She's waiting for you

She's waiting for you.

All these e-celebs telling you to hate or ignore women. All this media and memes telling you women are whores. All this media telling you to focus on cartoons and dolls.

All if it is made by (((them))) to stop you from finder her. Her who is also being bombarded with similar media by (((them))) to stop her from finding you.

They're trying to deprive you or her, and kill your race.

She's out there, waiting for you.

I know, because I am her.

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>muh relationships

Allison, I don't care anymore. You had every chance to split the bill and you fiffed and faffed and went to Japan instead of visiting me. I'm done chasing 3D girls.

She was murdered in Detroit a few years ago. No one will replace her.

No one will ever love me.

Hey dingus, nobody takes ecelebs seriously. Your d&c campaign is all for nought.

The age of the whites is over. The age of the mutt, is coming.

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>She's waiting for you
After she's done being a whore?

I'm a repulsive antisocial neet but whatever floats your boat, mlady

Are you a virgin?

>I know, because I am her.
take the larp back to Jow Forumstrannies

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You're wrong. Men are constantly shamed and told to pay attention to women, date women, be with women.
You must be very ugly and/or fat.

So she needs money to marry her low caste Manoj does she

Have you denounced the evil weighing machine yet

Aw, that's cute I truly hope you find happiness with a nice white man. Too bad we could never meet, but I highly doubt we live in the same area.

you are absolutely correct about there being an intentional push to get white men to trash and abandon their women.

I can only advice you to set high standards for men based on their character. Take care love


>implying most Jow Forumsaks aren't above30 married men

>I know. because I am her

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I dont know how to find (you)s though

>stop thinking they're whores
I'd need to gouge out my eyes.
Sounds painful.

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I already married her. Drugs took her.
I miss her.

This is a post of quite refined delicacy which is filled with the essence of femininity.

Fuck off thot.

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I love my girlfriend more than anything. I'm so happy I found her. It's been almost 3 years now. I'll propose soon.

If you're her then why do you recoil in disgust when you accidentally make eye contact with me in public?

Fuck off.

>tfw your biological clock is ticking as a 27 year old virgin but modern men are all JUSTed who either already have 4 kids with 3 different women and/or are so low functioning they dont even have a drivers licence let alone able to support a family

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>caring if Jow Forums ever gets a girlfriend
Why? Beta males always get weeded out of every generation. Chad is still doing just fine.

Are you a trap?

>"I'm a grill guys believe me no tits/timestamp required"
>1 post by this ID
At least season your options if you must reply.

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>UN meme flag

No. You're not her.

>meme flag
>no tits
If you didn't sage before responding to this low-tier bait you deserve to be banned for life

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you just described everyone I know in one sentence.

I'm a girl, btw.

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tits or gtfo

sorry to hear that mang. that must hurt.

>I know, because I am her.
fenis or GTFO

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>Falling for the vaginal jew in 2018
Smdh, whitebois

lel hope you like cats

I'm miserable and depressed, no one wants that.

red pilled guys are depressed and they have no motivation for life or to start a family. Also extremely autistic, so you might like him but your family will think he is stupid or an asshole to you. Red pilled women give up and get blue pilled guys and never talk about politics again, and maybe that's even better because the kids will at least be normal and not complete spergs.

meanwhile back in reality.

Yes, oic related means that women actualy think 80% of men are below their standards, 20% above average and 0% attractive.

Attached: okcupid ratings.png (503x644, 18K)

even if you find her the future here is so doomed I do not want my sons and daughters to be killed in the comming destruction of europe. Abandon ship, only the captain is required to stay
>webm related

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congratulations user. I wish you many blessings and a lasting bond

I am grill.

Here are my realistic expectations for q.t racist bf

>atleast 5'8
> atleast 7 inches
> cute face
> ethier nice eyes or hair
> no kids

That's it

I've already wasted my chance. Just fuck my shit up

>caring about dick size
you are retarded
>cute face
so you're a gay guy

I found her. But she didn't want me.

I don't believe in love in a classical sense. At best you find someone that you can fuck and not get tired of, get along with enough to not beat the shit out of her and maybe have a kid or two along the way.

If such a woman exists that I could possibly love her, I'd have found her already. The best I can do is my current girlfriend who I do care about, but do not, and never will love. Love's a loaded term, and I think far too many people throw it around casually without really getting it, or feeling it. Wanting to fuck someone, or wanting to breed with someone =/= love. That's just what De Beers wants you to think.

Also, saged.

Is this that danish biology girl who wanted to engineer a virus that would target only the melanin enriched?

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In all seriousness, I have no idea where to go or what to do to meet women of a like mindedness

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How many miles of cock have you taken? Genuine question?

> atleast 7 inches
ur a dude with poor bait but here's a (you) just in case

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fuck off

>I know, because I am her.

