Find this molester trying fuck my friends kid

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not your personal army faggot

besides, you are going to need a bit more information than whats in the OP

to deal with this, you need a godfather

Very fake & gay.

Because some faggot declares a person a pedo online doesn't make it true.


>my friend's son

it's getting worse

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nice font retard.

This. We are not your fucking army faggot

Address. Name, number. If he's in Central FL I got you.

>asking kids for naked pictures is now pedophilia
the absolute state of snowflakes.

not your personal army faggot. christ this place really is nu-/b/ at this point



You have to be over 18 to post here.

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Not your personal daddy

Take this opportunity to do some father son bonding.
>set up sting operation
>lure the pedo into your trap and capture him
>torture him for days till he dies
>dispose of body
You son will learn important life skills and what it means to be a real man.

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>not sending him your dick pic

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Tell the kid to take that pic and post it here

Did you tell your friend you will put your personal army anonymoose on this? Fuck off newfag.

So apparently it can't be done. Pol is growing weak.

This lol holy shit do that!
Post response.
Imma roll for it

why? molestation is natural, your friends kid is probably a fag that could use an experience like that in his life. didnt you ever listen to milo? faggots love that shit


Just go to police station and they will track him down via IP or something.

It's how they make new faggots!
Interfering with the normal life cycle of homosexuals is probably against the law in the EU and Canada

you're glowing, like a low-rent nigger type of glow, not an intelligent agent

When did pol get so pro nonce?

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Fuck off to /b/.

try /b/ they might do it if it's funny but you should fr*ck off!

>giving children smart phones
Why do so many parents do this?

call the internet interceptors, i dont give a fuck

Pixels on a electronic device make u angry.... seek help

I don't really care if you like touching kids.

Work with cops to lure the guy somewhere, and pull a Chris Hansen...or send him goatse