Hollywood Hates Facebook Now

Aaaaand its gone...

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Will (((Ferrell)))

Not just Facebook. Its an algorithm. Everything uses it. Facebook is the first. Wait until they look at twitter.


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Will Ferrell at a spirit cooking party

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So many of these actors who seemed funny or good natured are looking like creepy reptile fucks now. Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, now Ferrell...

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The facade, the illusion if you will, of Hollywood is slipping. You can not be redpilled and see Hollywood the same way as you used to.

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Edible schoolyard. Seriously?
James Alefantis

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DESU it lasted far FAR longer than MySpace & Bebo.
How long did MySpace last in popularity anyway, 2005-2010?
Wonder who’ll take Faceberg’s spot.

kill yourself

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In good conscience. Says the guy who attends Spirit cooking parties.

I’m really fucking glad I’m going for Pro-Wrestling instead of Acting like I always wanted to do.
Seeing that it’s ran by megalomaniac kikes & that you seem to be forced into doing disturbing satanic shit to get the big roles really put me off.

Can we mark Facebook down to the Trump Curse.

This. Absolutely

Jesus christ man

Fake and gay.

I don't trust this whole hate on Facebook by the mainstream suddenly
This smells like a psyop, too good to be good

Called this last year.
I figured Social Media would die this year from..
A. Political Correctness making people not want to share information anymore
B. Control of their personal information.

Jacks next.

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Jow Forums

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lulz, not fake..look it up yourself

Good fucking riddance, social media is a disease

What's the real cause of this infighting?

Or did people actually believe Facebook didn't sell literally everything anyone put on there to everyone?

I wonder if my sixdegrees account is still active.

Did Zuckerberg turn on the elites?


Where is the source of this? Seems like the symbols unclassified are not sourced.

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>digits and a plausible post
fuck you

They want less outlets when pedo videos drop.

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Who runs google now? Where is he from? Family history?

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truth hurts sometimes

May it rest in piss.

But I think Facebook is too fucking big to fail, and people are too stupid to let it die. Roasties and Chads are not going to give up their ego stroking platforms

zuck is bailing out, he's sick of being one of the most robotic leftists in the world and STILL being constantly asked for more more more

he must have known something or said something that he shouldn't have.
it's all too convenient and suspicious.

Dont give a shit about who does it. Just because some faggot programmed myspace 2.0 he doesnt deserve to be rich.
As long as he loses money Im fine with it.

That's right, Lefties, destroy your best data-mining operation in order to...spite us? Vent? I don't know but keep it up morons.

Personally I believe the elites turned on Zucc

They're going to construct a narrative where social media can destroy democracy and therefore needs heavy government regulation, as a preparatory step to eventually requiring everyone to have a license to use the internet

he always kinda seemed like a nerdy normal dude who got way in over his head with something too big for him to handle.

Cia, zionism, deep state. They created zucc. Hes a face of an opera.

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It's because they believe Facebook helped Trump win because of the analytics.

Facebook is slowly replacing the Russia conspiracy theory as being the reason for Trump winning the election so now all of Hollywood has turned against it.

It probably won't make much difference though as Zuck has enough money to pay for all the marketing he needs to keep Facebook looking good in the public eye.

Zucc has been alterd carbonated.

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The problem is when the tool is in their hands they flaunt it like the riches or prestige. The minute it fall into the hands of anyone else they flip their shit and try to destroy it.


if you can stomach to watch these technologically inept boomers fail to comprehend how social media works in the 21st century, i recommend watching this. congress and their (((handlers))) are incredibly transparent about their desire to control the narrative online.

i'm guessing facebook refused to acquiesce fully, and are now being punished. this is a CIA nigger op through and through.

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seriously I hate kikebook and all, but the celebs are turning on it now....
>is this guy actually involved in that part?

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this must be the answer, or at least part of it

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bingo. zucc served his purpose but outlived his usefulness. (((social media))) has been a tool of the elite from the beginning but grew too difficult to control with subtlety.

see ever since 2016, out of facebook, twitter and google, facebook has taken the least measures to stifle anti-establishment speech and promote neoliberal sponsored agendas. i'd wager these companies were given an ultimatum; two conceded, one did not.

Purple revolution.
Purple =saturn=satan=baphimet.


