your family and leave or if you want to hurt him find some lovely chav lads to lend you a hand.

>has daughter
>doesn't know how to raise a daughter
Are you a single mother?

Kill yourself because you've failed as a parent and the fact that you're asking Jow Forums what to do shows that you're a weak man who shouldn't have children.

Congrats you couldn't even protect your own daughter from grooming gangs.

Seriously, you're worthless.

Oh and you also let your daughter skip school without punishment. Spare the rod, spare the child. Or in this case, spare the rod, the child sucks muzzie dick and dady doesn't know what to do.

Underrated post

Is this going to happen every thread? Retarded mutts who don’t know that brits have considered pakis and similar people to be “Asian” for decades

I hope you visit their special enclaves and the cops come to take you away for disturbing the peace.

"Oriental" for East Asians ( in Britainistan )

Amerimutts are retarded. They think Asian in the UK means yellow when it means Mudslime.

Yes yes it is because over here in the states there is a stark difference between a sand nigger and a pan face.

Talk to her and find out, or if she isn't cooperating straight up interrogate her, reassure her know that you're her father and you will do anything to protect her. If she still says she hasn't been groomed then just track her and try to keep her safe.

Which district do you live in? Track her phone. Question school. Make her come home early if nothing turns up. Be a parent

First step is to stop calling them Asians like a fucking faggot.

in america Sandies are low tier white

install spy software on her phone

Asian is a politically correct term for pakis and other mudslimes... he is obviously larping. But please tell me I'm am dumb and continue to shit up this board by replying to these threads.

That's fucked up, dude. I stare at kids a bit too long too. I've been thinking about not doing that.

Let her live her life Faggot she's a human with intelligence and the right to her own choices

shut the fuck up, brits are the retarded ones. why should we be the ones that have to learn their retarded newspeak where "Asian" means brown middle easterner. in the rest of the world, where english is spoken (and not newspeak english), asian means those short yellow dudes

she likely wont want to tell you

>with a largish Asian population

that word again.....

Leave the fucking country. Police won’t do fuck all and if YOU try to do something, you’ll be arrested for hate crimes.
Come to America, we love British accents. Just do t be like some brits who come here and try telling us to get rid of our guns.

Don't worry, Japanese and Koreans aren't attracted to women. Your daughter is fine.

>a leaf being cucked by a muzzie
what a surprise

How can your own child being groomed and fucked by an immigrant that's living off your taxes and fucking the daughter you raised not piss you off?

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Just say Paki.

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It's what you think, get a few lads and follow her. You know the rest, the police probably join in

South Asian not east

>serious response to obvious bait

lol goteem

it is too late for her

You know what to do and if you don't do it you deserve it because the police will not help you.

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>I think my daughter might be getting fucked by Muslims behind my back
>what do?

The absolute state of white men. Even literal Jow Forumsack fathers have their daughters swallowing nigger and Muslim semen.

Working class will have a problem with that since they're taxed to shit and can barely afford the essentials.

Ask her for an honest explanation?

>calling mudslime niggers asians
you fucking cucks on your fucked up gay paradise island need to be nuked.

Quit being racist

>1 post by ID

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Go back to africa

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Ja sam hrvat, domovine sin.
Coming back my balknigga

No they arent you stupid fuck. Sandies are hated people

It goes in order of most to least hated


your daughter is a whore OP. Abdools are just there to exploit her innate ho-ness.


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Show bob bitch lasagna

Fuck me I agree with a leaf? What a timeline indeed.

follow her. Investigate

>Retarded mutts who don’t know that brits have considered pakis and similar people to be “Asian” for decades
Pakistan is in South Asia, they are literally genetically mongoloid fucking Asians, you 95 IQ mutt

good plan

The Man with the plan right here.

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this is a winner right here. Catch her in the act with the lads.

> largish Asian population
> Britbong

Are you chink-chong Asian for "Mudslim" Asian

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In the USA, white should go above niggers for most hated

is this how white bongs dress their daughters?

youre a shit dad if you let that happen.

>What do I do?
follow her for a month than systematically poison every man she had even talked to

use DMSO and random poisons easily found, when you buy supplies wait at least a week before using so the security tape at the store is erased

good luck!

sage and reported

use secret SMS track by LG, free app for your phone made by a military contractor


kill all those pakis because your government damn sure won't do anything about it

If these "asians" fuck your daughter you'll never be able to sell her virginity to one of them.

If she's fat you ain't got nothing to worry about

Don't be silly, bin that willy

Tell her not to fucking skip school and take control of your own daughter. She’s probably not being groomed she’s probably just a slut.

Yes and she should get pregnant by a nigger without getting married. There’s a reason you have Trudeau as Prime Minister.

>2 posts by this id
bin yourself

So follow her? Or track her somehow, use your brains.

The rapiness of subcons doesn’t have a religious causation. That’s a very Semitic set of assumptions - that the universe is made of words, that people are fundamentally motivated by ideologies.
Nope. this is just their biological disposition. the best proofs of this are 1. how pakistanis behave in other muslim societies like Malaysia or Uyghur Xinjiang - they have the same reputation for leering at women all day and Der Stuermer jewbag ploys for luring away children, and 2. how brotier sikhs or harmless hindus act when they have the opportunity. Islam is epiphenomenal. race is eternal

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Kill everyone involved. Your duty to your family outweighs your loyalty to a state apparatus that quite obviously hates you.

btw this post is satire and should absolutely not be taken seriously.

>Asian population
Oh boy. Just make sure you don't call the cuckpolice or they will arrest you for hate speech.

Seriously move awy now. Don't discuss it just pack up and leave.
(optional) come back the next night and petrol bomb the area.

Why the fuck do ye cowardless cunts call them “Asians”
They are MUSLIMS
Grow a pair & fucking do something about your country becoming an Orwellian kip.
We’re stuck right beside you looking on as you cuck yourselves to death & it’s pathetic to watch.

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Read four posts up Paddy, you might actually learn something

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