Suicide Prevention General /spg/ no more heroes edition

today's top reasons not to kys:

>"whoa can you believe WWIII is full on happening? remember how user was always predicting this? crazy how he hero'd just last week amirite?"

>Ready Player One comes out TODAY MOTHERFUCKER. go see it

>a few days ago medical science discovered the existence of a new organ in the human body that was previously unknown called the "interstitium." they're not even sure what it does yet. kys and you'll never know

>most of the world's major religions seem to agree that suicide is a sin. could be bs but why take your chances? you're gonna die anyway. be patient faggot

>physicists at CERN are working around the clock to unlock the mysteries of the universe and existence itself. who knows what crazy shit they'll discover next. there could be an alternate dimension where you're an alpha chad with a stacy

>everyone on here is more or less in the same boat. if you hero, there's one less of us. you're basically condeming the entire hivemind to an even shittier world in which we're even more outnumbered by normies and redditfags

>i love you

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Other urls found in this thread:

A bit gay

you would know

>Ready Player One comes out TODAY MOTHERFUCKER. go see it

i'm le hyped!!!

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>if you hero, there's one less of us.
I want you to unironically KYS

It would help if Jow Forums didn't block suicide prevention hotlines as spam. Just sayin'.

I love you too, thank you for doing this.

Make something. Hell today I made a fucking woodgas stove out of a couple of tin cans. Use your hands, man.


i'm sure you do. but i unironically live for fresh bantz so you're only making me stronger
wish i'd thought of it sooner tbhfam. i'm gonna do one everyday from now on. forever
i suck at shit like that anymore. i used to make homemade harpoon guns as a kid though. i was like jorg sprave as a kid

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I think he wrote this before he killed himself

I'm not 100% sure

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High five this is on point

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>Just remember, that all your acts in life are meaningless in an universal scale and will be forgotten in a century tops, so don't worry for taking the right desitions all are wrong
>Just remember, that you are a brain subjected to natural mechanisms that barely qualifies as a free entity, therefore if suicide is tried you will experience extreme pain even after "death"(you will simply not be able to express your pain) since your body will fight to keep itself alive
>Always remember, there is no afterlife that you can bet your future on, this is the life you were thrown into and once the molecules that conform your brain disorganize enough you will cease to exist
>Always remember, that things have a limit in how much can improve, but there is no limit in how much they can get worse
>Always remember changing is impossible, what you is adapt and temporarily to the situation, you weren't born in a blank state, your education and genetics have already decided where are you headed and how will you end.

So congratulations, suicide achieves nothing, the only thing you can do is fill up the void with your own belief system and hope that it holds long enough.

Why would you kys when we are literally DAYS from open season on libtards?

Life is hard and unfair. Deal with it.

Make to best of your life

shauiby was a paki iirc
>High five this is on point
i mean, fippidy bippidy it IS kind of gay, but not as gay as /sig/ with their naked male statues and shit. but the way i look at it, statistics say men are hero'ing. we always talk about breeding to save the white race etc but what about stop-lossing the ones we already have? this shit has to stop
>So congratulations, suicide achieves nothing, the only thing you can do is fill up the void with your own belief system and hope that it holds long enough.
if that edgy nihilst albert camus shit works for you, fantastic. you should try Jesus though. way less pretentious
THIS. people always say "nothing ever happens." bullshit. do you honestly believe you were born in time for eternal world peace? think again. the happening is nigh motherfuckers. you could have prevented it

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glad this thread exists atm. Been having a rough couple weeks. Car accident put me in a bit of a bad place (I was not at fault)

>not wanting to see more shitskins blowing their brains out

I fully support this message

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Coming here is reason alone to live..

We have through the meme war, changed the world without firing a shot.. Whether shitheads on here want to believe it, it's the truth.
We don't need the guns when we do this.. We are saving the lefties even from themselves.
I will tell my Grandkids of the noble actions a few good men took back in '16...

Why kill yourself when you can die fighting for your humanity??

did you get injurred or just fuck your car up?

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Suicide is fundamental human right, why the fuck do people like yourself get to decide whether I should keep living with crippling nerve pain or a mental illness that destroys my life? Oh right, so I have to keep paying the pharma Jew to be able to treat the pain caused by their imported Paki doctors and pay taxes to keep funding a government that is designed to give money to third world scum while whites are young white men line my cities streets homeless. I am good looking, intelligent and I don't see the problem in killing myself when my health gets inevitably worse.

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No physical injuries I think but now I have extreme paranoia on the road and I drive for a living at the moment. My damage was a little less worse than pic related and I did get paid out as a total loss which is nice I guess. But I loved that car.

