Are pitbulls the niggers of dog breeds?

Are pitbulls the niggers of dog breeds?

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Probably. Only a nigger would have one.

We don't call they Pitnogs for nothing.

Pitbulls and Labradors are the same fucking subspecies!! it's obviously OWNER CULTURE and access to high-quality public play areas that cause the difference. There needs to be affirmative socialisation of pitbulls to integrate them, more pitbulls near schools and kids, so that people can learn to drop the stereotypes and see them for the dogs they are.

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yeah...I have two and both are as friendly and non-aggressive as can be...but they wee brought up with other dogs in a loving household

>Pitbulls and Labradors are the same fucking subspecies
That's true btw.

I live near DC in PG county where they are "banned" they are still everywhere and the nignog culture around here is to raise them to be really aggressive, I do however know many perfectly fine and nice pits aswell.

it all comes down to nignogs being the most aggressive and dangerous humans and it only stands to reason they would raise their dogs and kids the same way..

Because the media calls everything a "put bull," much the same way every handgun is a clock and every rifle an AR-15.

There used to be a website dedicated to posting photos of dogs involved in media-reported dog attacks that were called "pit bulls" in the accompanying articles. It was pretty laughable. I can't seem to find it now.

Are you suggesting I would larp without fact-checking?

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Yes they are, and their owners are perfectly symbolic of liberals. Many of them adopt a pit bull just to virtue signal that they're not bad pets, same way they would invite a nigger or a refugee to their house to show they are not violent or terrorists.

Akitas are the Podestas of the dog world those fuckers maul strictly kids
Best dog breed is german sheperd or a lab.

The other thing to think about is if we ban pitbulls they will nigger up another breed.

That’s not true, lol.
>its niggers i’m Telling you!!
No black people here own dogs here and pit bulls are still the worse dogs and even was banned for a while.

woof woof

Pitbulls are cute

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ban high capacity assault pitbulls

You have sex with it don't you?

Wasn't this kind of thing done over dobermans and german sheppards in the past? I mean data doesn't lie, but I feel it doesn't tell the whole story either.

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Of course he does

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They have a high amount of muscle, are tender, delicious and make for good dishes.

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No, dog breeds are a social construct.

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They are the worthless orcs of the dog races.

The German shepherd is the dog of the white man.

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only bitch emasculated soyboys can't handle a pitbull that is only meant to be handled by true chads.
I have two pitbulls, they defend my property and have attacked niggers at night trying to break in
They are like Waffen-SS, they obey every order you give them and do it well.

Only betas can't handle pitbulls

There's no single breed of pit bull.

fucking filthy gook chink subhuman scum
Doggos helped the Portuguese and Spaniards get their lands back during the re-conquista.
Spanish Bull Mastiff's were used to smash heathen Aztec scum with the Conquistadors and were used to fight Amerindian brazil scum when the Portuguese came to brazil.

Germans sure know how to make nigger tier dogs

Please implode.

Pitbulls are the most popular of dog breeds, and also the most viable for defense against intruders. So naturally the most fatalities will be attributed to them.

Out of that 203 deaths, how many were completely unprovoked?

No souls.

A solution for pitbulls attacking people would be to execute their owner if the beast gets out and attacks an innocent person.

Just look at your own pic OP you stupid faggot you didn't even need to make this shit thread to find out the obvious answer is yes they're the nigger of the dog world which is why niggers love them so much.

Nah, the white people I know who own them have the calmest, sweetest dogs. The nigs and spics fight them and make them vicious.


Pitbulls are designed to get into a fight if another dog so much as looks at them funny. Even wardogs don't get that kind of training. Pitbulls are great for their job. Pitfighting. Why the fuck would you keep one as a pet though?

It is important to keep in mind the title of that graph. It's counting deadly dog attacks.

While pitbulls are not actually the most aggressive or the fastest to bite at someone, they are very strong and have very, very strong bite force.

