Daily reminder that while the Swedes are prepping Jamal's dick for their daugthers and while the UK is literally raping their children with Pakis gangs, the French youth is growing more and more redpilled.
Isn't it an irony that France which has been the laughing stock of Jow Forums for years (Surrender monkeys, not white, cucked frog eaters) is the least cucked nation out of the big western ones.
While most of the European and American youth is trying to be the most lefty and degenerate a growing segment of the French youth is going full Fashist.
Too bad they are pro Israel and pro Zionism Too bad their male leaders have done jail time for acting like niggers They are opposition controlled by Israel
Bentley Hughes
Half looks like they got raped, the other half are fat. Well done frogs
Nolan Walker
muslim and black population in france makes up 20%.
Fat French girls are depressing, moreso than other fat girls. French aren't supposed to be fatties.
Nathan Green
Go to bed Aurélien, you got kicked out of Lille 2 on monday.
Henry Harris
>get occupied by the nazis >tell your grandkids how good it actually was >grandkids hate the new non french france >now they wish they could hug Hitler with tears in their eyes History is bretty funny
Fascism promotes physical fitness and healthy citizens. At least they are trying to do something about it instead of screeching about thin privilege
Aiden Campbell
Truth is America is actually fucked, European countries our are only hope as well as our true home
Benjamin Peterson
too late my baguette friend. Abandon ship, only the captain is required to stay
Lincoln Thomas
American youth? Not in red states. 95% of Ohio kids are based
Jason Powell
forget about region of Paris, these french idiots living inside the city should be gassed. Everybody else is pretty easy to redpill I learned to keep my mouth shut, as now, in my class, every time teacher ask a question there are at least 3 zieg heils sprouting at the same time. I even managed to make them hate the 3 arabs in my class. They once sat down and kept insulting each other saying shit like "your prettiest girl in the village is a donkey" and stuff like that, while i sat in the corner laughing my ass off admiring the shitfest i created. I felt like a kike once
Brody Gonzalez
You're just a low tier beta, fat girls are the best in bed if you're alpha enough.
Mate, France is 10 percent Muslim and probably 20 percent non white . If you're looking at those under 30, it's probably closer to 25 percent. The reason French youths are more "woke" is because they are living in a country which has crossed the threshold for Muslim enrichment where even libtards and those passive centrists can't deny that multiculturalism gas done a lot of damage to French society. France is what Britain and Germany will look like in 20 years.The French youth are singing the last swan song of a ethnoracial France. They will quickly find out what it feels like to be minorities in their own lands.
Camden Russell
pleez gib girl second from left
Thomas Gomez
>our true home Stay out creatura
Josiah Long
Will you frog faggots start the war already? We are tired of waiting, we just want to kill you.
>Moslems win political elections and start instituting Jiyza. >White daughters are the preferred payment. >French uprising. >Arabs are outnumbered, start conscripting black african janissaries. >Nigs have high morale due to free chicken buckets and getting to rape any white woman who catches their eye. >French subjugated, blacks back in chains, the Grand Europa Caliph turns his eyes towards his hated slavic enemies. >Thankfully, can't do shit thanks to Zaibatsu dominating the economy. Future of Europe.
Logan Fisher
lol France is already demographically beyond saving
all these girls have had at-least one Muslim or black boyfriend or will have in future
Angel Wright
I bet I am more British then you 58% British 16% Scandinavian 24% Dutch/ Western European 2% Eastern European
Too bad France doesn't have any real ethnic or racial statistics. They could be close to 56% at this point, for all we know.
Luis Perez
Right-wingers are in control everywhere. Stop fooling yourself.
Dylan Foster
go listen to democratieparticipative.biz they have a quebecois on the podcast
Jacob Miller
It doesn't really matter, either the jews don't interfere. Or they do and they will realise muslims and jews are two sides of the same coin.
First close the borders, then segregate from the muslims and blacks, then worry about them naming the jew.
Christian Davis
The problem with France and Poland is that they still have PTSD from the Nazi occupations so are still scared to go full fash.
Sebastian Long
I give France props for the French Revolution, proves they have at least SOME balls.
Germans and Brits tend to put up with whatever crazy or tyrannical governments they happen to have.
Aiden Kelly
we still have the sickle cell stats french for it is drépanocitose
Justin Stewart
>the least cucked nation out of the big western ones. That would be Italy.