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>>a few days ago medical science discovered the existence of a new organ in the human body that was previously unknown called the "interstitium." they're not even sure what it does yet. kys and you'll never know

what the actual fuck are you rambling about?
the interstitium is the fluid space between cells

It's okay user, we all secretly want to live, this thread is just blatant encouragement of that desire. You chose to open the thread, you could have prevented this.

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That was mainly a rage response, I live for my family and girlfriends sake. All my friends disappeared the second my health went bad and I am generally a net drain on those who care about me. I am not depressed at all I just objectively would prefer not to wake up in agony every single day and have to deal with the hell that is bipolar disorder it makes me angry that people think in this position they would live for anything other than either to have children or for their families sake. Oh, and the only cure for this pain disorder that NHS failures caused will make me infertile so I can either have a kid who has to see his father suffer in pain daily not really wanting to live with this or just be a genetic dead end wasting my genetics and the effort my parents put into raising me. I just want to have the option without people guilting me at least you Americans can have a gun in case you need to take the option quickly one day.

>Suicide is fundamental human right
i agree
>why the fuck do people like yourself get to decide whether I should keep living
i don't. i'm just telling you what you might miss if you do kys. if you wanna miss the happening thats on you
>with crippling nerve pain or a mental illness that destroys my life?
how do you know i dont have the same issues myself?
>I drive for a living at the moment.
me too. i drive semi trucks
>But I loved that car.
at least you're alive
>what the actual fuck are you rambling about?
>the interstitium is the fluid space between cells
but now we know it's one interconnected system that serves as one of the largest organs in the body and can inflate and deflate to prevent injury. google that shit. this is headline news. latest article dropped three hours ago
>you Americans can have a gun in case you need to take the option quickly one day.
that wasnt the intention of our 2nd amendment - we have them in case you faggots ever come back

want my advice? have the kid. take the pain. be a man. it's obviously something that's important to you - carrying on your line. so do it. a lot of people live with chronic pain and depression. i'm one of them. man up nukka

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>at least you're alive

Good post.

>that wasnt the intention of our 2nd amendment - we have them in case you faggots ever come back
I know that wasn't the intention I live in the UK I know the result of a disarmed populace.

I don't disagree with you mostly and like I said it was sort of a knee-jerk response, I know that if I killed myself it'd be a negative, mainly because I don't think my father deserves his only son who he is proud of to be wasted. I don't want to live and I'm suicidal daily but I put my faith in the future of the white race over myself but maybe I'm different because I was raised to live for more than my own satisfaction. Not everyone realises that what made Europe great was struggling against a hellish existence and that we take in scum as a way to fight the adversity we removed from our societies.

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>hype something because its meme

come on, have some dignity

Kek, bump

>Not everyone realises that what made Europe great was struggling against a hellish existence
the black death probably left a mark on our culture

The need to turn the page
Hit f5
See the next line
Hope for a suprise
Laugh becuase you want to die
Things are bullshit right now
But its only temporary
Stay strong
Have faith
Be patient
The story is still going
And theres still more roles to come up.

The fact that you want to kill yourself is probably becuase of something your ego can't face.
If you can hold that feeling.
And hold it
Until inspiration,distraction,epiphany,or catharsis grabs you
Once your ego dissolves, you transcend the self.
And what seems like an inevitability.
Seem like one of infinite possibilities.
Its just a feeling.
You felt happy,horney,sad,angry,disgusted.
But how did you act on them?
Is it what you really wanted to do?
What did you learn afterwards?

Why the fuck would you encourage weeb-faggot-mudslime-mutt-degenerate-parasites to not kill themselves
Absolute moron

this is a really sweet thread user. :)

>new organ

You mean the bottom bit of skin that holds interstitial fluid?

Good advice, destiny.

I want to buy the cute catmask but I'm scared about being in the AI matrix. If they ever come for my guns I'm going to die shooting back and if I really wanted to an hero I'd do it to minimize impact and cleanup costs.

What do you have agains top tier brainlet cosplays? I mean at least they provide some nice OC.

in the next 30 years we will have cheap but amazing sex bots and probably "Super" humans in one capacity or another. Through technology, be it electronic implants or gene editing.

My hope is that super humans treat us unaltered like pets until we die off so we dont have to work, just sit around fucking and having fun until we all die off

reincarnation into memes is real!!!!

Listen to Lithu, he knows de way!

>tfw too socially awkward to livestream your desired headshot

Live for revenge. If you're going to die, die in battle.

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i don't watch anime.

Every day I think about killing myself, I see no reason to continue in a routine life.
I'm twenty-two years old and I do not want to end up like Gil Gunderson.
I do not want to be a depressed and frustrated old man.

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You're okay and I am glad you made this post.

Yeah but I’ll still have to live in a world full of trannies and niggers