Muslim family attacks cops

Muslim family attacks cops

>They wuz good boys!

Attached: Good boys.png (1920x1080, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no beating
>no shooting
wtf is going on boys?


that's the funnies thing I've seen in a long time, fucking gypsies man. This is what inbreeding does to you

beaners not muzzies

they are clearly mexicans, speak in spanish the whole time.

My bad

That cop should of shot them after they went for his weapon

oh it's mexicans? I thought they were gypsies.

look at how they act though, what a bunch of subhuman retards. They all attack the police then they
>oy veeey, what are you doing!
no this has to be gypsies, one of them can't help stealing the cops shit there even.

All they had to do was fucking stand there and listen, then none of this would happen. But they group up and tempt them selves. He should have just shot them if you ask me

How come American cops let themselves be held like that? Shouldn't they have started beating/shooting sooner?

this, they would have done this here too actually, if armed. if someone goes for your gun, you have to deal with it

this, this wouldn't fly here if they attack they get it ofc

>mexican indio spanish in front of a shitball church

god you are an idiot

Stop they kids here.
Someone put la cucaracha over this

any information on what charges and how much time the lot of them got though?
>resisting arrest
>assaulting a police officer
I hope they all got locked up for decades tbqh

They were lucky to run into the one competent officer in the whole country who was able to deal with the situation without firing 50 shots.

they got extremely lucky, he should have shot them or at least pulled his gun, they had 3 or 4 surrounding him and could have stabbed him easily, bad training would be my guess

Don't know how it is in Norway but cops would have given up way sooner in Sweden I'm just surprised American cops tolerated being overwhelmed for so long.

then deported afterwards ofc, that would be pretty epic

Lol. Do these crying retards not understand how to listen to an officers orders? If they just complied there would have been no problem. Holy shit some people have serious brain damage.

if attacked they go in hard, gloves off. they won't stop either if anyone gets away they will turn every home upside down until they get them. So you don't do that unless you plan on sleeping it off.

I don't know the penalities in my head for this, but it's rather strict, well for how penalties are here anyways.

Bootlicking faggot


>That cop should of shot them after they went for his weapon
I'm screaming that right now, what the fuck, if this is what they do for a small scuffle what are they willing to do to cover up a murder.
As a leaf i can say honestly multiniggerism doesn't work


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You're a nigger regardless of what your DNA made you out to be. AKA worthles

Look at their fucking dull low IQ gaze


fucking highschools off until next week

Competent or not those people got lucky. Watching them physiccaly hold the officers I was thinking it was game over.

He should have shot them. That was way too soft.

stahhhhhhhppppppppppp theres kids here , stahhhhhhhhppppppppppp , just put a bullet in someone for fucks sake

they're filthy gypsies, they're below even fucking muslims

Muslims? looks gypsy

These are gyppos

Kinda this.

The kids were defending their mother's honor. Americans in their police state have forgotten how to do that.

kek this. subhuman monkeys can't understand this apparently

I could all have been avoided if they just acted civil lol
>they created this entire mess themselves
if you intended to take on them, at least you go in hard and try to knock them out. You don't do things half assed. Probably same penalties for this anyways, they are going to be charged with assaulting a police officer anyways, might as well knock them out if you plan on doing that

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t. Shitskin

They're neither Gypsies nor Muslims. They're Mexican Jehovah's Witnesses.


what I thought too, they look like gyppos, they act like gyppos

> Computer-screen tough guy.

Grabbing a police officer is absolutely retarded you fucking moron. They are lucky he didn't fucking kill them. No, I don't think police are always correct but obviously if a police officer tells you to "get back" you "get back" you don't put them in a bear hug.

why don't these cops have billy clubs?

Attached: billyclub.jpg (540x540, 39K)

hahaha stay mad. hilldawg lost.

keep getting buttfucked by gangs

>I love the cops haha they do nothing wrong. Please put your knee into my back Mr Officer. Oh yeah put that gun in my mouth Mr Officer Sir. Pull the trigger please! It’s ok because I might have had a gun.

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these are fucking gypsies lol

t. single digit iq
If the officers are doing something wrong keep filming and have them fired, no need to make it complicated.
>mothers honor
Don't fucking break laws then.

dude one of them even steals from the police officer, gypsies confirmed

If those would've been blacks they would've been already shot.

The cops clearly felt somewhat safe (moreso than in the presence of urban blacks), because they let themselves be pushed against the wall for significant periods of time by the perps.

I find this situation very annoying.. those are the same dilemmas and paradox IDF troops are in .. you just need to use force but some fucking Arab peace of scum is standing there filming it all your hands are tied..


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I never understood why billy clubs are shaped like that. What advantage does that design have compared to a regular club?

>its a church

what church?
arent they muslim?

It's fun to watch cops beat the shit out of retards who don't belong in this county and don't know how to follow the law or act like a civilized person.

nice strawman you retard. learn some logic then come back

Not Muslims, faggot, but spics.

Feels good man either way.

Love the screams of brown minority children.

Made my day, cheers!

>stop there's kids
Take them away from there?
It's incredible how these rats throw their fucking children around like a weapon.

he has another beating stick there, doesn't he. I have to watch this again, it was funny as hell. They use another one today, everywhere I guess?

we call it a telescope pole here

Lol youtube autoplay goes to this afterwards

What the fuck is happening? someone turned turbo on?