Charles Long
The average Moslem life cycle. >Born in mudhut village, in the middle of the desert. You have twenty brothers and sisters, one mom and four 'aunts,' all of whom beat you. Dad is never home, he's off chasing Christian and Yazidi women who aren't people according to imam. You're always hungry. There's a goat but you better not touch it. He's Daddy's favorite. >Grow up, spend your adolescent years bumming and raping people, finally marry four daughters of four goat herders. By age twenty two, you already have twelve kids with three on the way. You're never home, chasing infidel women 'cause they're better looking than your miserable wives. You ended up like dear old Dad. >Suddenly hear about this mystical land called Europe from Soros, with highwaves paved with gold, golden haired women lusting after arab cock, and where you'll never have to work again. >Ditch wives and kids, leaving them to fend for themselves. Join horde, pillage and rape your way to Germany. Claim you're Syrian but you're actually Sudanese. >Arrive in Germany, hook yourself on welfare and spend your first years drinking and chasing blondes. >Eventually you supposedly 'tire' of chasing 'easy whites' and get a mail order bride from Libya or Morroco. Have seven kids so you get those sweet, sweet, tax breaks. You haven't worked in a decade. Neglecting your family, you chase white women all day. >Your kids end up living in shit, so they turn to crime. Unemployable due to their criminal record, they rig the welfare system just like dear old dad and have seven kids. >This process continues until Europe is Islamic, whites have fled, and the welfare state falls apart because no one is paying taxes. In the end, the arab is right back where he started. It even looks like a fucking desert due to the forests getting demolished, the lumber sold off to Zaibatsu. >Then he hears about China, with it's highways paved with gold, and women craving arab cock..
Colton Ortiz
Bollywood's answer to Magic Mike?
Caleb Sullivan
>South Italy >White
pick one
Leo Lee
Also the irony of seeing unmarried French roasties near an identitarian flag.
If they're so worried about white demographic survival in France, may they should be trying to get their French sisters to marry and have more children instead of leading degenerate lives. They need to Increase that extremely low marriage rate and have a few children with Pierre and Henry, instead of larping as revolutionaries. The battle for western civilisation won't be waged on social media but in the bedrooms and the marriage court rooms of France. These women are so lacking in self awareness, they don't see that they are the reason France is dying.
Parker Watson
Indeed, the terrorist attacks Europe suffers are merely retaliation for the shit they cause on our homelands. We'll make this look like a fucking joke
If you're going that way, half of France isn't white either.
Ethan Carter
>least cucked
>switzerland >italy >austria
Camden Phillips
Kosher globalist Right winger corporatists are in power.
Christopher Thompson
>the girl on the middle left is already carrying jamal's child but he left her so she joined an identitarian photo op to larp as a savior of frogland
Aaron Brooks
Switzerland and Austria are pretty small. Of the big countries, Italy is by far the "least cucked".
Easton Jenkins
Those are the least intimidating terrorists I have ever seen.
Wyatt Brooks
PTSD doesn't apply because most people were not there in the occupation. Those that were in the occupation weren't under stress until the allies invaded and really destroyed their country with war. The people are simply propagandized into believing a horror took place and its simply a matter of making counter propaganda to negate the brainwashing about fascism being terrible.
Better stay in the closet and not share your gayporn so much
Ethan Collins
100 percent American or gtfo
Angel Hughes
t. mutt
Isaac Ross
Overwatch was shut down for a reason.
Josiah Martin
Lol. That was a brilliant, and so true. They are human locusts.
Liam Diaz
>We'll make this look like a fucking joke Hahahaha, imagine how you little fags would suffer if Europe turned full 14/88, just wait a few more years and you'll see
I hope you yurofags get more redpilled. America seems like a lost cause now tbqh
Grayson Cox
Jackson Collins
...and gets his cock cut off. someone less lazy than me post it please.
Luis Ramirez
Pierre, things are not looking well.
I want Denmark to invade our country and unite Scandinavia. I'm not defeatist, only realist. Sweden is gone. We will all discover this.
Juan Walker
I admit that it is a problem, but even if white women start to have like 4 kids at best you are not addressing the problem which is that the 'minorities' produce 8 kids in the meantime.
Evan Baker
Discovery is one thing, what about recovery?
Asher Parker
The problem is, the Women's chapter of the identitarian movement doesn't really have a pro natalist traditionalist stance. They aren't giving out pamphlets to white woman warning of what low birth rates will do to the west if they continue prioritising career and the cock carousel over families and monogamy. Most of them are proud feminists and Marxists. They're not addressing the problem or even trying to get women to talk about how they're contributing to the state of France and the west. It's not all just immigrants. These women are just it it for the thrill. To me, they're not doing anything useful to further their goals except larping and maybe harassing a few shitskins.
Joshua Gray
Instead of an indentitarian flag, they should be waving a French flag. Also no flag should be draped on the ground like that. Smh froggies
Josiah Taylor
Deleted comment
Daniel Gomez
In any real Arab Muslim country these homos would be beheaded faggot
Do they even shame french women who marry Muslim's? As I understand there's a lot mixing going on between north African men and French women in France.
To me, they're at best a toothless distraction for male identitarians, and at worst a feminist Marxist infiltration of a promising French ethnonationalist movement.
Also, you're pretty blue pilled if you think migrants having 4 children's is the only problem. French society has been thoroughly cucked by radical feminism, where men can't even test the paternity of their children and where single motherhood is actively encouraged by the state. The average French woman in the city is a Childless degenerate, more so than women in America's liberal cities. French Guys have it bad and are being turned off from marriage. Women are a problem whether you like it or not.
Nathaniel King
marseilles is also blacked.
Thomas Stewart
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.