Jow Forums is run by an NSA subcontractor btw. You think the meme flags are for our benefit?

Jow Forums is run by an NSA subcontractor btw. You think the meme flags are for our benefit?

Attached: 2dd31ed983ebee286ca2ba0c16731fc3e5ba9181.jpg (1242x2208, 293K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Doesn't matter who runs this shithole it's still a decent redpill hub/exchange.

how do you think palantir gathers its info?

Why does Palantir want to know about DNC/Soros astroturfing operations?

someone update my profile picture

Attached: 1520904800924.jpg (480x480, 42K)

correct, and they will be the reason Jow Forums gets shut down and Hiro goes to sweden

because evil Mormons?
What’s the significance? and why would the Glow from Maryland want to shut our Nepalese finger woven textile aficionado board down?


Because Hiro is a lazy faggot who forgot to add a disclaimer somewhere on Jow Forums to inform anons that their data and content can be used by Jow Forums for whatever purposes

Potatoniggers are underrated when comes to making the worst posts

Fuck off, we don’t need more boomers and redditors

That potatonigger you hate? Yeah, there's a 90% chance that's me.

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big yawn
at it again
AI is a massive psyop hype
boolean nonsense can enrapture
the gerbils but is limited
numerical language
a well programmed machine will
always win
natural language not so easy

Attached: download (1).jpg (960x720, 110K)

bt alok the great
muh america patriot

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I remember back in like 2008 I started thinking Jow Forums was filtered through government servers. This was before all the WikiLeaks and Snowden reveals.

Attached: 4L2ZCSOR2GVE2O2UNWDKOENWVUVFBTJV.jpg (800x600, 128K)

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wakaya island

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Isn't this what Twitter already is?

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Where this come from?

Attached: download (12).jpg (960x720, 151K)

my dad used to work on those military network systems in tue 70s and 80s

Attached: IMG_20180329_1206.jpg (800x600, 112K)

We got the best servers, even when Jow Forums is down pol is up

we knew that for long Jow Forums is just cia honey pot


Attached: download (13).jpg (974x548, 74K)

Fuck off, newfag. We are and always have been a Taiwanese shadow puppet BBS board.

Attached: download (14).jpg (960x720, 111K)

Attached: download (15).jpg (960x720, 104K)

a fucking phone poster

Peter Thiel is on our side, retard.


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Doesn't matter
Your ISP most likely gives all of their info directly to the NSA anyway

Attached: download (3).png (250x423, 54K)

If you don’t know that this website is a social experiment then you are blind

Attached: download (18).jpg (498x259, 72K)

>Why does Palantir want to know about DNC/Soros astroturfing operations?
I can't believe nobody called out CNN for posting anything about a Tavistock subcontractor

who do you think Cambridge Analytica works for?

shout out
bankrupt commie

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>not knowing meme flags have been around since 2012