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If you dont have at least 40 inch bust and hips, dont talk to me.

or you can look at it to mean men will fuck anything above recently zombie tier. If women had genuinely high standards that we wouldn't be in this situation. The problem is the go through intervals where they'll fuck a homeless crackhead to saying she hasn't found "the right one".

neck yourself whore

No, it's more that men (aside from you) understand how a normal distribution works.
Women do not (and neither do you).

I've been in one relationship too many. Women no longer interest me.
>inb4 faggot

gib milkers

F off rostie

bene 10/10


a daj, Hrvoje. Koji kurac

fuck off, leaf

I'm well above on all those except for the "cute" face. I have a handsome face with masculine features but I stopped having cute features after puberty.

you're an immature middle school grill if you mentioned "cute" as an actual qualification.

I've chatted up 4 different femanons from here and they all lied about things or burned coal. The reality is you're here for attention from a edgy group of males with little to no competition from women for our attention

back to snapchat you go

taj kurac kada te sjebe krava s kojom si planirao osnovati obitelj nakon skoro 4 god.
Poslije vise nije bilo isto i gradualno sam opcenito izgubio volju za zenskama.
Ironicno je sto sam koliko toliko zgodan i nemam problem sa jebavanjem, no to me ne privlaci

>she left me last week after 3 years of happiness.
Please, come back Amber. I'm so sorry.

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women on OKC are certainly not a accurate representation of the middle to high quality women. Of course you'll get skewed results when when you have a skewed sample of leftover degenerates as the standard model

>I'm well above on all those except for the "cute" face.
Why are you responding to this bullshit?

>I know, because I am drying up roastie.

something tells me OP is vampgril

>she's waiting for you

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Not sure if bait, but yes, there ARE modern women that are still good. This is from a former MGTOW that realized how stupid the movement was. 95% of women are trash, but you need to find the 5%. Look in small towns, grocery stores, chruches etc.

Woman get bored of you after about two years. I think thats why you're always supposed to keep them pregnant. Their brains make them view you as a failure if you havent pumped kids in repeatedly. Gotta keep them that way until they reach the age where their brains stop having the urge to hunt down new cock for babies

>toliko zgodan
jes siguran da niti peder?
i mogu si zamisliti kako ti je, vidim si kolegice kako si ostavljaju dečke nakon godinama provedenima skupa, jer jednostavno im dosadi. Ja im velim da će požaliti i da trebaju imati djecu i da će biti samo usamljene i nesretne ali boli njih kurac, imaju posao, imaju auto, imaju za cugu, drugo im ne treba. Teško je s modernim ženskama, i razumijem zašto te jebavanje okolo ne bi zanimalo, ali ipak, ne smiješ odustati, više Hrvata umire nego se rađa.

>she's looking for you
>and when she does find you, she won't give you the time of the day because you aren't dark haired, blue eyed, 6'3", muscular, cocky and funny, makes $100k a year, etc

Post tits or gtfo.

>3 years of happiness.
3 years means at least 36 periods. 36 times he got reminded that you failed to give her a child, of course she hates you.

This is the truth. The state of women is our burden to bear.

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>Look in small towns, grocery stores, chruches etc.

>Look in... stores

So you just walk up and compliment her melons, right?

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because there are real femanons on here who are trying to turn this place into snapchat and monopolize the male attention internet sphere.

Finally! The only correct response. And look how long it took.
This board is getting shittier by the hour.

>but you need to find the 5%. Look in small towns, grocery stores, chruches etc.
good luck with that, retard

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I hope you kys.

This. I never once bought into this mgtow shit. 95% of women are incompatible trash, sure, but this doesn't mean you sit around and cry on the internet about it.. #1 change you need to make in order to get laid is not consider yourself a victim. Bitching about women's morals online is the most beta thing you could possibly do.

And you responding seriously about exceeding some. Bullshit standards instead of ignoring or making fun is helping

nisam peder nego cijenim sebe vise nego ostale.
Jebi ga ja im ne mogu pomoc. Volio bih postati otac ali necu se nikad sroziti na nivo da bih se zadovoljio nekom droljom koju su svi vec prosli.

Only betas expect women to be decent people.
Any man worth his salt knows the deal regarding women, and knows that they're borderline worthless.

feet or gtfo

a samo su glupe i ne znaju šta rade. Od 14e godine se jebu i ne znaju zašto su u depri i zašto si ne mogu naći nekoga tko je dobar i tko bi ih oženio. Vide da je jedna kurva i da ima sve što želi u životu unatoč kurvanju pa i one žele biti takve. A ako bi ih redpillovao?

Woymen are to degenerate at the University level.
>Hoping they get better afterwards
>Only see degeneracy
>Watch as femanons ride the cock carousel
>Watch wht QTs Blacked
>Damaged goods
>Asked to take them back just b/c (((they))) don't want you to have them but forgets that we'never had them in the first palce

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>I am her.
Tits or gtfo.

I already married my girl 4 years ago, I don't want no problems with another girl.

being in a relationship before age 30 is a bad idea.

just fuck foreign girls then settle down with a girl ten years younger than you