Can women be fixed?

Can women be fixed?

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Women were just fine until society ruined them

Can men?


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>Seeking a man who is God-fearing, Christ-centered, agrees in the main with a doctrinal statement like the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, uses the KJV, is against much (or most) of so-called "contemporary Christian music", doesn't follow modern "sports", and other worldly things.

>Prefer courtship, not "dating".

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Men and women are equal. So no.

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>tfw already own a 27k square feet land parcel
>tfw saving to build a house in the country side
>will only need to give a cow or 2 for a wife
>tfw all the women there have at the very least 8 children
stay mad gringos

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Are you going to shill those whores in every thread? Fuck off, nigger lover.

Men are weak and women only fill the vacuum left by them. Weak men make strong women.

lmao after the first two you will not want more.
maybe even after the first one.

He's right, men are the problem, Getting a chick like this to sleep with you is ALOT of work even thought the pay off is eternal happiness, yet i continue to pump and dump semi dece internet chicks.... sigh :(

The bronze skinned indio returns!

>Can women be fixed?
No need...

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Cement their holes shut.

I bet she is fun in bed. Why would any man date a dork like this?

why is Frieza there

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>even thought the pay off is eternal happiness
You silly noob.

She prefers courting.
Pic related.

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when is this uk tradition of getting piss drunk?

Dude is that for real? That is fucked up.

The weekend.

>getting a chick like that to sleep with you is a lot of work
Let's play find the tits in the pic related. No? Okay, let's find waist and hips. No? Let's find a face that doesn't look like the creature is retarded even beyond a typical woman's level of retardation.
Such beauty. Much work. Many reward.
No wonder everyone prefers robowaifu and boipucci. Even Muslims whose women are subjugated prefer goats. Women are a shit.

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>Can women be fixed?
women don't need to be fixed. men need to be fixed. men are feral beasts obsessed with murder and rape.

> where da tits and ass at

And women are the problem right?

>Can women be fixed?
No. Start over. No man should have to put up with that, I want you to have better user, you DESERVE better.

>CDFF aka roastie redemption site and home of the huwhite knight

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I'd say tits or gtfo, but you sound like a titless cyborg modern wymyn. So just gtfo, you fucking roast beef cunt.

>men are feral beasts obsessed with murder and rape.

das right

as long we don't follow our destiny to rape and murder, nothing will get "fixed".

Any month with 31 days or less.

>my profession: single mom
Just get yourself a church girl, anons! Or you'll never experience the joy of her feral niglets running around your place destroying your things, while she is off somewhere spending your money and fucking more niggers.

Hallelujah brothers