So consider a very aggressive, yappy little chihuahua. It might attack a hundred people in its life, but nothing ever comes of it. A pitbull only has to freak out once for there to be the potential for serious, life changing injuries or even death.

pitbulls are the only species that I would support licensing requirements for though. They certainly are just dogs but not everyone is responsible enough to raise a pitbull, especially younger owners who choose them as their first ever dog

Pitbulls are like firearms (though animate I must admit), they are 100% the responsibility of their owners.

but they do have a Seoul at least

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They just need to be treated like chimpanzees or tigers and have the owner held 100% accountable for their actions.

Start a movement to kill all pitbulls. Seems to me these dogs do more damage than those degenerate school shooters.

>Pitbulls are designed to get into a fight if another dog so much as looks at them funny.
> Even wardogs don't get that kind of training
what fucking training? I thought you were talking about "design"
>Pitbulls are great for their job. Pitfighting
sounds legit
>Why the fuck would you keep one as a pet though?
Maybe you live in a pit and love things that are specifically "designed" for that atmosphere

most pitbull owners are white! this is just another whiteman conspiracy to hold back brown people

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Yes most of the people who own one are scumbags. It not the dog its the owner, is a BS reason why these dog are more likely to snap and kill people

>American that doesn't understand taming.
Are you a pitbull apologist?

pitbulls are not the bully here they dindu nuffin they were good boys with bad parenting that's all

>britbong that hates American dogs
How many pitbulls have you seen in your lifetime? I have seen hundreds and been attacked by none.... at least 5 tried to fuck my leg though so I guess I am in full support of your "anti-American" agenda

No one cares you're a stupid faggot for even trying to deny they're nigger dogs when statistics prove otherwise. Go be a faggot somewhere else you look retarded trying to deny statistical and biographical evidence.

>An American dog.
Stop right there you little shit. Pitbulls are a British dog.

They're the nigger(and trash people) breed of choice.

If we replaced every pit bull with another breed and kept all other factors the same, that breed would have similar stats in that graphic.
Shit people get them because of a tough, ferocious reputation.
But many are shit owners and their dogs then do bad things.

I do cable.
I've managed to be bit by
>black lab
>white lab
>golden retriever
>malamute (large husky type)
>Scottish terrier
>rat terrier
>stupid little mop haired dog
>a few chihuahuas (these shits are far more aggressive than pitts)

I've had close calls with being mauled by lots of others
>blood hound
>st brenard
>great Dane
>rottweiler a plenty

Nogs, women, and other shitty people are bad dog owners.


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Pitbulls are as British as Americans

If your dog kills someone, then YOU are the fucking nigger.

>Take British product.
>Put a cherry on top.
You wish Americans were as British as pitbulls. Doesn't make it true.

Yea, but a small dog isn't going to tear your legs to sheds then eat your face.

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if you want to make the argument that only a nigger would own a pitbull then fine. However you are trying to claim an owners innocence cuz
>muh nigger dog breed, owner dindu nuffin
fucking beacon of ignorance.

That said, pittbulls are naturally athletic and better killers than most* family dogs.
So I'd hate for one of those shits to really go at me. There will be stitches needed for sure.
Somehow I've managed to not kill any of the shit head dogs that have bit or come at me so far. But I'd almost certainly have to kill a pit.

Considering the amount t of dogs and people I’d say fatal dog attacks don’t even deserve attention.

>American Pitbull
>British Product
>Not a British product

True, I've only needed stitches from the black lab.

how DARE you! Are you some sort of "Pitbull Apologist"? is that why you think less than 300 annual dog attacks aren't significant?!?! fucking sickening, how dare you sport that geographic flag, you better memeflag it from now on

>Pitbulls and Labradors are the same fucking subspecies difference at all between them right?

It's called a pitbull. The various American pitbulls are just derived breeds. I bet you think that Chicago Town pizzas mean that all pizzas are American.

Why don't you sue them?


nice quints too

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The only thing not different between the two of them is they have extensive exercise requirements.
Just like a Mastiff both dogs are meant to be on acres of land.
My brother owns two Mastiffs, and a variety of other dogs.
They live on twenty acres and none of the dogs has ever made an attempt at anyone.

