No march for the vegas victims

Where were the "march for our lives" hobby activists after vegas? Shit, one would think that the biggest mass shooting in modern american history would have warranted more attention than 17 dead high schoolers.

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Shhhhhh. We aren't supposed to talk about Vegas......

inCOMPrehensible indeed.

Probably because it was a bunch of hillbillies at a cuntry shitstain festival, not innocent kids.

> 17 dead high schoolers.
and the whole school and town traumatized

yeah that's nothing

If steve wanted a march, he would have went out and hired some people to march that same day. it's just the kind of guy steve was. $50 per person wasn't a big deal for steve. I'm sorry. It's just not that much money. You gotta understand. Not everyone works at taco bell.

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Because the shooter wasn't a magapede and the victims were overwhelmingly conservatives.


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58 dead in vegas yeah thats nothing

Same reason there was no "march for our lives" activists after Nice in France (which killed more people than Vegas)

The left couldn't exploit it as easily without breaking The Narrative

You don't remember? Leftists were cheering the rednecks died.

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They switched their plan to killing kids now because they learned that Americans no longer care when adults get mass murdered it would seem.

Because it was a killing of right-wingers carried-out by a leftist, and the FBI and (((media))) memory holed it to prevent a civil war.

did all the Sandy Hook niggers come crawling out of their holes for Vegas? Noooooooo. They did for Parkland though

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Yeah it's literally nothing in the grand scheme.

Yep, you also don't here back shit about the congressional baseball shooting or the school shooting that was stopped a week after parkland.

Forgot about the reverse dyro that shot up Antioch or the other church shooting where the a couple dudes chased the shooter down and dispatched him. How about the Texas draw moHAMed where the fib agent was trailing the suspects he entrapped only to crash his car and get caught shooting a man before he threw him out of a plane.

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All of this happened though, nothing I posted is a theory.

Eric get off the computer

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17 people die every 10 seconds

No one says shit about this one either..
The shooter was taken out by a barefoot old man who used to be an NRA trainer..
He took the shooter out with his AR-15.

26 Christians dead.. OH WELL!!! Everyone knows they deserved it for not being marxist, islamo, niggers. Shooting was not conducive to their Narrative..
The selectivity of events alone should trigger the almonds of people.

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Vegas was so fishy that even the gun grabbers could smell the bullshit
that's why the media dropped the story after the campos fiasco and the fourth or fifth time the sheriff's department changed the timeline

Maybe because the "Hunt Republicans" was actually being carried out. They were trying to distract about the whole thing, and Harvey Weinstein was the perfect patsy.

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OP brings up a good point why are they marching now all of a sudden? Why now march for Sandy Hook or the dozen other shootings?

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Pedo baptist church with a patsy ex-air force shooter, who was probably already dead in the crashed truck the entire time.

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not many people remember the first draft of the story

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they got themselves a super believable patsy here, with a profile that is such a sure thing, the public doesnt need confirming evidence presented. A stream of forced tears and character witnesses is all it took. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, it will be difficult to emulate this event again. That is why so much money is being put down on this gun-grab as opposed to previous ones.

It is all going to plan. Democrats have buried themselves into a corner.

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isnt it obvious

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Not only that, the timing was perfect. Nobody shows up for marches in October/November

It's all so fucking obvious. I wish people could wake up.

I'm a crabber and I wake up at about 4am everyday. This would be about 2am in Vegas. When we woke up that day we watched the news a bit (as usual) and the story was "At least 6 individuals have been detained under suspected involvement" When we got home from work, the story had already changed. Then proceeded top change with every subsequent press conference

dont forget this one user

This happened a week before Vegas and barely got any coverage at all. Everything was all about "Stand for the Anthem"... surely thats more important than a bunch of dead church goers

They were just a bunch of stupid rednecks listening to shitty so-called country music.

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It is funny how there's all this press and events and marches and no ones questioning who's PAYING for all of it. Obviously it's the high schoolers!

I believe this was also a baptist church. Def something weird going on with the Baptist churches

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For some reason there were a lot of people from Alaska at the concert. A coincidence Paddock had an Alaska hunting license

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