Black Panther grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide

making it the highest-grossing film of 2018, as well as the fifth highest-grossing film ever in the United States and 12th highest-grossing film of all time.

Attached: Black-Panther-TChalla-poster.jpg (1404x2048, 653K)

Most of the viewers were white women who are crazy for the BBC

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thanks for helping it happen Jow Forums !

Meh meow

Ethno-states concept was never as popular as now!

Wrong board

Go here:

When young horny ovulating white girls see hot ripped shirtless black men on the big screen, do you really think that they're thinking about ethnostates? Lol

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You're not fooling anyone with your memeflag, Mehmet.

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>be me
>going to see new black person movie with gf
>at theater in Macon, Georgia
>be the only two white people in ticket line
>black woman and her eight kids cut in front of us
>"ma'am, we were here first"
>the queen of the nigger hive looks at me
>my gf starts yelling at her
>I tell her to calm down because some of the soldier niggers are gonna beat me up for harassing their "moms"
>pull my gf back to car
>hear a sea of black laughter from behind us

That's why I never saw this dumb nigger movie.

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Movie sucked tho. Cant really understand the ooga booga accents.

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Sage & report

It was a decent film at least.

was it any good? never saw ant man or wonder woman either.

the only ones I like are
Iron Man 1
Captain America 2
Thor 1 + 3

Ticket inflation and blacks buying multiple tickets to fluff the sales and they still couldn't get first place kek

It's not bad but its not that good, the movies you listed are better

People don't go to the movie theater anymore

Imagine the MASSIVE budget blacked panther 2 will get because hollywood wants to cash in on the hype
it would be actually cool
When is the bluray coming out tho? no way i am paying for a ticket to see this shit

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Actually a couple of time I've checked the crowd outside the cinema, when this movie was up, they where mostly nerds and soyboy-tier. I've seen some geek-type grill but 99% were males.

you trolled us,everyone is in tears.

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Feels buddy nigs all over Macon. They spread like cancer.

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I'm not being a dick or an edgy racist, but what on earth would ever possess you to bring your woman into a sea of blacks? Why would you even get out of the car instead of saying NOPENOPENOPE...?

>Cape shit is popular
Wow who knew

And this month the entire rest of the movie industry crashed because every Afro-Kween out there spent their entire EBT budget for the month seeing it multiple times for the educational value for their kids.

It was one of the worst movies ive ever seen. I had to leave the movie theatre like 5 times for a cig break.

How much of that money is going back to the black community?

You meant 40th right OP?

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>blacks buying multiple tickets
With what?

If Jow Forums had made 90000 more reeee threads on /tv/ it never would have happened this is an outrage!