These are not dog breeds for Senor Golbino with a .10 acre land who never spends time with them.
Flat out, the less activity they get, the more mean they are and no one with their larping stories about how "Muh Pitbull" is the nicest thing around will ever tell me any different.

Assholes keeping them in houses the size of apartments are the biggest problem concerning pitbulls.
Give them a yard to love and protect. Spend time with them. Take them to dog parks when they are young to socialize (this is a huge factor as nearly all dog maulings happen on property or within feet of property). They need to understand that other things are living and that neutral ground does exist.

If you aren't willing to do these things for your animal, you shouldn't legally be allowed to own it. I am 100% in support of stricter regulations on animals for both public safety and the animals health and happiness.

>Derived breeds belong to where they were derived
>Americans with British ancestors arent British
>Dogs with British ancestors are
by the way, nice strawman with the pizza. I also think that French Fries are from France and hot dogs are literal dogs

>Are pitbulls the niggers of dog breeds?
Slow day? Couldn't think of a thread we haven't read a million times? herb

Pitbulls with nothing to do, will treat your home and everything that you own as a chew toy. These faggots aren't trying to have a reasonable discussion though. They just want everyone to admit "This is the nigger of the dog species because of murder statisitcs" I also support regulation of larger dog breeds (especially pitbulls). That isn't the point of this thread though, its really just to keep Pitbulls in the public eye as a "threat" and condemn anyone who would argue that "shitty owners make for shitty dogs"

The true doggo master race,
The Aryan of pups

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If only we could discuss race on the news like we do dogs.

I have a permanent scar across my face from when a pitbull tried to tear my throat out, so you're going to have a hard time convincing me that they're a "nice breed."

You should have had a pitbull to attack the other pitbull before he attacked you.

You are literally making a case for niggers.

Yeah, I actually agree with you. I work for a shelter that specializes in aggressive pits, we don't adopt the dogs out to people. They are easy dogs to train but the average person shouldn't be allowed to own one. Really the only people who should have them are people who have a background in training dogs. Women shouldn't be allowed to adopt them and one bites shouldn't be allowed to adopt them. I mean let's be real, dogs are white mans best friend anyways, you rarely hear about white man being mauled to death.

I just don't get the argument of people who say 'my pitbull is the biggest baby you couldn't hit that dog enough. It's bad dog owners that cause these attacks".

Yeah, I guess the disroportionate number of 'bad' dog owners who choose Pits and Rotties is a fucking coincedence. i personally have known plenty of great rotties but even I can't deny they have a bad side.

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>one bites

I meant non whites

*blocks your path*

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Just like with pits a rottie raised by a white man will be am fine dog.let a woman or a nigger raise it and it'll be just as fucked as the kids they raise.

>no black people here

Pitbulls are a disgusting breed and should be banned for private owners.

>hey little buddy, how ya doing?
>just wanted to let you know, that someday, and I don't know when, or how, but one day you will breathe air in my general direction, and I will rip your fucking throat out. Might be tomorrow, might be in 8 years. Until then, I'll be a good boy, I promise.

no they're not

best dog


that pic raised my blood pressure

Because I'm not an effeminate bitch.

Maybe if I was disfigured or incapacitated.
But some bruises, cuts and scrapes are just another off day at work.

I have one of those at my feet.
Most comfy.

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Then fuvk dogs....amerindians dindu muffin

Right had one white trash neighbor whom let his mastiffs run around n bite ppl

>more than half of Jow Forums denies genetics has anything to do with niggerdogs acting like niggerdogs

Dogo Argentino owner here.
Best dog coming through.

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Vicious little fuckers, aren't they?
I once had to catch a grown up one with my bare hands. I'm always up for a bit of wrestling...

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A pitbull is not a single breed of dog. There are three breeds that are commonly called a pitbull. The graph is misleading.

even if you divide that graph into three different breeds, they are far and away higher than the others.

They're good bois

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