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He is involved in most all data mining op's. specifically google

If the left has decided they hate facebook now I'm not going to try and change their minds.

yeah, but earlier this year or late last, he started to turn on them all. man I didn't save this, but he claimed something like
>faceberg, google etc are dangerous to democracy
>they all fail to crack down on hate speech
>remember the 6 million
something like that

Nice tubalcain

But pure Cohencidence

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This is all because facebook failed to block drumpf, not about privacy. They’ll move to google’s platform. Google’s been loyal to the communist machine

Good choice
Linda McMahon = first female POTUS

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Stfu and tell jokes

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She's already 69, no way in hell.

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>You can not be redpilled and see Hollywood the same way as you used to.
let's tank the new Avenger movie because we're racist against purple people

>Google’s been loyal to the communist machine
the communist and capitalist machines are run by the same people

communism, christianity, capitalism all the same thing

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pick one.
FB was never about celebrities. Twitter is a much better platform for celebrities to use. FB is essentially a friends and family social media platform. It's where young people go to post pictures of their children so that the grandparents can click like.

Is Terry Davis a Boddhisatva who's just not very good at communicating with us sinners?

Its over for zuccer

> implying anything has happened to zuckborg
he'll stills own your data through instagram and wasap

>facebook uses your data for evil shit.

Its this 10 years ago? What is going on.

Fuck off hwndu jesus

Hope I meet that lad in the Ring.
He seems like great craic

you mean they got old?
You guys are fucking idiots

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It's all some big shit behind the scenes, but they're getting bad at making up cover stories for why. Seems to be a general trend of low energy in the propagandist community.

Spying on everyone is secondary to having another anti Trump story I guess. Maybe they dont need facebook to spy now that everyone has agreed to allowing all their apps access to every inch of their phone.

Who the fuck cares what Will Ferrell or any other actor has to say about anything outside of acting?

Please tell me this is a shop.

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Fuck Facebook. I would love nothing more than to see these social media giants die.

Here in Sweden it's obvious. Most media outlets have Facebook/Twitter and critical voices rule the comment sections. Ordinary people talk openly about tossing out immigrants, using all kinds of slurs. They've lost control and they can't get it back so instead they're burning all platforms. When new ones emerge they'll be regulated and will probably require some form of license tied to your person.

Hm. Sounds plausible. Their latest muh Russia story fell pretty flat so they implement the zuckergambit to move on.

the troi-flavored cake is objectively better

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They wont die, they'll apologise a few times and come back even stronger and more regulated, censoring every deviating opinions from the narrative

It's all a big chess game and we are losing

ofc, kikes

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>let's piss off millions of people, who would otherwise be complacent, by removing their internet access
>thus leaving these pissed off and motivated millions with the only option of organizing offline/in-person
yeah, i'm sure that will work real well for the - did they learn nothing from GG?

>(you) would defend pic related

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Such a lazy memepic. Such a lazy memebrain.

It was conspiracy theory right wing nutjob 10 years ago.

Now is reality because liberals.

Fool! The picture is your source! Everything else covered because (((they))) control everything! The guy who originally posted this picture mysteriously disappeared! ITS OUR DUTY TO SPAM THIS PICTURE AND NOT QUESTION THE EVIDENCE BECAUSE THAT WHAT (((THEY))) WANT YOU TO DO! If you don't trust me or the picture you're either a brainwashed goy or an Illuminati shill!

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I think most people who use facebook do so to connect with friends and relatives; who the fuck uses it to follow celebrities? Isn't that what twitter is for?

>hollywood turns on facebook as soon as the cash cow is dead
lol jews. sometimes it's just funny.

Anyone recognize the symbol on the chest of the guy at 1:01? Is that personal or related otherwise?

Southern Cal has always had issues with Norcal. The techies ate into their media business and destroyed much of it. Good to see an all out internal war breaking out in all layers/factions of liberals that will serve as their undoing.

twitter subscription has been down for years what are you blustering about grandpa?

Norcal is pure evil

What the fuck I love Facebook now.

George Soros has went to work I see.

My boy and I watched Pacific Rim together probably 20 times. I love how he's in to giant monsters and robots like I did when I was younger. John Boyega being in the new one is going to ruin it for me somehow. Being jaded sucks.

I don't see anywhere that he's a member of the tribe. Don't dilute the message.

makes me laugh, soros waged war on the zuck and boy did it escalate quickly. yet he cant even shut down an image board full of faggots