More Mass and Force, compared to the pixie's sticks they were carrying.

Looc closely! ;-)

Looks like a catastrophic failure of the breaking system.

not gypos. beaners... close enough though

Non-white people don't understand law and authority the same way whites do. They assume everything is corrupt and all that matters is the individual person you're dealing with.

inb4 muh islamophobia

Why do non whites have such a hard time interacting with police? Its like these people magnatize bullshit towards them

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It would be a shame if BLM got hold of this and the INCONSISTENCIES of how MEXICANS are given preferential treatment over NOBLE BLACKS

As I said in the other post, the cops clearly felt somewhat safe in that situation. If they had suspected the perpetrators hiding knives/guns anywhere, these people would gotten shot pretty quick.

Jehova's Witness (iirc that's what the ones here are) are known for pacifism, so it probably saved them.

>i love criminals and people breaking laws left and right. please rape my women and children more!!! don't let evil white police do anything. just more crimnals forever!!!!!


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It shouldn't make a difference how you act, whether you're being filmed or not


i wonder if they have any idea how fucking lucky they are to still be breathing

jesus, the amount of restraint on those officers is unbelievable, i wanted to say they weren't being professional but the more the video went on, the more difficult it became to remain that way and they still didn't go all in

those fucking imports have no idea

>why are you so mean?
>there are kids here

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>Oh No! Oppressed minorities are getting angry that police officers are killing them everyday! We better donate half of our income to #BackTheBlue and #BlueLivesMatter. Let’s be sure to break out the crime statistics by race to prove the police are correct in killing more black people. That’ll justify the death of every unarmed black man. They were probably just drug dealers and thugs anyway.

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> The kids were defending their mother's honor.

They literally put a police officer in a bear hug directly after he told them "get back" repeatedly. Does this sound like intelligent behavior or the behavior of a complete moron? If you want to defend your mothers honor you would try to make it as peaceful an arrest as possible not one where you are endangering an officer which could escalate into a severely violent, even deadly situation. The mother or anybody else in the area could have ended up getting killed. Does this sound like you are defending her honor or putting everyones lives in danger?

> Americans in their police state have forgotten how to do that.

I understand where you are coming from on an emotional level but intelligence needs to kick in at some point and if you are so idiotic that you would put an officer into a bear hug it's too much retardation to even fathom.

t. cuck

I'm beginning to think americans actually deserve their wacos.

play stupid games...

great video. what about them isnt like niggers?

>i have no idea what the fuck i'm talking about

>Jehova's Witness (iirc that's what the ones here are)

i think these are mexican gypsey shits running a fencing operation out of an evangelical church in a goddam shopping mall

my god
>mexican gypsies

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>those are the same dilemmas and paradox IDF troops are in .. you just need to use force but some fucking Arab peace of scum is standing there filming

arabs have the right to resist jewish terrorism, what the jews in palestine have done to arabs they wish to do whites in europe and north america

>Muslim family

They look like gypsies and talk like gypsies.

kek I saw this last week!
russians hacked the plcs regulating the ski lift

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A most foul hybrid

>hey guys, have you practiced your Police Simon Says today? Be sure to follow every move Mr Officer orders to a T or he might feel threatened! It’s ok he shoots you then though. You’ll be a martyr for the State.

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The cop should have shot one of these uncivilised creatures as soon as they stole his weapon.

Infact he should have gotten his gun out and made them all line on the pavement with their hands on their head like a line up of niggers during a drug search.

that's what these resisting scumbags deserve. You can tell that they probably hate america and moved there hating america to begin with and are going to spend their lives spreading hatred of america and its insituttions.

>he thinks islam is an ethnicity

>gets tossed around like a chump
A competent officer would of shot those niggers

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Fucking shitskins are the same everywhere. Jesus fucking Christ.

Commie detected. Neck yourself homo.

All those concessions he made for gypo's
They are conditioning you to accept their behaviour, like they do wherever they may be.
Give one inch...

stoooooooooooop there's kiiiiiiiiiiiiids


Saw that the other day. Surprised as fuck he didn't shoot the fuckers several times. He has the patience of a fucking saint. I would have shot the bitch the second she went for my taser. Let alone reaching for the gun which they did several times.

If niggers were compliant, they wouldn't be shot.

the officer seems angry, I'll soothe his jangled nerves with a long, close hugh
he doesn't really mean that, he's just upset. I'll go over here and see if I can help

>cop escalates the situation himself instead of containing and defusing it
Why are Burger cops so fucking retarded?

I hate people like this. Those cops were beyond nice to these subhuman scum. They use their children as shields, they scream like animals, and they are so uncooperative, and yet they expect to be treated with respect.

Muslim, gypsies, niggers, the worst scum on the face of the earth.

wow most lenient cop ive ever seen. kudos to him for keeping it tame but really they all deserved to get put down multiple times

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Shut up toothpaste

The levels of Pallywood in this video are impressive. It had it all. Surprised the young one didn’t tear his shirt off and start beating his own face with a nearby price of brick screaming why why. Is there a gypo-palesteinberg group chat where they trade methods?